Currently, the price for AVGO 250620 800.00C has surpassed$900. This means buying a single contract would cost at least $90,000, a significant amount for the average investor.
However, since the beginning of the year, both Nvidia and AVGO have seen their share prices surge due to increased spending related to artificial intelligence, and Pelosi clearly also holds anoptimistic viewon the future prospects of these two chip giants.
If you agree with this assessment, there are actually several alternative approaches that can be taken to participate in investing with limited capital.
Specifically, after the split, the number ofoptions contracts you hold will increase tenfold,而the strike price of each contract will be reduced to one-tenth of its original value.
It's like turning 1 membership coupon into 10, each with 1/10th of the purchasing power. In the end, the total value of your investment remains the same before and after the split.
This also means that the price of AVGO options will decrease accordingly.
Currently, an option contract following Pelosi's investment strategy requires over90,000美元,但預期股票拆股後,單一期權合約的價格預計將下跌至約9,000美元9,000美元,只需要原始成本的十分之一.
White_Shadow : 這不是火箭科學,$ 布羅德科姆(AVGO.US)$![炸彈 [炸彈]](
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