104132545 Shalom
Trent Stevenson714
It does if only you understand the life business cycle of semiconductor and Nvidia. Jensen fear competition and wants monopoly. His careless stinky mouth unguarded comments on Quantum causes the big fall of RGTI is uncalled for.
Tom 07 : 不太可能
73374820 : 我認爲他應該因此受到起訴。當你在今年晚些時候研究量子計算概念時,他知道他正在盡其所能壓制競爭對手。
Trent Stevenson714 73374820 : 我打賭你對量子一無所知。這可能還要過幾年才能成爲一個事情。
104132545 Shalom Trent Stevenson714 : 你對英偉達及其同類半導體業務的生命週期性質一無所知。20多年前,它的同類突然終結,儘管享受着零售商的「交易所寵兒」地位。您是否注意到買入和賣出英偉達的三個最大待處理訂單與其他股票或資本較小、價格更低的股票的價格差異非常狹窄?我不會買入英偉達,即使有其股票分拆的誘惑。僅憑資產負債表並不能使我印象深刻。
Trent Stevenson714 : 英偉達與這完全無關
104132545 Shalom Trent Stevenson714 : It does if only you understand the life business cycle of semiconductor and Nvidia. Jensen fear competition and wants monopoly. His careless stinky mouth unguarded comments on Quantum causes the big fall of RGTI is uncalled for.
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