SG晨間要聞 | S-REITs隨著利率下調和經濟改善,預計未來將有更好的一年
-moomoo 資訊 新加坡
上升股票 / 下跌股票 為 48 漲 / 67 跌,搭配 33.89 百萬證券價值 36.04新加坡元 百萬 成交量
新加坡上市信託有望 根據RHb的說法,由於經濟前景改善和美聯儲提早降息信號,預計本年度新加坡上市信託表現優於2023年,2023年面臨了一些挑戰。 The bank's equity analyst, Vijay Natarajan, noted that S-REITs focused on office and hospitality assets are well-positioned to capitalize on the improving market conditions and strong economic growth projections for Singapore this year.
Natarajan also expects institutional investors to return to the S-REIt market this year, further boosting the sector's recovery later in the year. RHb maintained an "overweight" rating on S-REITs, with CapitaLand Ascendas REIt, Keppel REIt, AIMS APAC REIt, and CDL Hospitality Trusts as its top picks.
Singapore Launches Sustainable Finance Association to Boost Its Global Role in Sustainable Finance
Singapore's financial regulator has partnered with members of the financial industry to establish the Singapore Sustainable Finance Association (SSFA), the first cross-sectoral industry body to support the development of Singapore as a leading global center for sustainable finance. The SSFA aims to drive the development of Singapore's sustainable finance ecosystem, promote best sustainable finance practices, and facilitate collaboration between financial and non-financial sectors to support the low-carbon transition and sustainable economic growth of Singapore and the region. The establishment of the SSFA, which will begin its work in 2Q2024, marks a pivotal moment in Singapore's sustainable finance journey, according to Gillian Tan, assistant managing director and chief sustainability officer at the Monetary Authority of Singapore.
$凱德印度信託 (CY6U.SG)$: CapitaLand India Trust (Clint) has 在印度泰米爾納德邦設立其首個太陽能自持發電廠,預計將使該信託的綠色能源使用量增加超過70%。 這座21兆瓦的設施有8兆瓦的擴展潛力,使其總容量增加至29兆瓦。該發電廠每年將發電超過3000萬千瓦時,以滿足相當於兩百萬平方英尺辦公空間的電力供應需求,減少該信託的碳排放量超過17,000噸,降低購買電力的需求。Clint信託的受託管理人CEO Sanjeev Dasgupta表示,這座新太陽能發電廠展示了該信託實現其2023年可持續性目標的關注。
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