103153633 : It depends. If you're naughty, maybe result a bit late.
Victor_YNWA 樓主 : I'm not naughty. I'm a good boi
103153633 Victor_YNWA 樓主 : Hehe
PointsGatherer : maybe you are in the waiting list for second balloting
Warren Buffet : I am good boy here XD
Victor_YNWA 樓主 : on hold?? 2nd balloting. means they will cut down?
102182682 : I also haven’t so I am still finger crossing hope can get some lah
103153633 : It depends. If you're naughty, maybe result a bit late.
Victor_YNWA 樓主 : I'm not naughty. I'm a good boi
103153633 Victor_YNWA 樓主 : Hehe
PointsGatherer : maybe you are in the waiting list for second balloting
Warren Buffet : I am good boy here XD
Victor_YNWA 樓主 : on hold?? 2nd balloting. means they will cut down?
102182682 : I also haven’t so I am still finger crossing hope can get some lah