Well, 400 is the stuff of dreams. 300 seems more likely and rational to me. I'm usually an in-an -out trader, but this time, I'm in for the longer play, at least for 特斯拉. I continue to believe TSLA has some issues to conquer, 電池, fully automous driving. When they do. everyone will want one, no hrainer. Hope springs 怡亞通.
SPACELIGHT : Well, 400 is the stuff of dreams. 300 seems more likely and rational to me. I'm usually an in-an -out trader, but this time, I'm in for the longer play, at least for 特斯拉. I continue to believe TSLA has some issues to conquer, 電池, fully automous driving. When they do. everyone will want one, no hrainer. Hope springs 怡亞通.
In the red SPACELIGHT : 等待大紅色金槍