The Qiud Trader : Same. Hahaha..
104769762 : hold
73285561 : buy its
The wolf of Toronto : too late to sell
71811517 : HODL!!! diamind hanss strong
Wlun717 : how many you bought?
10baggerbamm : only three more days like today and you don't have to worry
Hoes for Harris : How many shares?
103571927 : add few here , it will balance out to 500's , can take out in few days
102334963 : 我也是运气太差心痛到无法呼吸!现在卖太亏了涨涨再卖吧
The Qiud Trader : Same. Hahaha..
104769762 : hold
73285561 : buy its
The wolf of Toronto : too late to sell
71811517 : HODL!!! diamind hanss strong
Wlun717 : how many you bought?
10baggerbamm : only three more days like today and you don't have to worry
Hoes for Harris : How many shares?
103571927 : add few here , it will balance out to 500's , can take out in few days
102334963 : 我也是运气太差心痛到无法呼吸!现在卖太亏了涨涨再卖吧