技術面分析 is the practice of examining how stocks are traded by analyzing their prices and the volume of trades. It can be a valuable method to help you understand past performance and make informed decisions in trading. Unlike 基本面分析, which looks at the company's earnings and other financials, TA uses past trades to provide insights into potential price movements, but it does not guarantee any future outcomes.
slam-dunk-1 : 好東西。
Euler007 : 值得學習!
Jrithe :
あきんちょ : 進行中的日本語翻譯可能會讓您更容易理解。
104685376 : 如何保存?
105077930 : 有用的
104139729 : 有課程嗎?
Slayer888 : 長益將成為決策工具之一。
WILLEE9ice : 是值得知道的,但絕對不能完全依賴它。
nerdbull1669 : 非常有見地且能幫助人們欣賞長益,以在交易中使用