Queen Of Wall Street
Based on the technical Analysis DJT is up too high too quick $55s Highs but will Close around $51.50s to as low as $47.30s after reaching $55s Highs today BUT not to say that $60s isnt coming tomorrow or in Afterhours after 4pm.
流浪者 : 可以跑60嗎
顺风顺水顺财生 : 想問到55要先賣出嗎 因爲怕空投
LookJock 顺风顺水顺财生 : 直接賣掉它
Queen Of Wall Street 樓主 流浪者 : Based on the technical Analysis DJT is up too high too quick $55s Highs but will Close around $51.50s to as low as $47.30s after reaching $55s Highs today BUT not to say that $60s isnt coming tomorrow or in Afterhours after 4pm.
Queen Of Wall Street 樓主 顺风顺水顺财生 : 如果您是日間交易的 DJ,那麼這是 55 美元的賣出,然後從 55 美元的保障價格為 51.00 美元到 47 美元的重新買,從 47 美元起回到 50 美元。如果 SWING 交易 DJ,那就是鑽石 保留價格 + 100 秒
流浪者 Queen Of Wall Street 樓主 : 我感觉可以跑70