During the Moomoo Money Master Paper Trading Competition, I’ve been using a thematic approach to gain an edge. This involves focusing on trending sectors or themes that are showing strong momentum in the market. Stocks within these themes often exhibit large price swings in a short period, making them ideal for quick trades that capture significant gains.
Interestingly, while exploring the “light bulb” button during the competition, I came across an article about the CANSLIm methodology by William O’Neill. CANSLIm focuses on key growth indicators such as:
• C目前收益增長
• A年度收益增長
• New products or leadership
• S供需
• 在moo社區追蹤吧,保持關注! 領先或落後狀態
• I機構支持
• M市場走向
儘管CANSLIm旨在為長期盈利識別強勁成長股票,但並非總與競爭激烈的環境相契合。這就是為什麼我已經適應使用 主題交易 來尋找短期內有大幅波動的股票。
這兩種策略都有其適用之處—主題交易 用於短暫機會的爆發,以及 CANSLIM 用來積累財富的好方法。
Money365D : 聰明!毫無疑問,您是冠軍!
JJ_7201 : 恭喜