
Josh yap
新年鈴聲即將響起。熱情的問候即將到來。融合了農曆新年傳統與文化元素,moomoo 設計了一套可愛的客製化 幸運之神 貼紙 讓您的問候脫穎而出!
讓我們聽到一場掌聲,幸運之神。 祝您一年繁榮幸運。
一、我們有「幸運金牛」 「祝你財富和繁榮。交出紅色信封」。如果您將消息發送到...
讓我們聽到一場掌聲,幸運之神。 祝您一年繁榮幸運。
一、我們有「幸運金牛」 「祝你財富和繁榮。交出紅色信封」。如果您將消息發送到...

Josh yap
2021是我開始投資 / 交易之旅的一年,因此,這絕對是一個難忘的一年。我必須說moomoo 🐮 和其競爭對手 🐯(這裡客觀地言)確實使投資變得較易和負擔得起。過去需要向 券商 支付昂貴的佣金費用的時代已過,這可能使許多年輕 / 新投資者望而卻步。我能否得到一個援手,看看有多少投資者,像我一樣,今年在這個平台上開始他們的投資和 交易 之旅?
反正,我製作了一個短視頻 紀念我與moomoo 的相遇,以及2021年的投資之旅的回顧 :)
1. 波動性 - 無論您是投資者還是交易者,您都必須學會早餐、午餐和晚餐時都要面對挑戰。看看 $特斯拉 (TSLA.US)$, most of the owners (including me) eat 20% ups and downs from time to time. Therefore, what is volatility? 可以吃的吗? Just keep calm and stay invested :)
2. Même stocks - 2021 saw a rise in Meme stocks. $AMC院線 (AMC.US)$ , $遊戲驛站 (GME.US)$ , $Digital World Acquisition Corp (DWAC.US)$ , $Phunware (PHUN.US)$ , just to name a few. I learnt the phrase “pump and dump” in the context of a stock market 😏 (if you know, you know). Stay away from these if your heart cannot handle point 1 - volatility. Bonus takeaway: Reddit’s WSb is a fun place to be in. Fun to watch, but probably not fun to follow their advices. 做个吃瓜民众就好 🍿️. PS: I got burnt by $Snap Inc (SNAP.US)$ $IronNet (IRNT.US)$而且 $ChemoCentryx (CCXI.US)$當嘗試像賭神一樣進行交易時。
Ironnet - 在高峰買入 😂
3. 持有投資 - 2021年最大的收穫是持有基本強勁的股票。如果你進行了足夠的研究,對某些股票有高度信心,那就去做吧,堅持下去。它將隨著時間一起成長和上升。就像你不會每隔一天或一個月就換一個新伴侶一樣對吧?😉 對我來說,我已經投資了 , $特斯拉 (TSLA.US)$ $微軟 (MSFT.US)$ $蘋果 (AAPL.US)$ $英偉達 (NVDA.US)$ $Meta Platforms (FB.US)$ , 並且目標為 $Sea (SE.US)$ $賽富時 (CRM.US)$ $CrowdStrike (CRWD.US)$ $創新ETF-ARK (ARKK.US)$ $The Trade Desk (TTD.US)$ $迪士尼 (DIS.US)$ $比特幣期貨ETF-ProShares (BITO.US)$ $Luminar Technologies (LAZR.US)$而且 $Palantir (PLTR.US)$明年將參與交易。對於交易,我仍在努力掌握要點和技巧,尋找波動性高的好股票,即使被困住也不介意「賺錢套牢」。 $BioDelivery科學國際 (BDSI.US)$ $LivePerson (LPSN.US)$ $AppHarvest (APPH.US)$ $AST SpaceMobile (ASTS.US)$ $極光大麻 (ACB.US)$ $Blink Charging (BLNK.US)$ $GoHealth (GOCO.US)$ $BioNano Genomics (BNGO.US)$
DCA for stock that I have high conviction:
There are lots of noise in the market. If they are killing you and making you can’t sleep at night, delete the brokerage app and don’t log in for a month. Just kidding! Train your heart to be strong and resilient, don’t overreact, don’t get emotional. Be rational. Just like how you deal with challenges in life, overcoming hurdles after hurdles, even when you thought you can’t.
Lastly, they call $Grab Holdings (GRAB.US)$ the super app? I would say moomoo $富途控股 (FUTU.US)$ is the super app for online brokerage, with such comprehensive features. Make use of the functions like “News” to stay updated, “Comments” section to exchange ideas and learn from others, “Heat map” to see the market sentiment for different industries, “Price Alerts” to keep you posted when you’re busy etc etc. And of course, for beginners, check out the cool courses! The review can go on n on. But I don’t want to test Moomoo’s word count limit 🙊
反正,我製作了一個短視頻 紀念我與moomoo 的相遇,以及2021年的投資之旅的回顧 :)
1. 波動性 - 無論您是投資者還是交易者,您都必須學會早餐、午餐和晚餐時都要面對挑戰。看看 $特斯拉 (TSLA.US)$, most of the owners (including me) eat 20% ups and downs from time to time. Therefore, what is volatility? 可以吃的吗? Just keep calm and stay invested :)
2. Même stocks - 2021 saw a rise in Meme stocks. $AMC院線 (AMC.US)$ , $遊戲驛站 (GME.US)$ , $Digital World Acquisition Corp (DWAC.US)$ , $Phunware (PHUN.US)$ , just to name a few. I learnt the phrase “pump and dump” in the context of a stock market 😏 (if you know, you know). Stay away from these if your heart cannot handle point 1 - volatility. Bonus takeaway: Reddit’s WSb is a fun place to be in. Fun to watch, but probably not fun to follow their advices. 做个吃瓜民众就好 🍿️. PS: I got burnt by $Snap Inc (SNAP.US)$ $IronNet (IRNT.US)$而且 $ChemoCentryx (CCXI.US)$當嘗試像賭神一樣進行交易時。
Ironnet - 在高峰買入 😂
3. 持有投資 - 2021年最大的收穫是持有基本強勁的股票。如果你進行了足夠的研究,對某些股票有高度信心,那就去做吧,堅持下去。它將隨著時間一起成長和上升。就像你不會每隔一天或一個月就換一個新伴侶一樣對吧?😉 對我來說,我已經投資了 , $特斯拉 (TSLA.US)$ $微軟 (MSFT.US)$ $蘋果 (AAPL.US)$ $英偉達 (NVDA.US)$ $Meta Platforms (FB.US)$ , 並且目標為 $Sea (SE.US)$ $賽富時 (CRM.US)$ $CrowdStrike (CRWD.US)$ $創新ETF-ARK (ARKK.US)$ $The Trade Desk (TTD.US)$ $迪士尼 (DIS.US)$ $比特幣期貨ETF-ProShares (BITO.US)$ $Luminar Technologies (LAZR.US)$而且 $Palantir (PLTR.US)$明年將參與交易。對於交易,我仍在努力掌握要點和技巧,尋找波動性高的好股票,即使被困住也不介意「賺錢套牢」。 $BioDelivery科學國際 (BDSI.US)$ $LivePerson (LPSN.US)$ $AppHarvest (APPH.US)$ $AST SpaceMobile (ASTS.US)$ $極光大麻 (ACB.US)$ $Blink Charging (BLNK.US)$ $GoHealth (GOCO.US)$ $BioNano Genomics (BNGO.US)$
DCA for stock that I have high conviction:
There are lots of noise in the market. If they are killing you and making you can’t sleep at night, delete the brokerage app and don’t log in for a month. Just kidding! Train your heart to be strong and resilient, don’t overreact, don’t get emotional. Be rational. Just like how you deal with challenges in life, overcoming hurdles after hurdles, even when you thought you can’t.
Lastly, they call $Grab Holdings (GRAB.US)$ the super app? I would say moomoo $富途控股 (FUTU.US)$ is the super app for online brokerage, with such comprehensive features. Make use of the functions like “News” to stay updated, “Comments” section to exchange ideas and learn from others, “Heat map” to see the market sentiment for different industries, “Price Alerts” to keep you posted when you’re busy etc etc. And of course, for beginners, check out the cool courses! The review can go on n on. But I don’t want to test Moomoo’s word count limit 🙊
Josh yap
$Gores Guggenheim (GGPI.US)$他們甚至可能是第一家擁有專有軟體的車輛。 $谷歌-A (GOOGL.US)$android 軟體。他們甚至可能是第一家擁有專有軟體的車輛。 $蘋果 (AAPL.US)$
下一個軟體就像他們正在使用的一樣 $Luminar Technologies (LAZR.US)$硬件可以與任何軟體集成
下一個軟體就像他們正在使用的一樣 $Luminar Technologies (LAZR.US)$硬件可以與任何軟體集成