
1st of the 10 trades 保密 ID: 101561475
100% tech analysis for trading/investment. choose good fundamental share from Adam and test my strategy 10times to max$.
    $BABA-SW(09988.HK)$ 大家好,正如前所述,我在 79.6 號登入 80(確實為港幣 80.3 元)損失每股 0.6 港元時,我在 79.6 分離開我的巴巴。
    但現在我會監測,因為現在價格非常便宜,正如說,我會告訴你當我重新進入時,我不會馬后像 9027 說的我的 sl 73 在 79.6 退出,因為我不希望它達到了我的 sl,而我看到每週轉折和下降趨勢被每日時間框架確認了。
    $BABA-SW (09988.HK)$ hi all as it is bearish and downtrend for weekly so I exit at 79.60 based on last week and lose around 1 hkd per shares.
    as now weekly confirmed bearish so u all who trade with the same can exit first and will reconfirm again for reentry once weekly turned bullish again in terms of trading as we cut loss short.
    for investing can hold as it is a good point to hold  as it is a monthly timeframe sup...
    entry 80 sl 73 need to exit today based on weekly chart and reenter again later
    $BABA-SW (09988.HK)$ hi all, so daily timeframe turn bullish now but is still downtrend so it might still turn bearish anytime, but the good news is it turn bullish so is a good hope for upward momentum now.
    so until either of them turn bearish for daily, weekly and monthly then will update.
    now bearish momentum will stop (excluding those minor fluctuation around 1 -2 percent) and bullish momentum will come in now until daily bearish again.
    $BABA-SW(09988.HK)80 美元或更低一點是基於我的策略的關鍵支撐位,因為每週和每月支持它,所以除非我說每週變為看跌,否則不要擔心它不會跌破 80 多。
    $BABA-SW (09988.HK)$ hi all, so no new updates unfortunately for daily turning bullish, so it will still inclined to 80 or lower but not touch sl 73.
    so it shows true of my prediction again but weekly and monthly is still bullish so no worry.
    80 range will hold nicely , and worst case will not touch 73 stop loss due to market stop loss manipulation sweep below 80 sometimes.
    entry 80.4 sl 73 and tp open remained.
    $BABA-SW (09988.HK)$ As per previous post around 80 range (in between 80 price) it is a critical support zone based on my strategy, so it will very likely to bound back.
    and the good news is the daily is uptrend now as previous post it is downtrend and bearish, so now at least is up trend just wait bullish which I will update if it turn.
    so now it is still incline  to 80 range so don be too ha...
    $阿里巴巴-W (09988.HK)$ as mentioned earlier, I hold for longer term as I am trading from weekly timeframe ,stop loss precision is based on daily timeframe for higher risk to reward.
    so we need to wait daily timeframe to turn bullish then we will start to see 🌈  so don panic and just holding as weekly and monthly all are up direction unless they turn then we will need to exit if u trade along with me for a higher ti...
    $BABA-SW (09988.HK)$ as confirmed today/end of this week,fortunately weekly  downward confirmation failed , so we will prolong the upward bias till end of next week till this month end.
    so remain buy position entry 80.4 sl 73 and tp open.
    will keep updated if there is any change on a weekly basis as I trade based on monthly entry is weekly timeframe and stop loss precision based on daily timeframe.
    as the weekly range 80 to 100 is intact and it will bias towards 80 range ...
    $阿里巴巴 (BABA.US)$ 以前我的錯說,每日的時間範圍回調結束並確認, 因為我再次檢查每日時間範圍的回調還沒有結束,所以它將介於 80 到 100 在每週的時間範圍內,每天是看跌,所以它將傾向於下降到測試 80.
    $阿里巴巴-W (09988.HK)$
    從 15 Aug 在每日圖表上,你可以看到下面的 cci 它指向,但蠟燭收盤低於前一天蠟燭,儘管是綠色的,但實際上它應該是紅色的,所以對於我的策略,我將計算下一個 2 蠟燭被吞沒它為 17 8 月 2023 第二支蠟燭從 15 8 月 2023 開始計數。