嘿 mooer們,
本週,我們將推出本季度的最後一集。 "Talk to PM".
Are you expecting more?
Are you wondering who is going to be our guests for the next season?
It's up to you!
A big hand to the last moomoo product manager- Ivy
Host: Welcome, Ivy! Would you like to give us a brief introduction of yourself?
Pm Ivy: Hi, everyone. My name is Ivy. I join the product manager team since the very beginning of the Moo community. It's fantastic to finally have a chance to talk with mooers. I'm so excited.
I am a person who loves freedom. I'd love to meet new friends and start new conversations. New faces and fresh thoughts always light up my mind.
我希望mooer們可以在Moo中享受自由的氛圍! 每個人都可以自由地在這裡交談、分享和連結.
Pm Ivy:我想要介紹 “熱度榜”功能。我們可以在“熱門話題”,“熱度榜”,和“熱門文章”中看到它 “熱門話題”,“熱度榜”,和“熱門文章”中看到它此功能讓mooer們能夠快速掌握最新趨勢,一眼就能辨識他人正在討論的話題。mooer們只需輕觸即可加入討論。
沒有人應該被遺留在一旁獨自面對。我想傳遞一個訊息, 在Moo中,我們永遠不會讓彼此孤單,我們團結一致.
Pm Ivy:那是因為我在職業生涯的早期受到一位資深產品經理的啟發。
他說:"What we product managers do is to use our products to talk to the world. It's like writers who use their pens to talk to readers."
I want to be a Pm who dedicates herself to building a mutual space where moorers are free to have in-depth conversations and interact with each other. I would also like to get some feedback on whether I turn my thoughts into reality.
Host: It's very admirable. Can you share with us the development of Moo?
Pm Ivy: I joined the moomoo Pm team when Moo was still at the primary stage of development. At that time, the community was relatively quiet and empty.
我就像一個 緊張的母親 希望她的孩子強壯健康成長。當發生故障時,就像是我的孩子生病了一樣,我感到心煩意亂。
現在,社區是 活躍而健康的。氣氛溫馨輕鬆。越來越多的mooer們加入我們,彼此互動。他們在那裡非常活躍。我感覺就像在看著自己逐日長大並實現新目標的孩子一樣。我深受感動,並有一種成就感。 觸動並有成就感.
Ivy:我希望Moo在 開放並具有可及性。這裡的每個人都可以自由發表意見。新手們敢於提問,成熟交易者樂於分享經驗。每個人都在成長,我們團結一致。在最理想的情況下,所有mooers 「像專家一樣進行交易」.
Pm Ivy: moomoo has a prominent geek culture that everyone pursues the ultimate, puts user experience first, and values users' feedback. I do check users' feedback every day to find out what's wrong and how can we improve.
Host: Since you mentioned checking users' feedback, how do you deal with it?
Pm Ivy: Well, as I said, I look forward to hearing from our dear mooers, but it doesn't mean that I will accept all suggestions without evaluating them myself.
Henry Ford has told a famous story about horses. He asked people what they want. They said they wanted a faster horse. While others try to breed a faster horse, Ford tried something else, that is, to build a car because he 了解人們的潛在需求。
作為一名moomoo產品經理,理解言外之意至關重要。我們需要 滿足mooer們的潛在需求。在上述情況下,人們真正想要的是有更快的交通工具,而不是更快的馬。
主持人: 有沒有什麼偶像?
Pm艾薇: 我崇拜 愛因斯坦 因為他聰明且勇敢地質疑不確定性。科學中沒有絕對的對錯。 只要你有一個觀點並堅持下去,有很高的可能性會取得一些科學進展。 不管你支持或反對某事並不重要。我從他那裡學到了很多。我想繼續取得進展,可能會有突破。
Pm Ivy: 同一個選擇可以滿足不同的需求 - moomoo! 快來加入我們吧!
如果您喜歡Pm Ivy的分享,請讚好這篇文章。
如果您有任何問題,請隨時將您的想法和建議發送給Ivy,您可以${ask}。moo功能-與PM交談 區。 我們致力於為您提供最佳體驗,並期待您的反饋。
Pm George:《投資尖峰時刻》讓我成為產品經理。
Pm Jane: 我希望擁有的超能力是讀心術!
Pm Jason: "藝術源於生活,出色的產品也是如此"
Pm Arlene: "今天的好計劃勝過明天的完美計劃"
本週,我們將推出本季度的最後一集。 "Talk to PM".
Are you expecting more?
Are you wondering who is going to be our guests for the next season?
It's up to you!
A big hand to the last moomoo product manager- Ivy
I am a person who loves freedom. I'd love to meet new friends and start new conversations. New faces and fresh thoughts always light up my mind.
我希望mooer們可以在Moo中享受自由的氛圍! 每個人都可以自由地在這裡交談、分享和連結.
沒有人應該被遺留在一旁獨自面對。我想傳遞一個訊息, 在Moo中,我們永遠不會讓彼此孤單,我們團結一致.
他說:"What we product managers do is to use our products to talk to the world. It's like writers who use their pens to talk to readers."
I want to be a Pm who dedicates herself to building a mutual space where moorers are free to have in-depth conversations and interact with each other. I would also like to get some feedback on whether I turn my thoughts into reality.
我就像一個 緊張的母親 希望她的孩子強壯健康成長。當發生故障時,就像是我的孩子生病了一樣,我感到心煩意亂。
現在,社區是 活躍而健康的。氣氛溫馨輕鬆。越來越多的mooer們加入我們,彼此互動。他們在那裡非常活躍。我感覺就像在看著自己逐日長大並實現新目標的孩子一樣。我深受感動,並有一種成就感。 觸動並有成就感.
Henry Ford has told a famous story about horses. He asked people what they want. They said they wanted a faster horse. While others try to breed a faster horse, Ford tried something else, that is, to build a car because he 了解人們的潛在需求。
作為一名moomoo產品經理,理解言外之意至關重要。我們需要 滿足mooer們的潛在需求。在上述情況下,人們真正想要的是有更快的交通工具,而不是更快的馬。
如果您喜歡Pm Ivy的分享,請讚好這篇文章。
如果您有任何問題,請隨時將您的想法和建議發送給Ivy,您可以${ask}。moo功能-與PM交談 區。 我們致力於為您提供最佳體驗,並期待您的反饋。
Pm George:《投資尖峰時刻》讓我成為產品經理。
Pm Jane: 我希望擁有的超能力是讀心術!
Pm Jason: "藝術源於生活,出色的產品也是如此"
Pm Arlene: "今天的好計劃勝過明天的完美計劃"
