
PatJoo 保密 ID: 101839679
    PatJoo 表達了心情
    $富途控股 (FUTU.US)$
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    $NikkoAM-STC Asia REIT (CFA.SG)$
    適用於老年被動收入的良好股票,4% 利息比當前銀行利息更好。
    PatJoo 讚了
    $ARK Innovation ETF (ARKK.US)$ 
    $特斯拉 (TSLA.US)$ 
    In this world, there are only 2 groups of people. Those who lead the world and those who follow the world. While those who lead us are far and few between, ever so often we find a rare gem in the rough. In the sea of misinformed organizations and individuals, we find those who are willing to envision the future and dare to see the world in a different light.
    I recently come across what seems to be one of those visionaries and after deep-diving into what Ark Invest is really about, I truly believe that they are no doubt going to lead the charge in investing moving forward.
    They say Warren Buffet was the greatest investor of this generation. I say, Catherine Wood is the greatest investor of the next. Before founding Ark Invest in 2014, Wood worked in several capital management firms bringing to the table a vast amount of experience. Not only did she have an illustrious career, but she also spoke at seminars most notably at NEXUS: Israel, where she spoke about the technologies of the future. Companies with good leaders go far, but those with visionary leaders change the world. To name a few, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerburg, and Elon Musk were forward-thinking leaders who brought their companies to where it is today and I truly believe that Catherine Wood is one of them.
    Ark Invest also has a heavy focus on innovation. In fact, all of their funds are centered around companies with technologies that might seem obscure in the present day but have huge potential moving into the future. These companies such as Tesla, Square, and Illumina are just some of the companies form the backbone of Ark Invest’s different funds. While these companies may not have a lot in common, one thing that they do is that they innovate and focus on unexplored territories that the world has yet to expose itself to.
    Tesla has revolutionized electric transport, clean energy, and even space travel. Square has been one of the leading companies involved in online payments and Illumina has been providing genome sequencing solutions for researchers and companies across the globe. The future is limitless but only if we dare to take the plunge and explore it. Ark Invest sees the value in this and is visionary in that sense.
    Finally, Ark Invest is a company that is capable of going against the grain. It is not easy to find people and more so organizations that so daringly push the boundaries of their field. Typical investors channel money into the typical fields like finance, real estate, and for the slightly more daring, your regular ‘ol technology company. Few investors, however, take it a step further with organizations that seek to push the boundaries of innovation and rightfully so.
    We might not see the applications of what many innovation-based companies are doing right now and truth be told it’s not for everybody. But dig a little deeper and you'll find that what we once found audacious is now commonly accepted in society. Before the smartphone came out, companies thought that a touchscreen would never sell. These days, that’s all we use. It is hard to have foresight, but those who do are those we should look out for.
    Now many of my readers might be wondering why I speak so highly of Ark invest, and no I most definitely do not work for the company nor am I affiliated with them. But I will say this. When we see a company that takes innovation seriously, we should keep our eyes wide open. It is easy to fall into the trap of complacency as both humans and big conglomerates do the same thing all the time. We get comfortable in our ways and it is not how we change the world. The visionaries who see and understand things differently are those who will actually help this world progress and I am sure Ark Invest is one of them.
    PatJoo 表達了心情
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