預測新的上市新股在結束之前可能會看好到什麼程度是很困難的 - 看淡。我最近與 HOOD 的經驗,一開始非常有前途,但自八月以來一直表現不佳。新交易者在投資新的已上市新股時,特別是在市場波動期間,必須極為謹慎。
交易正在成為一種商品,從青少年到老年人都可能從事。在21世紀之前的日子裡,交易常與家庭人士或商人聯繫在一起,這些人將被視為從事交易的合格人士。感謝新數字時代的來臨,科技迅速改變了一切,幫助用戶幾乎可以在互聯網搜索引擎的指尖上輕鬆尋找信息。因此,許多年輕青少年被鼓勵接觸交易平台。一方面是為了學習 - 交易者從不同類型的市場、行業甚至工具中獲取知識。另一方面,許多人認為,交易之所以受到許多人的青睞是因為有許多優點,無論是為了未來的財務安全,例如抵抗通脹,還是通過投資股票獲取分紅和賺取金錢。
This has to be phenomenal one as to break through and stand against competitors.
The newer generation such as Z, Y should be given adequate knowledge on investment. Although it becomes a norm that many new millionaires in the western became very successful in many ways such as investment into ETF, Cryptos, even inventing new solutions as entrepreneur. Many of us only seeing one side of the coin, however, they probably alot of youngster mentioned making big lost either supported by their family or could be into debt. Thus, parents play important role to ensure having close conversation with their young kids. What is more in the digital world, it is so convenient for new user to register and become a member. Although it could due to influence from their peers, young investors who is yet to be matured may not think ahead about the consequences when the investment made lead to lost making. It is never too late to change the reality, we as the senior family members or parents or friends should always courage and guide young investors with full spectrum of investment in order to achieve a happy societies. For an instant, this is one of the great channel for new investors to understand and grab more knowledge before he or she decided on investment planning. Let us all contribute for the betterment of our future GenZ investors. ...