
_JHAO 男 ID: 102513980
    _JHAO 讚了
    由於投資者繼續面對 Covid 病例復興以及美聯儲輕鬆貨幣政策的變化,因此股票期貨週日在隔夜交易中波動,因為投資者繼續面對 Covid 病例的復興。
    主要平均值都在消極的一周中脫落, 與 $標普500指數 (.SPX.US)$ 下降了 1.9%。技術繁重 $納斯達克綜合指數 (.IXIC.US)$ 上週下跌近 3%,因為投資者在利率上升的前景下跌近 3%,而 $道瓊斯指數 (.DJI.US)$ 跌了百分之一點七。
    以下看看標普 500 行業的回報
    為慶祝聖誕節,全球股票和債券市場將於週五休市。在假期休息之前, 耐吉 和 美光科技 星期一報告, 黑莓手機 和 通用磨坊 在星期二,和 卡馬克斯, 辛塔斯, 和派赫克斯 星期三。
    這將是一個繁忙的一周的經濟數據發布。週一,會議委員會公布了 11 月份領先的經濟指數,其次是星期三的 12 月消費者信心指數。
    週四,經濟分析局報告 11 月份個人收入和消費支出。消費者收入預計將上漲 0.6%,而支出則上升 0.5%。美聯儲首選的通貨膨脹措施,即核心 PCE 價格指數,預計 11 月份將飆升 4.5%。
    同樣,人口普查局在星期四發布了 11 月份的耐用品報告,該報告將為經濟中的投資開支提供一個窗口。預計新訂單將上漲 2.1%。本週公佈的房屋市場指標包括星期三十一月的現有房屋銷售和星期四的 11 月的新房銷售。
    星期一 12 月 20 日
    $美光科技 (MU.US)$ $耐克 (NKE.US)$ 報告季度業績。
    會議董事會發布其 11 月領先的經濟指數。共識估計是針對 119 讀數,這將比 10 月的水平高出 0.6%。會議委員會目前預計第四季度國內生產總值的增長率為 5%,而 2022 年則較慢但仍然強勁的 2.6%。
    $黑莓 (BB.US)$, $輝盛研究系統 (FDS.US)$,以及 $通用磨坊 (GIS.US)$ 宣布收益。
    星期三 12 月 22 日
    NAR 報告 11 月現有的房屋銷售情況。經濟學家預測,經季節性調整的年率為 640 萬戶房屋出售,略高於 10 月份,是自今年年初以來的最高水平。
    $車美仕 (KMX.US)$, $信達思 (CTAS.US)$,以及 $沛齊 (PAYX.US)$ 舉行電話會議,討論季度業績。
    經濟分析局公布了第三季度本地生產總值的第三個也是最終估計數字。經濟學家預測經季節性調整的年增長率為 2.1%,與 11 月的第二次估計不變。
    會議委員會公布 12 月份消費者信心指數。期望是 110 讀數,大約即使是 11 月的數據也是如此。由於對價格上漲以及 Covid-19 變種的擔憂,該指數比今年 6 月達到的大流行後峰值低 15%。
    星期四 12 月 23 日
    勞工部報告了 12 月 18 日結束的一周的初步失業申請。11 月和 12 月,失業索賠平均每週有 225,667 次,最終達到了大流行前的水平。
    美國人口普查局報告了 11 月份的新屋銷售。一致估計是經季節性調整的年率出售 770,000 個新的單戶住宅,比十月份多 25,000 棟。10 月份出售的新房的中位銷售價格為 407,700 美元,而平均銷售價格為 477,800 美元-兩者都創紀錄新高。
    東亞銀行匯報 11 月份個人收入及消費支出。經濟學家預測,收入每月增長 0.6%,消費增長 0.5%。這與 10 月份的收益分別為 0.5% 和 1.3%。美聯儲首選的通脹指標,即核心 PCE 價格指數,10 月份同比上升 4.1%,是 1991 年以來最快的速度。預測是它在 11 月份飆升 4.6%。
    人口普查局發表 11 月份的耐用品報告。耐用製品的新訂單預計將增加 2.1%,達到 2,656 億美元。不包括運輸,新訂單上漲 0.6%,而 10 月份的上升 0.5%。
    星期五 12 月 24 日
    資料來源:中國人民銀行、JH 投資、道瓊斯新聞社
    什麼期望在未來一周 (CCL, 穆, NKE, BB)
    什麼期望在未來一周 (CCL, 穆, NKE, BB)
    什麼期望在未來一周 (CCL, 穆, NKE, BB)
    _JHAO 讚了
    Trading with the following in mind is crucial to being a successful day trader.
    Understanding The Market Requires You To Understand Market Psychology
    Stock market intraday patterns – all times are in Eastern Standard Time!
    When day trading the US stock market you may notice certain patterns, based on the time of day, that occur more often than not. These patterns, or tendencies, happen often enough for professional day traders to base their trading around them.
    9:30am: The stock market opens, and there is an initial push in one direction. Highly volatile!
    9:45am: The initial push often sees a significant reversal or pullback. This is often just a short-term shift, and then the original trending direction re-asserts itself.
    10:00am: If the trend that began at 9:30am is still happening, it will often be challenged around this time. This tends to be another time where there is a significant reversal or pullback.
    11:15am-11:30am: The market is heading into lunch hour, and London is getting ready to close. This is when volatility will typically die out for a few hours, but often the daily high or low will be tested around this time. European traders will usually close out positions or accumulate a position before they finish for the day. Whether the highs or lows are tested or not, the markets tend to ‘drift’ for the next hour or more.
    11:45am-1:30pm: This is lunch time in New York, plus a bit of a time buffer. Usually, this is the quietest time of the day, and often, day traders like to avoid it.
    1:30pm-2:00pm: If the lunch hour was calm, then expect a breakout of the range established during lunch hour. Often, the market will try to move in the direction it was trading in before the lunch hour doldrums set in.
    2:00pm-2:45pm: The close is getting closer, and many traders are trading with the trend thinking it will continue into close. That may happen, but expect some sharp reversals around this time, because on the flip side, man traders are quicker to take profits or move their trailing stop losses closer to the current price.
    3:00pm-3:30pm: These are big “Shake-out” points, in that they will force many traders out of their positions. If a reversal of the prior trend occurs around this time, then the price is likely to move very strongly in the opposite direction. Even if the prior trend does sustain itself through these periods, expect some quick and sizable counter-trend moves.
    As a day trader, its best to be nimble and not get tied into one position or direction. Many traders only trade the first hour and the last hour of every day, as these times are the most volatile.
    3:30pm-4:00pm: The market closes at 4pm. After that, the liquidity dries up in nearly all stocks and ETFs, except for the very active ones. It’s common to close all positions a minute or more before the closing bell, unless you have orders placed to close your position on a closing auction or “cross”.
    💰Wasnt sure where the “tips for day trading” event is or i wouldve posted this there. 🍻 @moomoo Event @moomoo Lily
    Hope this provides some clarity to the workd of daytrading!
    $Energy Focus (EFOI.US)$
    _JHAO 讚了
    $Marin Software (MRIN.US)$ 應該是時候關注關注一下吧一有好消息就會坐火箭上太空了
    _JHAO 讚了
    這個變異個人猜測是雷聲大,雨點小。因爲這個變異可能就傳染性強,致命性低,因爲南非這麼多案例,但暫時都沒有致死案例報告 $Moderna (MRNA.US)$ $特斯拉 (TSLA.US)$ $蘋果 (AAPL.US)$ $微軟 (MSFT.US)$