
Baxbax 保密 ID: 102681295
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    $英偉達 (NVDA.US)$ $美國超微公司 (AMD.US)$ Right now, Wall Street is very excited about the concept of "meta universe", among which Jefferies, an American investment bank, may be the most optimistic. Simon Powell, director of the bank's special research, said that "meta universe" is an investment opportunity similar to the early days of the Internet.
    Powell said that investors should consider investing in Meta universe just like investing in the early Internet. This means focusing first on hardware vendors, then software vendors, and then companies operating within the technology.
    Powell advises investors to consider chip makers such as Nvidia and AMD. He said that entering the virtual world will require huge computing power. He also recommended equipment manufacturers, such as those that produce virtual reality headsets. He said, "It's all about infrastructure construction in the next few years."
    Article excerpted from the US Stock Research Agency
    Baxbax 讚了
    AA is selling such small numbers compared to the amount that shorts are deep haha Scare harder please lol
    Baxbax 讚了
    亞洲股市在政策和 Omicron 風險下跌
    由於 Omicron 病毒菌株帶來的經濟風險以及央行控制通脹升高的努力引起的經濟風險,亞洲股市預計週二下跌。國庫債和美元上漲。
    澳洲股市下跌,日本和香港的股票期貨下跌,美國合約波動。 $標普500指數 (.SPX.US)$ 從紀錄下跌,技術繁重 $納斯達克綜合指數 (.IXIC.US)$ 表現不足。
    GameStop、AMC 將 meme 股票集團拖到 7 個月低點
    一籃子所謂 meme 股票的虧損正在增加,交易者在今年最後幾週轉移了風險較高的資產。 $AMC院線 (AMC.US)$ $遊戲驛站 (GME.US)$
    由於全球市場的銷售壓力加快,彭博社跟踪的 37 個零售交易熱門群週一將虧損延至 5.5%。該指數在過去三週內跌至其價值的近四分之一,因為它跌至七個月以來的最低水平。
    $耐克 (NKE.US)$ 正在收購一家虛擬收藏品公司,隨著它進一步進入元宇宙。
    據周一的一份聲明,這家運動服裝巨頭同意購買 RTFKT,這家創立於 2020 年的企業,該企業創造運動鞋等數字產品並使用區塊鏈技術來確保真實性。
    比特幣從歷史新高的跌幅延續到周一。最大的加密貨幣跌破 48,000 美元,目前正在突破了其密切關注的 200 天移動平均線,約為 46,720 美元。
    Bannockburn 全球外匯首席市場策略師馬克·錢德勒表示:「隨著它成熟,波動性將緩解的想法尚未真正實現。「波動性是致命的,其其他所謂的屬性,例如對沖通脹,似乎是虛假的。」
    Apple 現在允許您選擇在您死後可以訪問您帳戶的聯繫人
    到目前為止,親人很難訪問去世的家人或朋友的 Apple 帳戶。如果沒有手機的密碼或 iCloud 信息,生存的家庭成員有時必須訪問已故親人的數字數據。
    $蘋果 (AAPL.US)$ 週一發布了一個大型 iPhone 更新,iOS 15.2,其中包括一個名為數字傳統的新功能。更改將允許您選擇特定的人,他們將在您死後能夠訪問您的帳戶。
    埃隆·馬斯克,首席執行官 $特斯拉 (TSLA.US)$ 和 SpaceX 一直支持狗狗幣,這是一種啟發來自美元的加密貨幣。他在十月表示,他與比特幣和以太幣一起投資了它。馬斯克認為狗狗幣是交易的最佳加密貨幣。
    「基本上,比特幣並不是交易貨幣的好替代品,」馬斯克在被評為時代雜誌後在被評為 2021 年度最佳人物後告訴時代雜誌。「儘管它是作為一個愚蠢的笑話而創造,但狗幣更適合交易。」
    股東呼籲 Facebook 進行治理變更
    Facebook 正面臨更多股東呼籲解決其平台和整體治理上的損害,該公司現已被稱為 $Meta Platforms (FB.US)$ 應對立法者和其他人的壓力。
    軟銀已準備與人工智能機器人公司 Symbotic 完成首次 SPAC 交易
    $軟銀資本持倉 (BK2558)$ 將通過將一家沃爾瑪支持的人工智能機器人公司公開,通過價值 5.5 億美元的交易中完成其首次 Spac 合併。兩家公司週一表示,這是一家專注於改善零售商供應鏈的 AI 初創公司 Symbotic 將與 SVF 投資公司 3 合併,該公司由軟銀贊助的 SPAC。
    這項空支票合併是 SoftBank 這種類型的第一次,該公司已經籌集了多個 SPAC,並一直在尋找合適的私人公司以公開公司。
    華爾街今天 | GameStop,AMC 將 meme 股票集團拖到 7 個月低點
    Baxbax 讚了
    $特斯拉 (TSLA.US)$ This email from Tesla Team about stopping orders for Models X/Y from outside North America, which was the reason for the drop today. I think it’s enough bad surprises from Tesla (Elon’s sell-off & the battery fires…etc), Now it’s the time for Elon to Give us some good news before X-Mass, this will be the only reason to close the year at $1300 & more!!
    Hello [redacted],
    We are contacting you regarding the timing of your Model X order. As we expand production capacity, the launch dates for markets outside of North America have been postponed. We will inform you of the delivery times through your Tesla account when production begins.
    Your Model X is getting closer to delivery. We currently expect shipments outside of North America to begin in the second half of 2022.
    In order to expedite the delivery of existing orders, including your Model X order, as much as possible, we are currently no longer accepting new orders for the Model S and Model X from markets outside of North America.
    The price of your Model X will continue to be the same as it was when you placed your order, unless your vehicle configuration has been changed. To apply your order fee to another model, or to receive a full refund, request a call to speak directly to a Tesla representative.
    We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
    Kind regards,
    Your Tesla Team Testa
    Baxbax 讚了
    $Faraday Future Intelligent Electric Inc. (FFIE.US)$ I’m not afraid to lose. Sit around and call me a bag holder. I have 💎🙌 . i bought gme tsla and amc spce apps last 2 years. ffie kuaishou baba new oriental futu tigr I like Chinese stocks, and I like Joan the most this year. It’s a good store that woman Love. I dont apologize to Wsb’s when they tell me China sucks. i like china. It’s my wsb’s profile. feel free to go through my wins most are 1000%
    $遊戲驛站 (GME.US)$  $AMC院線 (AMC.US)$  $JOANN Inc (JOAN.US)$  $快手-W (01024.HK)$
    Baxbax 讚了
    Individual investors have emerged as a significant market participant, demonstrating time and again that they have the power to move markets. Tracked by Nasdaq RTAT, the chart gives a daily view of retail activity and sentiment from the previous trading day.
    *The ticker ranks: $USD traded by retail investors divided by total $USD traded by retail investors across all tickers.
    *Sentiment level: it derived from the retail net flows (buy-sell) of the most recent 10 trading days. The more positive (negative) the number, the greater the proportion of recent retail net buying (selling).
    Follow me and leave your comments/likes below
    Source: Nasdaq Data Link
    $特斯拉 (TSLA.US)$ $3倍做多納指ETF-ProShares (TQQQ.US)$ $Roku Inc (ROKU.US)$ $英偉達 (NVDA.US)$ $微軟 (MSFT.US)$ $蘋果 (AAPL.US)$ $美國超微公司 (AMD.US)$ $Meta Platforms (FB.US)$
    Nasdaq top 10 active retail trading sentiment on Dec.09
    Baxbax 讚了
    $美國超微公司 (AMD.US)$