loyal Armadillo_6512 : Don't worry. Money now is always worth more than money in the future. Your $42.78 investment will be worth $43 in the near future, or even more further down the line.
loyal Armadillo_6512 : 這取決於您是屬於「怕輸」還是「怕死」陣營。雖然「怕死」可能錯失許多機會,對於「怕輸」來說,一次損失就感覺好像失去了一切。
loyal Armadillo_6512 : 如果學院讓它永遠存在,學院將如何賺錢?
loyal Armadillo_6512 : Don't worry. Money now is always worth more than money in the future. Your $42.78 investment will be worth $43 in the near future, or even more further down the line.