
(QoQ) 保密 ID: 102874459
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    The virtual reality (VR) market as a whole is estimated to grow at a 48.7% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) over the next 5 years. With many individuals compelled to work remotely because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the idea of how organizations work together is evolving quickly. This trend is anticipated to augment the workplace for VR. As of now, employees are collaborating using video-conferencing platforms such as $Zoom視頻通訊 (ZM.US)$ ; Slack, a subsidiary of $賽富時 (CRM.US)$ and $微軟 (MSFT.US)$ eams. However, there's another path for individuals to work together regardless of how near or far apart they are, and that is the concept of VR.
    One such player is $Unity Software (U.US)$ which has predicted AR-VR headsets will be as common as game consoles by 2030. $Meta Platforms (FB.US)$ which has predicted AR-VR headsets will be as common as game consoles by 2030. $蘋果 (AAPL.US)$ is nearing entry into VR with a headset in development and has already begun to acquire multiple AR/VR companies to further its work in the space.
    (QoQ) 讚了
    「高飛,飛向月球」,這就是我對新加坡航空(SIA)股票的感受。正如預期的那樣,在新加坡政府宣布向全球 11 個國家(包括歐洲和北美)開放邊界的決定後,新航股市飆升至 9.6%。截至今天,儘管行駛路邊寬鬆,新航股票的鼻子跌至 5.26 美元。
    問題在於 SIA 能否維持這種下降。接下來,當然,新航是否應繼續執行,投資者是否會感到驚慌,並在上應用「止損」原則 $新加坡航空公司 (C6L.SG)$ 或者 $新翔集團 (S58.SG)$股票。就個人而言,我希望不是因為這個藍籌企業有堅實的金融支持。此外,新航
    目前,我正在持有失敗的某些部分 $新加坡航空公司 (C6L.SG)$ 股票,但我並不是過分擔心。我已經取消了這些股票的觸發器,但我也不會出售它們,因為 SIA 將繼續保持強大,可靠的長期投資公司。
    $新加坡航空公司 (C6L.SG)$ 自 2019 年中期 Covid 19 大流行出現以來,股票的價格一直受到負面影響,並且在國際上旅行具有危險性。
    在 Covid 之前,我們的國家飛機飛機飛行得非常好。世界各地的旅客選擇搭乘 SIA 航班,因為他們意識到乘坐 SIA 航班時,他們正在踏上安全和奢華舒適的旅程。作為一個著名的五星級飛機,新航提供星級服務。該航空服務在世界上目前最長的 10 個航班中運營 3%。加入更多國家 VTL(接種疫苗的旅行線)最終將迎來英國,美國和意大利的旅遊和商業場所,這些地點對 SIA 來說是重要的長期旅行。
    我們再次可以設想 SIA 飛向月球。隨著旅行的這種增長趨勢,其他與旅行相關的股票獲得動力是:
    $新翔集團 (S58.SG)$
    $雲頂新加坡 (G13.SG)$
    $航空運輸服務 (ATSG.US)$
    $香格裡拉亞洲 (S07.SG)$
    $萬豪酒店 (MAR.US)$
    $金沙集團 (LVS.US)$
    (QoQ) 讚了
    Weekly market recap
    Wall Street is coming off a roller-coaster week. The blue-chip $道瓊斯指數 (.DJI.US)$ finished the week 0.6% higher, breaking a three-week losing streak. The $標普500指數 (.SPX.US)$ rose 0.5% on the week, while the tech-heavy $納斯達克綜合指數 (.IXIC.US)$ edged up 0.02% last week.
    Investors are monitoring the progress in Washington as lawmakers try to prevent a government shutdown, a default on U.S. debt and the possible collapse of President Joe Biden's sweeping economic agenda.
    Here's a look at the return of S&P 500 sectors
    This week ahead in focus
    There are numerous corporate earnings and economic data releases this week. IHS Markit and Micron Technology report on Tuesday, followed by Cintas on Wednesday and CarMax and McCormick on Thursday. Generac Holdings and Intuit also host investor days on Wednesday and Thursday, respectively.
    Data out this week includes the Census Bureau's durable goods report for August on Monday. The figures are seen as a decent proxy for business investment. New orders are seen gaining 0.6% last month, following a 0.1% decline in July.
    Monday 9/27
    $道達爾 (TTE.US)$ holds a two-day investor meeting to discuss its energy and strategic outlook. The company recently changed its name from Total to reflect a further push into clean energy and also set a goal of net-zero emissions by 2050.
    The Census Bureau releases the durable goods report for August. New orders for manufactured durable goods are expected to rise 0.6% month over month to $258.7 billion, after a 0.1% decline in July. Excluding transportation, new orders are seen gaining 0.5%, less than the previous 0.8% rate.
    Tuesday 9/28
    $IHS Markit (INFO.US)$ and $美光科技 (MU.US)$ report quarterly results.
    Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen deliver the keynote address at the 63rd National Association for Business Economics annual meeting. The theme of this year's confab, which runs from Sept. 26 to Sept. 28, is "Shocks, Shifts, and the Emerging Economic Landscape."
    The Conference Board releases its Consumer Confidence Index for September. Consensus estimate is for a 114.5 reading, roughly even with the August figure.
    S&P CoreLogic releases the Case-Shiller National Home Price Index for July. Economists forecast a 20% year-over-year jump, which would be the fourth consecutive monthly record increase for the index.
    Wednesday 9/29
    $信達思 (CTAS.US)$ releases first-quarter fiscal-2022 results.
    $Generac (GNRC.US)$ hosts its 2021 investor day virtually. CEO Aaron Jagdfeld is among the management-team members who will discuss growth opportunities for the company.
    The National Association of Realtors releases its Pending Home Sales Index for August. Expectations are for a 1% month-over-month rise, after a 1.8% dip in July.
    Thursday 9/30
    $車美仕 (KMX.US)$, $傑富瑞 (JEF.US)$, $味好美 (MKC.US)$, and $沛齊 (PAYX.US)$ report earnings.
    $財捷 (INTU.US)$ hosts its 2021 investor day virtually.
    $諾華製藥 (NVS.US)$ holds an investor event to discuss its ESG initiatives.
    The Institute for Supply Management releases its Chicago Purchasing Manager's Index for September. Economists forecast a 64.7 reading, about two points less than the August data.
    Friday 10/1
    The Bureau of Economic Analysis reports personal income and spending for August. Income is expected to rise 0.3% month over month, while spending is seen increasing 0.7%. This compares with gains of 1.1% and 0.3%, respectively, in July.
    The Census Bureau reports construction spending data for August. Consensus estimate is for construction spending to rise 0.4% month over month to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of $1.58 trillion.
    Source: CNBC, Barron's
    What to expect in the week ahead (FDS, INFO, MU, KMX)
    What to expect in the week ahead (FDS, INFO, MU, KMX)
    What to expect in the week ahead (FDS, INFO, MU, KMX)
    (QoQ) 讚並評論了
    特斯拉(TSLA)2021 年第二季度財務會議預定於美國東部時間 7 月 26 日下午 5 時 30 分和 7 月 27 日上午 5 時 30 分 SGT。該報告將適用於截至 2021 年 6 月結束的財政季度。您可以通過訂閱來收聽實時收益通話。
    根據 Zacks 投資研究報告,這家電動汽車製造商預計將在其即將到來的報告中公佈每股 0.90 美元的季度收益,這代表同比增加 104.6% 的變化。預計收入為 11.39 億美元,較去年同期增長 88.7%。
    對於特斯拉而言,「最準確的估計」高於 Zacks 共識估計,表明分析師最近對該公司的盈利前景看好。這導致盈利 ESP 增加 5.85%。
    另一方面,該股票目前的 Zacks 排名為 #2。
    因此,這種組合表明特斯拉很可能會擊敗共識每股 EPS 估計。
    07/26 16:30
    (QoQ) 讚了
    $味好美 (MKC.US)$ is scheduled to announce their Q2 2020 earnings result on Wednesday this week, June 25th, before the market open. 2 of 14 analysts have a Buy rating on McCormick & Company, while 6 of 14 have a Hold or the equivalent rating. There are 6 analysts rate it a Sell. The average analyst price target is $140.45 implying an 18.4% downside.
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    在銀行第二季度盈利季度在當天晚些時候開始之前,道瓊斯工業平均指數在周一上漲至近 35,000,美國股票期貨在周二早晨混亂。
    早上簡報:微軟將購買網絡安全公司 RiskIQ
    早上簡報:微軟將購買網絡安全公司 RiskIQ
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