1. Elon Musk (water melon mask)
2. Tim Cook (T bone & cooking stuff)
3. Bill Gates (bill and gates)
2. Tim Cook (T bone & cooking stuff)
3. Bill Gates (bill and gates)
even though I might not get the most engagement, I'll still go ahead to share my achievement. getting good grades () in my work for my performance in 2021!!! woot woot woot
the most inspirational woman I've ever known is my mother. she's a daughter of ww2 survivor and a wonderful mother of 2 rebellious kids. she has stepped out from the traditional mindset her fellow generation have in order to have a stronger bond with her offsprings i.e., learning about investments. even though there are many things she still needs to catch up on, we could all tell that she's trying and that's something worth mentioning. for all women out there wanting to...
祝大家 一帆風順、二龍騰飛、三羊開泰、四季平安、五福臨門、六六大順、七星高照、八方來財、九九同心、十全十美、百事亨通、千事吉祥、萬事如意!!