And there goes my last 100% play of the week $Wilhelmina國際 (WHLM.US)$ stay tuned for more next week 🙏
Stay safe and enjoy your time off 👍
This was a lucky play, I in no way predicted a run like this. I predicted the first leg to push from 4.80 and break 6.00, but I didn't expect this supernova. I couldn't let this one pass 🤑🤑🤑
Stay safe and enjoy your time off 👍
This was a lucky play, I in no way predicted a run like this. I predicted the first leg to push from 4.80 and break 6.00, but I didn't expect this supernova. I couldn't let this one pass 🤑🤑🤑

TMacD : 更多量化寬鬆!更多量化寬鬆!去他媽的QT吧,如果我想要QT,我可以繞過街角去任何該死的酒吧,我想要QE Babbyyyy!打開那些該死的打印機,每個人都會遇到@最近的閃閃發光的金杆,J.Poww要下雨了!颶風POWER POWER淹沒了每個人的銀行賬户!你可以去他媽的QT,我要參加QE!!/狗狗/焰火/焰火