$Ocean Power Technologies (OPTT.US)$ 看30分鐘K線圖全部是紅(陰)線主力在出貨
$Ocean Power Technologies (OPTT.US)$ 現在不賣,下午連這個好價錢也沒有了,快賣
$Ocean Power Technologies (OPTT.US)$ 主力拉高出貨,趕緊跑,手裏有籌碼的快賣出去,否則又坐一次過山車
$海洋動力科技 I bought at the bottom pre market At 3.40 , this time triggered , last time teo days ago didn’t trigger the webull broke responded, i doubted why had 16k volume I had 1000 shares, but ghid time i got in 2000 shares successfully this morning pre market . this gone up to 3.82 , so from now on take the ride, pray this will spike soon, go over the top to 6,then to 10, lets pray and take the ride. This is good company , no much expenses, the ocean is a natral from the sea, this should be a good company only their labor and their facilities the natral sea is unlimited source of their energy to produce from. wish us the best luck and good puck on this company to be profitable and successful in their business