$理想汽車 (LI.US)$ 據我所知,理想汽車已經停止生產,因為上海固特異工廠無法提供輪胎給理想。固特異工廠當地當局凍結他們的社區,不允許卡車進出。這導致了理想汽車裝配線上的嚴重問題。他們每天在銷售方面損失3000萬美元,現金流將更為嚴重,因為最終裝配工廠仍然需要支付工廠工人和供應商。這種情況可能持續1到2周,如果當地情況沒有改善,就可能變得更糟。
$Zoom視頻通訊 (ZM.US)$看起來我們正在看到$407的支撐位。股票將在這附近漂浮一段時間。等到下一個盈利報告,將股票推向新的水平。第二輪的封鎖令許多用戶選擇付費,而不是免費使用Zm服務。如果沒有疫情的話,有機的增長應該將股票市值提高到370-380的水平。
$美國航空 (AAL.US)$
剛剛過去的國會法案對航空股是一個大的利好。 不過這個消息已經基本在股價中反應出來了。 一般來說, 利好的地方是可以阻止進一步的下跌。
航空股裏我還是看好小公司, 比如HAL和JBUL, 從balancesheet的角度而言, 得利最大得是 Alaska airline and HAL
I am more interested in Alaska Airline and Hawiee Airline, the smaller ones are normally benefited most from subsisdize on balance sheet. Meanwhile, these 2 has better seat ratio for current market since both states has less covid-19 case and attract to travelers. At the point of recover, they will be best to pick up customers. further more they are good for take over by PE or larger airlines
剛剛過去的國會法案對航空股是一個大的利好。 不過這個消息已經基本在股價中反應出來了。 一般來說, 利好的地方是可以阻止進一步的下跌。
航空股裏我還是看好小公司, 比如HAL和JBUL, 從balancesheet的角度而言, 得利最大得是 Alaska airline and HAL
I am more interested in Alaska Airline and Hawiee Airline, the smaller ones are normally benefited most from subsisdize on balance sheet. Meanwhile, these 2 has better seat ratio for current market since both states has less covid-19 case and attract to travelers. At the point of recover, they will be best to pick up customers. further more they are good for take over by PE or larger airlines
$KNOT Offshore (KNOP.US)$這是一支奇怪的REIt股票,一直提供年度股息(目前每年14%)並且增加股權。猜測它被歸為天然氣股票,但實際上是一家負責運輸和儲存燃料幣的交通公司。大部分的海洋油輪在下半年賺了很多錢,這樣的公司應該也會如此。但他們在提供財報上比其他交通公司慢,所以追趕的步伐也較緩慢。正常的股息區間是6-8%。根據這個假設和明年的盈利預測,明年的價格應該至少是目前價格的兩倍。
Meanwhile, seeing other stocks going up on Xmas rally. The lost time value is what one needs to think about
Meanwhile, seeing other stocks going up on Xmas rally. The lost time value is what one needs to think about
$西方石油 (OXY.US)$鑑於市場情緒的變化,人們不禁思考OXY還需要下跌多少才能觸及市場底部。由於OXY沒有盈利,所以唯一可以考慮的近似因素是P/S比率。
$西方石油 (OXY.US)$
For those still believing kicking out of SP100 is only marginal, I have to say you are so naïve on market sentiment. The stock will be going to 16-17 at year end before it pull back to 20 level. Yes, it may reach to a new high at mid 20s sometime next year if all kind of demanding will lift the gas price. However the expectation is already priced into the stock and it was even hyped with overjoy.
My suggestion will be sell now before it went all the way to 16 Pick it up again sometime next year after market makes a correction!...
For those still believing kicking out of SP100 is only marginal, I have to say you are so naïve on market sentiment. The stock will be going to 16-17 at year end before it pull back to 20 level. Yes, it may reach to a new high at mid 20s sometime next year if all kind of demanding will lift the gas price. However the expectation is already priced into the stock and it was even hyped with overjoy.
My suggestion will be sell now before it went all the way to 16 Pick it up again sometime next year after market makes a correction!...