
Prostocks 男 ID: 71376117
social media investor NOT! Derivatives options analyst investor YOU BET! optimistic INNOVATION disruption.. #'s + logic
    . 耐心等待 90% 的投資增長或回歸正面
    估價... 時間...上帝保佑
    $ContextLogic(WISH.US)$ if the analyst  believe this ridiculous LOW biased valuation,, then I pity the analyst. I've been with this company since I P O. I believe it was around 15 to $20? Possibly 10 to 15. Regardless this will do everything that I believe in my heart I know it due diligence I have done it I've been with this company a long time it's made me a lot of money I highly recommend you take the advice load up load up load up at $5 that is a complete Steal the P over E is a confidence buy factor as it is an obvious share valuation to earnings.. again the P/E  a confidence indicator.  the higher the P over E the higher  investorconfidence but also the higher the risk BUT do not PUT TO MUCH INTO JUST THAT. Look at Tesla this is a low P/e, a STEAL. BET THAT. GOD BLESS.
    I just want to see all of you good ppl make some money. pray u check this one (wish) out. do a model check....
    $ContextLogic(WISH.US)$ 加載!但是要突破 6.05 並持續。你看節假日!!!12 月中旬 10 點,2 月 15 日至 20 日加載。
    上帝保佑我的股數達到 800 股,最後 200 股爆炸
    $ContextLogic(WISH.US)$ 好吧我現在告訴你們從我和這家公司做的模特,我不在乎首席執行官是否從飛機跳出來,這也沒關係
    我覺得...我心裡知道從我進行的盡職調查中,在 12 月底,這個價格將達到 10 美元,我覺得到 2 月 15 至 20 日,看看模型看看這個模型。
    我將在一周內獲得 1000 股,很容易,我希望它仍然保持在 5ish 左右 LOL。
    嘿到了十二月我不在乎它是否達到一百美元的 Iper 股,,LOLShare 不會生氣,
    $ContextLogic(WISH.US)$ 作為投資者,我們都希望獲得即時滿意,除非您有幸運的 AMC 購買(Wallstreet betz),否則通常您不會得到這一點。
    我想強調耐心。耐心耐心我面對它而苦苦。只是想分享那種耐心。嘗試 3 個月計劃。不是 1 週計劃。嘗試 3-6 個月的策略?。謝謝上帝保佑
    $ContextLogic(WISH.US)$ I am seriously  considering selling some SPCE to buy approximately 100 more shares of wiSh. I need to do it relatively soon before WISH  jumpS over the moon... would you sell your SPCE and basically lose a few bucks $30-50 not much , possibly break even to do this? Let me know,  I believe in SPCe,  love Richard Branson BUT I really love WISH... thank you
    $ContextLogic(WISH.US)$ 昨天我說我不會做最愚蠢的事,賣願望,我堅持這一點!
    如果您注意到分析師在上個月持續改變評價異常的 35.00 高點 15.00,因為 P/E 有一分錢差?每次相信他們的估值時,我丟了錢,承受虧損(去數字)我會賣我的股份,BOOM 那個公司就會上漲!發生了幾次!幾乎立即!好吧,我相信我希望,這是 3.5 億的最大資本.. 我不賣,我買。
    昨天說,到 12 月底,這將至少 10 美元,而在 1 月至 2 月 15 日至 20 日,就這些分析師而言?好吧... 晚上我聽他們的話,我失去了!
    認為現在是盡職調查的時間。我全力參與。我不會讓恐懼做到任何事情,除了擊中買的底部!。不告訴你該怎麼做但我覺得這個 CO 很棒,行政長官沒問題,我的衣服合了我們(配偶)喜歡迷彩。免費的東西很好。好一天... 並且我仔細看財務,P/E 是一個信心因素和價格超過股份。P/E 越高風險越高但信心越高,雅達。你想害怕看 100+ P/E 以下還可以,15 歲以下就是偷竊!上帝保佑我必須立即點擊購買。
    $ContextLogic(WISH.US)$ everybody  knows this evaluation for wish is this too low. It's just when you sell and cut your loss which is the stupidest thing to do because it's going to go up every1 uses wish.
    I'm still holding out the $10 by the end of the year I'm holding every share like their gold cuz I know as soon as I sell it's going to fly.
    almost 100% time I cut loose a company it boo.s. NOT THIS TIME... nope
    $ContextLogic(WISH.US)$ 立即購買 15-20 美元購買 2 月底...
    $Palantir(PLTR.US)$ 好好看看那個帶有 H MFI 的 MACD 和 RSI。從未見過更漂亮的直方圖即將成為聚合食物!去寶貝。返回「願望和寶寶」。在 2 月底,IM 保留我的願望至最少 15 美元。現在購買
    $Palantir(PLTR.US)$ 好好看看那個帶有 H MFI 的 MACD 和 RSI。從未見過更漂亮的直方圖即將成為聚合食物!去寶貝。返回「願望和寶寶」。在 2 月底,IM 保留我的願望至最少 15 美元。現在購買