I have high hopes for Nikola, could I hear some of y'alls input on the company? Maybe some new news I haven't heard yet like, which company they decide to partner with for their electrical charging stations and where their cell refill stations/ plants will possibly be located plus the readability of said energy. Thank you and good luck trading!
Brandon Weekly 樓主 Mcsnacks H Tupack : 謝謝麥凱恩先生的意見我沒有追蹤權證我在想,即使他們不會有任何利潤,但當他們釋放他們的動機,他們新的回升持有的數量將提高他們在 12 月的揭示之前有點提高他們.我將不得不更深入地深入了解這些權證及其財務穩定性。再次感謝您!交易愉快,祝你好運!