
cB_531 男 ID: 101897570
    cB_531 讚了
    The Information Commissioner's Office contacted 40 companies in the areas of social media, gaming, video, music streaming, including $蘋果 (AAPL.US)$ and $谷歌-C (GOOG.US)$ $谷歌-A (GOOGL.US)$ Google, Financial Times reports.
    The U.K. data protection regulator aims to investigate their interactions with children, including location tracking, personalizing content or advertising, and serving up behavioral nudges, like automatically playing videos endangering children online and breaching U.K.'s Children Code.
    "We are focusing our interventions on . . . online services where there is information which indicates potential poor compliance with privacy requirements, and where there is a high risk of potential harm to children," information commissioner Elizabeth Denham said.
    Denham said she has contacted them to "enquire about the extent to which the risks associated with processing personal data are a factor in determining the age rating for an app."
    The research alleged that app store owners Google and Apple did not do enough to prevent underage users from downloading age-inappropriate apps from their stores.
    Denham's research identified 12 areas of persistent failure and asked the information commissioner to take action, said Baroness Beeban Kidron, 5Rights' chair and the member of the House of Lords who originally proposed the code.
    The research highlighted that app stores have age ratings on individual apps that are inconsistent with an app's age bar and, in some cases, no age ratings at all.
    cB_531 讚了
    China will launch trading on Beijing Stock Exchange on Nov 15. Will be interesting to look at $恒生指數 (800000.HK)$ volume after this.
    cB_531 讚了
    $迪士尼 (DIS.US)$ 華爾街預計迪士尼每股收入為 16.22 億美元,每股收入為 44 美分。相比之下,去年同期每股虧損 20 美分,收入 14.71 億美元。
    亮點:迪士尼的股票失去了魔力。儘管該公司得益於流媒體平台迪士尼 + 取得了巨大的成功,但今年到目前為止該公司的股價下跌了 6%,落後標準普爾 500 指數的 24% 上漲。與此同時,在過去六個月和 30 天內,股票分別下跌了 8% 和 2%。在此期間,標準普爾 500 指數分別上漲 12% 和 9%。
    儘管迪士尼 + 已將該公司轉變為直接消費者(DTC)巨頭,尤其是在 Netflix(NFLX)和亞馬遜 Prime Video 等知名流媒體平台的激烈競爭中,迪士尼目前的估值表明它是一個增長股票。
    cB_531 讚了
    $新加坡交易所 (S68.SG)$與納斯達克、紐約證券交易所和香港證券交易所相比,SGX 相對乏味。它以房地產投資者而聞名,它更安全,但在價格變動方面也無聊。性感性感的新加坡公司,例如 $Sea (SE.US)$ Grab 選擇在州列出,而不是 SGX。然而,在 2021 年 9 月,我在閱讀一篇文章後,在指出新加坡中央銀行(MAS)和 EDB 和 Temasek 等政府機構正在合作,通過培養有前途的公司進行上市,為 SGX 注入生命。在觀看 SGX 的股價從 10 美元以上下降到 9.50 美元後,閱讀 SGX 已修改了接受 SPAC 的規則,並宣布 8 美分的股息後,我終於以 9.70 價購買了 SGX。從那時起,SGX 決定 1)投資私募股權基金以購買一家交易系統公司,2)三家 SPAC 公司宣布打算在 SGX 上市,3)宣布另一個季度股息 8 美分,導致價格小幅上漲至 9.80 以上。我認為 SGX 是一種更安全的股票之一,可以抵抗我投資組合中的狂野性感(但更高風險)股票。如果 SGX 超過 11.00,我會想出售以獲利,這可能會發生,如果 SPAC 獲得成功和受好評,吸引更多 SPAC 和性感的公司開始考慮在 SGX 上市,這可能會發生。
    cB_531 讚了
    $騰訊控股 (00700.HK)$ tencent n6006宣布將買入日本出版公司角川6.86%的股份,金額300億日圓(17.41億元人民幣),成為第三大股東。
    因此,tencent n6006持續加碼ACG、漫畫和電子遊戲,擴大其媒體投資領域。