$Nanofilm (MZH.SG)$ There is a myriad of factors relating to its current share price performance.
1. Rising yields on the US side
2. End of lock up period for joint book makers who are re-balancing their portfolio for the new year
Overall, the fundamentals of this company is strong and the technology is sound. It doesnt deserve to be punished like this unlike other firms with negative earnings but are doing much better due to speculation of intangible prospects and products.
1. Rising yields on the US side
2. End of lock up period for joint book makers who are re-balancing their portfolio for the new year
Overall, the fundamentals of this company is strong and the technology is sound. It doesnt deserve to be punished like this unlike other firms with negative earnings but are doing much better due to speculation of intangible prospects and products.
$Nanofilm (MZH.SG)$ 每天都是這樣的起起伏伏,一看似乎沒有太大變化,考慮放棄這個,轉而入市其他股票。有什麼建議嗎?
$Nanofilm (MZH.SG)$
由於營運長辭職導致市場過度調整。從 4.1 美元快速反彈至 4.3 美元。由於上海二廠成本上升,短期基金消耗下跌。預計 1 至 1.5 年的時間將增加製造能力並帶來收入增長。FCVA(2025-2039)作為強大催化劑以保持市場份額的專利長期屆滿。主要機構不賣掉。
由於營運長辭職導致市場過度調整。從 4.1 美元快速反彈至 4.3 美元。由於上海二廠成本上升,短期基金消耗下跌。預計 1 至 1.5 年的時間將增加製造能力並帶來收入增長。FCVA(2025-2039)作為強大催化劑以保持市場份額的專利長期屆滿。主要機構不賣掉。