
Galewick 保密 ID: 101571292
    $迪士尼(DIS.US)$ 不明白為什麼迪士尼遇到這麼困難??您將他們的訂閱增長結合在三個數字領域中,在短短一年半的時間內,他們擁有 Netflix 在十多年來累積的訂閱數量的 2/3 以上(1.79 億)!迪士尼擁有強大的馬匹,多元化,大名牌和商標,商業化,特許經營和殘留權力,以及人們在全球感興趣和懷舊的名字!這個框架覆蓋了各個部門,電視/媒體,電影,公園和商品!疫情前的 2019 年季度為 6.6 億,而由於我們仍在從大流行中脫離疫情,本季度為 5.4 億!這表現出了令人難以置信的持久力!這是一家無論遇到什麼事情都能賺取利潤的公司,因為它的組成具有如此多功能!當公園衰退時,電視和媒體成為國王,他們擁有如此多媒體,他們可以利用它來利用它來提高廣告成本,收取更高的網絡費用,並以借出他們的特許經營和節目獲得最大的錢返還!他們甚至以宏偉的方式將票房品牌重新品牌進入數字世界!福克斯購買是偷竊!它包括印度之星!他們在某些資產的銷售額中獲得了 1/3 的價格,現在擁有最大的電視、電影、卡通和綜藝節目內容之一,結合了他們已經大量的媒體資產,使每個未來全球流媒體的夢想成真!
    親愛的mooer們,您是否期待 $蘋果(AAPL.US)$第四季度收益?這將如何影響股票價格?
    將您的投注押在 AAPL 的收盤價(即 +3%)十月二十九日及十月三十日之前十月 29 日上午 4:00 東部時間/十月 29 日下午 4:00。投注最接近的 Mooer 將獲勝三百分之一!
    新的 iPhone 13 型號和新的 iPad,與 2020 年的銷售量相比,2021 年的銷售額如何?第四季度盈利電話肯定會提供一些見解!
    蘋果 21 財年第四季度業績
    By Danilo
    Hey, mooers! Here are things you need to know before the opening bell:
    - Stock futures edged higher in early morning trading Monday after the Dow Jones Industrial Average notched its third positive week in a row at a record high.
    - Lamborghini has grown rapidly in recent years within the Volkswagen group, but now needs to confront battery technology and more competition from Ferrari.
    Market Snapshot
    Stock futures edged higher in early morning trading Monday after the Dow Jones Industrial Average notched its third positive week in a row at a record high.
    $道瓊斯指數(.DJI.US)$ futures dropped 9 points. $標普500指數(.SPX.US)$ futures and $納斯達克100指數(.NDX.US)$ futures traded in mildly positive territory.
    Market Temperature
    Read More: Market Temperature (10/25)
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    Lamborghini has grown rapidly in recent years within the Volkswagen group, but now needs to confront battery technology and more competition from Ferrari.
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    Key Events This Week
    Source: CNBC, Dow Jones Newswires, Bloomberg
    Morning Briefing: Supercar makers skid into EV era
    Morning Briefing: Supercar makers skid into EV era
    Morning Briefing: Supercar makers skid into EV era
    $特斯拉(TSLA.US)$ LeaseLoco's data shows that Tesla can sell about 24.5 Model 3s per hour, making it the fastest selling electric car in history. On average, Tesla sells 215,000 Model 3s each year
    Article excerpted from the US Stock Research Agency
    $特斯拉(TSLA.US)$ 2 scenarios in this run up to earnings for TSLA .
    1. TSLA beats analysts and does really well this past qtr but with the major disruptions in supply chains and China the past couple of weeks, people can begin to price in not so great numbers going into Q4 and take this opportunity to sell the news.
    2. TSLA doesn't do as forecasted and undershoots analysts and performed not as expected, this will be followed by a little sell off once those are announced on WED, + supply chains will also be looked at and forecasted into future earnings going into Q4.
    On the technicals we have 2 options as well thats being played out.
    1. There was a little fake out in the wedge that has the solid base and upper trend and will resume to the downside effectively breaking down and out of that wedge .
    2. TSLA is in a channel highlighted and at the very top looking at bouncing down towards the bottom of the channel line.
    Bearish divergence on MFI and RSI and currently overbought on the RSI in all timeframes.
    That's all folks
    selling the news
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