
Happy O Man 男 ID: 102717670
Happy Old Man!
    Happy O Man 讚並評論了
    ● 新加坡股票週一開盤走低;STI 下跌 1.01%
    ● 隨著美聯儲焦慮增加,大宗商品面臨艱難的周
    ● 可觀看的股票及房地產信託基金:辛泰爾, SPH REIT, 阿斯彭
    ● 最新股份回購成交
    -穆穆新聞 SG
    新加坡股市周一走低。該 $富時新加坡海峽指數(.STI.SG)$ 下跌 1.01% 至 3,114.16...
    SG 早上亮點:隨著美聯儲焦慮增加,大宗商品面臨艱難的一周
    SG 早上亮點:隨著美聯儲焦慮增加,大宗商品面臨艱難的一周
    Happy O Man 評論了
    $滴滴(已退市)(DIDI.US)$ what’s happening suddenly 🚀🚀🚀
    UBS Asset Management recently launched its year-ahead outlook titled, ‘Panorama: Investing in 2022,’ which describes why we believe that investing in 2022 will require a different playbook than investors have used to navigate the past decade.
    Barry Gill, Head of Investments at UBS Asset Management, said, “As the economy re-normalizes after the shock of COVID, investors need to prepare for a very different investment landscape to that of the last decade. They need a new playbook to help them asses the risks from possible structural inflation, a slowdown in monetary stimulus and the decline in Chinese growth prospects. There are also reasons to be optimistic; growth in developed markets is strong and most investors are starting this economic cycle in a much better position than coming out of the global financial crisis.”
    We identify six key considerations for investors:
    1.Better starting points
    Many obstacles faced by households and businesses in the early stages of the last cycle are not present this time around. In the aftermath of the pandemic-induced recession, the nation’s aggregate paycheck in the US is already 6.7% above where it stood in February 2020. Unprecedented fiscal and monetary accommodation also limited insolvencies and promoted a faster rebound in earnings. The result is that ratios of debt to enterprise value for global equities recovered quickly, and all-in borrowing costs for US investment grade companies are near record lows. That is a much better set of initial conditions for hiring and investment than prevailed in the opening phase of the long-lived, pre-pandemic expansion. UBS AM predicts that this has laid the foundation for a period of above trend activity led by the private sector.
    2.A higher fiscal floor
    An important difference in this cycle compared to the last one is that fiscal policymakers are taking more of a prolonged “do no harm” approach, and without a quick pivot to severe austerity in the cards. Measures of the fiscal stance that adjust for economic slack imply that the developed-market fiscal policy will stay easier through 2023 than at any time since 2010.
    3.Supply chain induced inflation
    The shortages connected to supply chain snarls have been material contributors to above-trend inflation around the world. These elevated price pressures, which stand in stark contrast to the largely disinflationary past decade, have some negative implications for economic activity. However, there are some silver linings, too: broad-based inflation is also a symptom of an economy that is maximizing its productive capacity. Ultimately, UBS AM concludes, the combination of increased capacity to alleviate bottlenecks and strong growth in labor income will outweigh the effects of higher prices, resulting in demand delayed, not demand destroyed in 2022
    4.Stronger investment expectations
    The aforementioned supply constraints are, in some instances, consumers’ way of telling corporations to increase capital expenditures. The response from corporations: we are, and there’s more to come. The recovery in capital goods shipments, a proxy for business investment, has been much stronger in the 15 months since April 2020 than the same period following June 2009. Banks are easing access to credit for corporations who want to borrow, and the demand for commercial and industrial loans is picking up. Since capex is currently impeded by supply chain snarls, there is little reason to think momentum does not continue.
    5.Less monetary support
    The surge in short-term rates since mid-September, which has since partially retraced, suggests that rate hikes across many advanced economies are likely to begin in 2022 – if not sooner. For the Federal Reserve, this would mean a much quicker pivot to tightening policy compared to the more than six-year lag between the end of the 2009 recession and ensuing lift off. The removal of central bank stimulus is, on the surface, a seeming negative for risk assets. However, investors must bear in mind that this withdrawal of support is linked to positive economic outcomes. In 2022, UBS AM predicts it will be clear that the removal of monetary accommodation is a function of not just the stickiness of price pressures, but also the strength of growth and progress towards full employment.
    Notwithstanding the structural trend, there are a series of catalysts over the short term that point to the stabilization and perhaps modest pickup in Chinese activity. Robust demand from the US and European Union are driving the Chinese trade surplus to a record, underpinning domestic production. A turn in the credit impulse before the year is out should put another floor under activity. UBS AM forecasts that a more comprehensive recovery in Chinese mobility will be in the offing following the Winter Olympics, supporting efforts to rebalance growth towards consumption.
    Nicole Goldberger, Head of Growth Multi-Asset Portfolios at UBS Asset Management, said: “Equity market indicators and sovereign bond yields suggest that investors are underestimating the runway for above-trend economic growth. We realize that such periods have been fleeting in recent history, which helps explain the market skepticism. Nevertheless, market pricing suggests a consensus in the return to mediocre growth. While the Omicron variant is likely to weigh on activity in the very near term, we do not anticipate it will cause a deeper or more prolonged drag on growth compared to previous waves of the virus. Ultimately, we believe much of the economic momentum that was building prior to this development will be retained.”
    She continues: “Against this backdrop, we believe that risk assets most levered to cyclical strength are well positioned to outperform in a world of upside growth surprises that should propel bond yields higher. Investors should also consider exposure to commodities, both directly and through energy equities, to help offset the risks that inflation proves to be disruptive to both stocks and bonds.”
    Happy O Man 表達了心情
    這個星期,我打的週期 $Progenity(PROG.US)$,雖然似乎世界上大多數人已經陷入了電話的誘惑( $Phunware(PHUN.US)$  $Digital World Acquisition Corp(DWAC.US)$)在一些快速容易賺錢的機會。第五回合將把前進正確的那裡 $AMC院線(AMC.US)$ &   $遊戲驛站(GME.US)$為了我。我認為這非常好,我只需要耐心。
    所以,請不要分心!T 股是華爾街投注股票 2.0 版,
    唯一的區別是 NOW 他們已經將政治情緒附加到了您已經糟糕的投資習慣上。而且似乎你們都在不知不覺中取得雙方(他媽的王牌,去 amc 類型的狗屎),這絕對令我厭惡。你們都讓他們繼續分裂我們太容易了無論您的投資選擇,政治,宗教,顏色,性別或其他任何東西如何,您都是我的盟友!
    如果我們都決定立即停止參與,會發生什麼?沒有任何規定我們必須參與的法律。那麼,如果操縱的市場崩潰怎麼辦...然後它很容易,因為我們沒有魚留在池塘裡趕上,他們的比賽將很快結束。要求真實而透明的變化,直到我們甚至想到 EVER 再次觸及股市為止。還是我只是在做夢?讓我知道你的立場如果你沒有一個,拿一個!不要成為一個胖子。
    最後,我認為你們都會通過切換到加密貨幣來做得更好。他們才剛剛開始嘗試在那裡實現他們的操縱工具,而且它仍然非常早。再加上我瘋狂的 % 返回,那裡不能騙你。10x 曾經是一個管道夢,現在它的期望。在加密貨幣中,您只需設置它並忘記它。最困難的部分就是獨自離開它。
    或者,你可以繼續追著那些 PR 驅動的動量袋來保持。就我個人而言,我不太喜歡它們,特別是如果我沒有誠實地贏得它們!
    * 不是財務建議 *... 但是請考慮一下,對嗎?
    $元宇宙概念(LIST2567.US)$ $FOUNT METAVERSE ETF(MTVR.US)$ 最近我一直在研究如何投資元宇宙。這對我來說並不有希望,但自從 Facebook 開始賭博以來,這是整個未來,我一直在尋找投資 etf 的理由。
    $京東(JD.US)$ 京東不能超越阿里巴巴,因為 $阿里巴巴(BABA.US)$商務服務覆蓋了整個世界。
    $Lendlease Reit(JYEU.SG)$
    當你聽到 Lendlease Reit 的債務成本只是 0.9%,你聽不錯了。
    這是因為他們可以獲得歐盟貸款,即使在 COVID 之前也具有低利率。
    因此,LL 的財務狀況非常穩定。
    $利安-辉立新加坡房地产投资信托ETF(CLR.SG)$  $新加坡交易所(S68.SG)$  $富時新加坡海峽指數(.STI.SG)$  $First Trust Ftse Epra/Nareit Global Real Estate Index Fund(FFR.US)$
    $DigiCore Reit USD(DCRU.SG)$
    大魚不介意購買 0.88 美元的 IPO 價格以上
    $比亞迪電子(00285.HK)$ 很多人認為比亞迪電子只製作汽機。請閱讀摘要拉哈哈