Maple メープル
Yeah, probably I will not enter this stock until I figure out that this company potentially grows. Initially I bought this where it was downtrend and I make losses this stocks but manageable to hedge and reduce some losses. I still have no faith to this stock by now.
Maple メープル
Institutions heavily shorting out this stock and wall street is trying to manipulate the stocks caused retailer making losses even more. I still keep in watchlist to monitor. I already shifted to trade others stocks.
Maple メープル 樓主 I love me : 解散法院是好消息,不是嗎?
Maple メープル 樓主 Junius Falcon : 是的,最高法院駁回了NVDA欺詐訴訟,這是個好消息。Google仍然面臨司法部的調查,尚未結束案件。