
MrLi Investment 男 ID: 70902855
Be a smart investor
    這個啊應該是我們許多股票交易朋友面臨的一個問題,例如,我們看下面的圖表,當它早期強力突破最高點時,形成了一條大的楊線,那麼在我們看來,這個買點確實是 const...
    If you do not distinguish between what is an effective support level and an invalid support level, it is easy to copy the bottom to the middle of the mountain or be deeply trapped.
    Today, let's talk about how to see whether the support level of the stock price is valid.
    First, let's look at the first type of effective support level $英偉達(NVDA.US)$ 
    In the upward trend of the pullback, the yin line that appears in the K-line...
    Do you think the support level is really an effective support level?
    Do you think the support level is really an effective support level?
    Do you think the support level is really an effective support level?
    MrLi Investment 讚並評論了
    Today to tell you how to "take profit" and "bottom reading" through the K-line indicator
    How to judge the top and bottom of a swing in the stock price? Or how to judge the rise and fall of the stock price?
    What I want to talk to you about today is the method I have used for many years to ——— the top and bottom typing. Friends who have been speculating in stocks for a long time should know this technology, but there should also be some new investors who ...
    Do you really "take profit" and "bottom"?
    Do you really "take profit" and "bottom"?
    Do you really "take profit" and "bottom"?
    Macd is a technical indicator often used in the stock trading process, today to share with you a few tips I often use macd, simple and easy to learn
    First, macd two trend lines are above the zero line, which belongs to the strong market, one on the top, one on the bottom, is a semi-strong, two are below the zero line, is a weak market, it is recommended that you only do a strong market in the trading process,
    Second, the Macd energy column above the zero line is, belongs ...
    MACD indicator use tips
    MACD indicator use tips
    MACD indicator use tips
    MrLi Investment 表達了心情並評論了
    如何判斷股票是否可以在短期內買入?要和大家分享一個小技巧,只要注意股票交易的前 30 分鐘,就可以判斷股票到底是否可以買進,我總結了 6 種形式與大家分享。
    1、交易前 30 分鐘內,如果股價沒有相對較大的波動,整天的趨勢將不會有良好的表現
    2、交易的前 30 分鐘,股價先下跌再上漲,漲幅超過了開盤價,這意味著股票今天比較強勁,將繼續上漲,
    3、成交前 30 分鐘,股價先下跌再上漲,但沒有超過開盤價,這意味著股票相對較弱,一定不能買入。
    4、成交前 30 分鐘,股價先上漲再下跌,跌破開盤價,表明該股票也比較疲軟,無法買入。
    5、交易前 30 分鐘,股價先上漲再下跌,但沒有跌破開盤價,這表明博彩業者很嚇人,接下來會有很高的拉漲概率
    6、交易前 30 分鐘,股價先上漲再下跌再上漲,表明多頭和空頭資金都在遊戲中,股價通常會向上擺動,可以選擇在低點買入。
    如果您不是交易新手,您可以看到更多,接下來我將分享更多交易提示 $騰訊控股(00700.HK)$  $AMC院線(AMC.US)$  $富途控股(FUTU.US)$  $京東集團-SW(09618.HK)$  $阿里巴巴(BABA.US)$  $星巴克(SBUX.US)$  $英偉達(NVDA.US)$  $Amdocs(DOX.US)$  $小米集團-W(01810.HK)$
    Today, green electricity has become the main force in the market, in fact, the root is the energy revolution, Lao Li also said before, in the context of carbon neutrality, the market of green electricity can run through to next year, and for green electricity, I often share its investment logic with you. Interested friends can go to my homepage to see these articles.
    Today reminds you once again that electricity will continue to soar and be tracked sustainably.
    In fact, in the secondary market to do investment, the study is a direction, do the right direction, even if a moment of chasing high caused losses do not have to worry, the general trend will push you forward. Do the right direction, the waves of gold panning for drama.
    $恒生指數(800000.HK)$ Hang Seng Index today can maintain water shocks, Tencent is really out of the strong, if today Tencent in the performance of a little weaker, it is estimated that the market has the possibility of breaking a new low, from the current market environment, the decline has not completely ended, need to pay attention to the weight and mood whether there is a possibility of resonance, the technical level of the daily level in the lower edge of the channel to obtain support, here if stabilized, then start to attack the downward channel axis, support can see the previous new low near 22700, The upper pressure of 23500 will open up new upside if it can break through.
    Individual stocks
    $騰訊控股(00700.HK)$ Tencent in the morning strong attack, driving the stock price back to above 460 again, although the stock price is back above 460, it should be noted that it is still the left side of the box shock, so if there is a rebound tomorrow can be appropriately low suction, do not chase up, the upper pressure 500 waiting for a breakthrough.
    $比亞迪股份(01211.HK)$  BYD today's performance is a bit crotch, the peripheral new energy sector rebounded sharply, Tesla stock prices have returned to the 1000 mark, today BYD only rose so much, the strength is obviously unable to keep up,  $特斯拉(TSLA.US)$ 
    Short-term BYD situation is the valuation of the high short-term bearish, just to see the market here is the way to use the shock downward, or directly with the decline in time, the current waiting for the end of the adjustment is the mainstay, the following support 240 does not fall below the market will be adjusted in a box shock way.
    $小米集團-W(01810.HK)$ millet now the trend is the more to see the more comfortable, the high point is getting higher and higher day by day, the technical indicators macd has also begun to turn red, the only drawback is that the amount of energy is a little less, the amount of energy I think the main or the market as a whole is relatively weak, the capital wait-and-see mood is relatively strong, if the millet out of a decent Yang line, the funds will be crazy to grab the chip. Tomorrow if there is a chance, I will open a position in Xiaomi, if there is no chance tomorrow, at the latest after Christmas.
    $藥明生物(02269.HK)$ Yesterday's opening of the position of WuXi Biology, today's amplitude is significantly reduced, a little to the node of the change, the macd yin line is also shrinking, the probability of the next upward change will be greater, waiting for the trend to first repair the yin line caused by the bearish mainly.
    12.23 Closing Comments: The Hang Seng Index has risen continuously, can the market sentiment be reversed?
    12.23 Closing Comments: The Hang Seng Index has risen continuously, can the market sentiment be reversed?
    12.23 Closing Comments: The Hang Seng Index has risen continuously, can the market sentiment be reversed?
    $恒生指數(800000.HK)$恒生指數略為震驚,最初是一個好趨勢被阿里突然下跌打倒,當前市場情緒較為情緒,如果有情緒復甦,市場將有大反彈修復期望。從技術上講,恒生指數的每日水平仍處於下降趨勢,但如果以前的低點沒打破,不用擔心,較低的支撐 23000 並不會主要打破低吸力。
    $騰訊控股(00700.HK)$騰訊今天再回落後反彈,短期僅與指數共鳴,基本面之前沒有改變可以放心吸力低,但是互聯網製造商的心情需要一些時間才能修復,騰訊仍在交易左側,或者主要以低吸力為基礎,等待 500 以上突破開一個新的上行空間
    $小米集團-W(01810.HK)$小米這個位置基本可以確認停下跌,昨天反包數量之後今天有低道路,現在缺少起點信號,如果能有陽線驅動情緒,小米有潛力成為這次恒生反彈的領導者。如果漲勢為 19 元,這波反彈在 23 元附近可以看到(等待小米開盤信號)
    $比亞迪股份(01211.HK)$比亞迪今天再次反彈,但比亞迪的下降趨勢已被證實,所以在這裡可以看作下坡向下修正的逆轉,但新能源行業的估值修復仍在進行中,短期反彈不適合參與,低於 240 支撐位的每日水平將加速下降趨勢。
    $中信証券(06030.HK)$中信證券,因為證券公司整體行業上下衝,並沒有形成了經紀行業的整體影響,但 AH 聯繫是明顯的,配置後有修復下跌的可能性,轉強的可能性非常大,如果樞軸支撐 19.5 是上火的好機會。
    12.22 閉幕評論:無錫生物學 + 計劃在小米開張職位
    12.22 閉幕評論:無錫生物學 + 計劃在小米開張職位
    12.22 閉幕評論:無錫生物學 + 計劃在小米開張職位
    二級市場是交易的地方,在那裡有人,一定有不同的情緒,今天在心情凍點 + 被迫離開恐慌板,明天下跌的慣性,將是一個非常好的底捕魚機會。
    $恒生指數(800000.HK)$恒生指數日期線突破新低點,在短期內加速下跌的跡象,所以位置無需驚慌,較便宜的籌碼也不會丟失,在周邊市場的疊加情況下不好,短期指數對較強,更多所以現在優先考慮隨著看,日期線壓力靠近 23500 水平如果再次站起,有可能有反彈。
    $比亞迪股份(01211.HK)$比亞迪再次下跌,現在是估值和性能匹配程度還不夠,市場預計將修復估值,在新能源板的疊加上下跌,短期跡象破裂。當前趨勢屬於下降趨勢結構,不適合參加中間反彈,低於支撐位,看到 240 左右。
    看看在種族概念的崩潰中,我們一定要想知道什麼時候適合底捕魚,跌倒的核心就是阿里,如果 $阿里巴巴-SW(09988.HK)$停止跌倒,這可以是大膽的底釣魚。
    $京東集團-SW(09618.HK)$  $美團-W(03690.HK)$
    12.20 評論:香港市場處於新低點,接下來該怎麼辦?
    12.20 評論:香港市場處於新低點,接下來該怎麼辦?
    12.20 評論:香港市場處於新低點,接下來該怎麼辦?
    [物流] 會議強調「加速內外連接的形成,安全高效的物流網絡」,除了週末還發布了「14 五年」冷鏈物流發展計劃,物流運輸本身是直接受益於品種的經濟復甦。
    [數碼貨幣] 北京冬奧運會是國內數碼人民幣試點的重要場景,同時也是重要的公眾展示「名片」,數字人民幣帶來了一個重要的推廣機會。與此同時,2022 年也將是數字人民幣的到來的關鍵年份。
    $恒生指數(800000.HK)$恒生指數繼續低波動,從今天的趨勢可以看到接近抵抗力的低點,儘管恒生指數的技術水平下跌已被控制,但沒有穩定的跡象。如果跌破 23,100 點無法恢復指數重心下開放下降空間,上升壓力 24,000,恒生指數仍在下跌通道中,左邊不清楚停下跌之前不要盲目追下。
    $比亞迪股份(01211.HK)$Jády 持續下跌,走勢良好,Jády 的頭部在短期內形成,新能源汽車行業周邊市場的共鳴下降。評估的修復有一些差異。一方面,利潤增長另一方面,乘用車銷售是否繼續增長,短期逃避是主要的事情。目前,技術水平支持 240。如果跌破,則有加快調整的風險,短期調整等待主要的結束。
    $藥明康德(02359.HK)$伊曼紐爾·坎特繼續跌倒在負面,但今天反彈後再次跌倒。從當前基本面來看,一方面就是負面新聞情緒,另一方面是整體向下調整的醫藥基金估值,主要的短期維護衝擊下行為,維修在這裡難以立即結束,短期偏差等待看,天壓力 150 不能打破繼續維持衝擊下。姚明生物短期主要是等待看。
    特斯拉, $特斯拉(TSLA.US)$一股被一些多頭審查的股票已確認特斯拉短期每日水平下跌趨勢,只需等待它突破支撐位。至於基本面來說,持續負擔帶來了市場恐慌,隨後是利率走強,股票估值不利增長,尤其是表現增長率的情況,市場有一些差異,等待調整結束,技術水平短期壓力 1000 整數水平,支撐 800 美元低於
    2318 平安低波動,對整個市場來說,有高低轉動跡象,增長股市有望向上調整,低價值部門賠率很高,因此明顯不久的將來,平安拒絕跟隨指數調整,短期左側低吸力主要,日間支撐約 55 元,63 元是打開反彈空間,為了安全八字,吸力緩慢,等待釋放。
    12.17 閉幕評論:一個新低點接一下,該怎麼辦?
    12.17 閉幕評論:一個新低點接一下,該怎麼辦?
    12.17 閉幕評論:一個新低點接一下,該怎麼辦?
    $恒生指數(800000.HK)$新低後恆生指數再度回升,短期市場風勢並沒有改變。但是,在市場持續下跌和外部市場的復蘇之後,指數下跌的空間不大,但短期內出現大幅反彈的可能性也不大。是的,等待低位收斂並選擇主要方向。在技術層面上,恒生指數繼續保持在下行通道,日內支撐 23,000,壓力高於 24,300 個等待選定方向。
    $比亞迪股份(01211.HK)$比亞迪完全再現了特斯拉低和高趨勢。值得注意的是,短期內估值過高。其次,雖然行業繁榮不變,但業績的增長率影響估值的調整,而隨著上游價格的上漲擠壓下游利潤,而接近年底,確實存在高低轉換的可能性。目前價格高,等待調整結束。如果盤中支撐 240 突破開向下空間,則向上反彈壓力 280 是向上趨勢線壓力。,等待調整結束。
    $中芯國際(00981.HK)$中芯國際今天繼續下跌,仍然保持著昨天的觀點。這種下降不是由壞消息引起的,情緒下降。Kdj 直接向上分歧,預計將形成一個金叉,以推動股價迎來反卡車。越來越仔細地這個位置成為一個金色的坑。
    $中國平安(02318.HK)$中國平安繼續鞏固可以看出,中國平安最近有明顯的走強跡象,並沒有跟隨指數波動。負面因素用盡之後,有望糾正一年中的下降情況。每日支援主要是 55 次討價還價狩獵,頂部是穩定和 63 開。反彈空間。
    $騰訊控股(00700.HK)$騰訊繼續下行趨勢,短期內再次測試先前低點。目前的股票價格在箱子的底部邊緣仍然波動。但是,可以看出,阿里巴巴的波動性 $阿里巴巴-SW(09988.HK)$ ,   $美團-W(03690.HK)$,以及 $小米集團-W(01810.HK)$最近有所下降,基本面已用盡。
    12.16 收盤點評;市場再次處於新低,我該怎麼辦?
    12.16 收盤點評;市場再次處於新低,我該怎麼辦?
    12.16 收盤點評;市場再次處於新低,我該怎麼辦?