Perspective trades Adam_Flannery : this stock is severely undervalued $5 is a good place for it to be, we'll get back there definitely how long it takes is up for debate
Perspective trades : 我想進去,但是在30
Perspective trades : 0.80壓力位過於強勢
Perspective trades : 需要突破支撐位
Perspective trades : 現在回來
Perspective trades I love birds : 直到我賣掉這隻股票
Perspective trades : $Advanced Flower Capital (AFCG.US)$ 目前應該在此名單上,股息支付回報率爲16%。
Perspective trades : this guy is hilarious
Perspective trades Adam_Flannery : this stock is severely undervalued $5 is a good place for it to be, we'll get back there definitely how long it takes is up for debate