sky2210 Zahir7 樓主 : how much stick did you buy at 0.88
sky2210 : try to hold it before pre market end if you can. there is still hope you can break even or some gains too
sky2210 樓主 廣理右汛 : 0.85$ 哥
sky2210 樓主 : 將會上漲到$1
sky2210 : 你什麼時候進入這麼低的成本?
sky2210 樓主 : 現在是50/50。等待重新進入
sky2210 Zahir7 樓主 : how much stick did you buy at 0.88
sky2210 : try to hold it before pre market end if you can. there is still hope you can break even or some gains too