Ultratech : probably cheated
Ultratech DiMoney 樓主 : there's no buyers that drive sqqq. it's an inverse ticker of the nasdsq 100. know what you're buying.
Ultratech : I don't want to come across as an ego maniac but I block ppl who say things like this. nvidia is one of my big holdings and i hate bearish sediment
Ultratech : 永遠不要賣出。
Ultratech tuanle07 : fk 對沖
Ultratech 樓主 LeoforDharma : 是的,這是我慢慢添加的,所以不用擔心
Ultratech : 賣出和閉嘴
Ultratech 樓主 103791786 : 它在蠟燭底部。
Ultratech : probably cheated