The June ISM Manufacturing index declined to 46, the lowest level since May 2020, compared to a consensus estimate of 47 and down from 46.9 in May.
This indicates a seventh consecutive month of contraction in economic activity within the manufacturing sector after a period of expansion lasting 30 months.
The U.S. manufacturing sector shrank again, with the Manufacturing PMI losing ground compared to the previous month, indicating a faster rate of contraction," Timothy R. Fiore, Chair of the Institute for Supply Management's Manufacturing Business Survey Committee, commented.
美國製造業再次萎縮,製造業採購經理人指數與上個月相比下跌,這表明收縮速度更快。” 美國供應管理協會製造業調查委員會主席蒂莫西·菲奧雷評論道。
The Inventories index came in at 44, down from 45.8 previously, while Production declined to 46.7 from 51.1 and Supplier Deliveries rose to 45.7 from 43.5.