Buffett Says Berkshire Expects to Maintain its Investment in the Japanese Trading Houses Itochu, Marubeni, Mitsubishi, Mitsui and Sumitomo 'Indefinitely'.
巴菲特表示,伯克希爾預計 “無限期” 維持對日本貿易公司伊藤忠、丸紅、三菱、三井和住友的投資。
Buffett Says Berkshire Expects to Maintain its Investment in the Japanese Trading Houses Itochu, Marubeni, Mitsubishi, Mitsui and Sumitomo 'Indefinitely'.
Buffett Says Berkshire Expects to Maintain its Investment in the Japanese Trading Houses Itochu, Marubeni, Mitsubishi, Mitsui and Sumitomo 'Indefinitely'.
巴菲特表示,伯克希爾預計 “無限期” 維持對日本貿易公司伊藤忠、丸紅、三菱、三井和住友的投資。