
In Tesla Autopilot probe, US prosecutors focus on securities, wire fraud

In Tesla Autopilot probe, US prosecutors focus on securities, wire fraud

Reuters ·  05/08 08:21

$Tesla (TSLA.US)$ fell Wednesday after renewed reports that he Justice Department was examining whether the firm of Chief Elon Musk made false claims about Full Self Driving. While Tesla has warned drivers to stay ready to take over driving, the justice department is examining other statements by Tesla and Chief Executive Elon musk suggesting its cars can drive themselves.

$特斯拉 (TSLA.US)$ 週三下跌,此前再次有報道稱司法部正在調查首席埃隆·馬斯克的公司是否對全自動駕駛提出了虛假指控。儘管特斯拉警告司機要做好接管駕駛的準備,但司法部正在研究特斯拉和首席執行官埃隆·馬斯克的其他聲明,這些聲明暗示其汽車可以自行駕駛。

U.S. Regulators have separately investigated hundreds of crashes, including fatal ones, that have occurred in Teslas with autopilot engaged, resulting in a mass recall by the automaker.


Investigators are exploring whether Tesla committed wire fraud, which involves deception in interstate communications, by misleading consumers about its driver-assistance systems, the sources said. The sources said investigators are exploring whether Tesla committed wire fraud, which involves deception in interstate communications, by misleading consumers about its driver-assistance systems. Two sources said they also examined whether Tesla committed securities fraud by deceiving investors.


One of the people said the Securities and Exchange Commission is also investigating Tesla’s representations about driver-assistance systems to investors. The second, they declined to comment.


Tesla did not respond to a request for comment. In October, it disclosed in a filing that the Justice Department had asked the company for information about autopilot and full self-driving.


The justice department declined to comment.


The probe, which does not constitute evidence of wrongdoing, could result in criminal charges, civil sanctions, or no action. One of the sources said prosecutors are far from deciding how to proceed, in part because they are sifting through the voluminous documents Tesla provided in response to subpoenas.


Reuters could not determine the specific statements prosecutors are reviewing as potentially illegal. Musk has aggressively touted Tesla's driver-assistance technology prowess for nearly a decade.


Tesla videos demonstrating the technology that remains archived on its website said: “The person in the driver’s seat is only there for legal reasons. He is not doing anything. The car is driving itself.”


A Tesla engineer testified in 2022 in a lawsuit over a fatal crash involving autopilot that one of the videos, posted in October 2016, intended to show the technology’s potential and did not accurately portray its capabilities at the time. Musk nevertheless posted the video on social media, writing: “Tesla drives itself (no human input at all) through urban streets to highway streets, then finds a parking spot.”


In a 2016 conference call with reporters, Musk described autopilot as “probably better” than a human driver. During an October 2022 call, Musk addressed a forthcoming FSD upgrade that would allow customers to travel “to your work, your friend’s house, to the grocery store without you touching the wheel.”

在2016年與記者的電話會議上,馬斯克將自動駕駛儀描述爲 “可能比人類駕駛員更好”。在2022年10月的電話會議上,馬斯克談到了即將到來的FSD升級,該升級將允許客戶 “無需觸摸方向盤即可前往您的工作場所、朋友家、雜貨店”。

Musk is increasingly focused on self-driving technology as Tesla's car sales slump and profits slump. Tesla recently slashed costs through mass layoffs and shelved plans for a long-awaited $25,000 model expected to drive sales growth.


“Going balls to the wall for autonomy is a blindingly obvious move,” the billionaire executive posted on his social-media platform x in mid-April. Tesla shares, down more than 28% so far this year, surged in late April when Musk visited China and made progress toward approvals to sell FSD there.


Musk has repeatedly promised self-driving Teslas for about a decade. "The mere failure to realize a long-term, aspirational goal is not fraud," Tesla lawyers said in a 2022 court filing.


prosecutors scrutinizing Tesla autonomous-car claims are proceeding with caution, recognizing the legal hurdles they face, the people familiar with the inquiry said.


They will need to demonstrate that Tesla’s claims crossed a line from legal salesmanship to material and knowingly false statements that unlawfully harmed consumers or investors, three legal experts uninvolved in the probe told Reuters.


U.S. Courts have previously ruled that “puffery” or “corporate optimism” regarding product claims does not amount to fraud. In 2008, a federal appeals court ruled that statements of corporate optimism alone do not demonstrate that a company official intentionally misled investors.

美國法院此前曾裁定,對產品索賠的 “誇張” 或 “企業樂觀情緒” 不構成欺詐。2008年,聯邦上訴法院裁定,僅憑企業樂觀的言論並不能證明公司官員故意誤導了投資者。

Justice Department officials will likely seek internal tesla communications as evidence that musk or others knew they were making false statements, said Daniel Richman, a Columbia Law school professor and former federal prosecutor. That is a challenge, Richman said, but the safety risk involved in overselling self-driving systems also “speaks to the seriousness with which prosecutors, a judge and jury would take the statements.”

哥倫比亞大學法學院教授、前聯邦檢察官丹尼爾·裏奇曼說,司法部官員可能會尋求特斯拉內部溝通,以此作爲馬斯克或其他人知道他們在做出虛假陳述的證據。裏奇曼說,這是一個挑戰,但超額銷售自動駕駛系統所涉及的安全風險 “也說明了檢察官、法官和陪審團對待陳述的嚴肅態度。”

Tesla’s claims about autopilot and FSD have also drawn scrutiny in regulatory investigations and lawsuits.


Safety regulators and courts have raised concerns in recent months that corporate messaging about the technology - including the brand names autopilot and full self-driving - have imbued customers with a false sense of security.


In April, the Washington state patrol arrested a man on suspicion of vehicular homicide after his tesla, with autopilot engaged, struck and killed a motorcyclist while the driver looked at his phone, police records show. In a probable-cause statement, a trooper cited the driver’s “admitted inattention to driving, while on autopilot mode ... Putting trust in the machine to drive for him.”

警方記錄顯示,4月,華盛頓州巡邏隊逮捕了一名涉嫌殺車的男子,此前他的特斯拉在開啓自動駕駛儀的情況下撞死了一名摩托車手,而司機正在看手機。在一份可能原因的聲明中,一名騎兵指出,司機 “承認在自動駕駛模式下對駕駛注意力不集中...相信這臺機器能爲他開車。”

in Washington state, a driver remains "responsible for the safe and legal operation of that vehicle" regardless of its technological capabilities, a state patrol spokesperson told reuters.

華盛頓州巡邏隊發言人告訴路透社,在華盛頓州,無論其技術能力如何,司機仍然 “對該車輛的安全和合法運行負責”。

The same month, the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration launched an investigation into whether a Tesla recall of more than 2 million vehicles in December adequately addressed safety issues with autopilot.


NHTSA declined to comment. The recall followed a long-running probe opened by regulators after cars with autopilot engaged repeatedly crashed into vehicles at first-responder emergency scenes. Regulators subsequently examined hundreds of crashes where autopilot was engaged and identified 14 deaths and 54 injuries.

NHTSA 拒絕置評。此次召回是在監管機構展開長期調查之後進行的,此前裝有自動駕駛儀的汽車在急救人員的緊急現場多次撞上車輛。監管機構隨後檢查了數百起使用自動駕駛儀的撞車事故,確定了14人死亡,54人受傷。

Tesla disputed NHTSA's findings but agreed to the recall, which employed over-the-air software updates to alert inattentive drivers.


According to agency records, the investigation found “a critical safety gap between drivers’ expectations” of Tesla’s technology “and the system’s true capabilities.” This gap led to foreseeable misuse and avoidable crashes.”

根據該機構的記錄,調查發現,“駕駛員對特斯拉技術的期望” “與系統的真實能力” 之間存在嚴重的安全差距。這一差距導致了可預見的濫用和可避免的碰撞。”

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