Genting Malaysia - Complaint Involves Ops of Resorts World Bimini in Bahamas, for Which Rav Bahamas Seeking for Damages in Excess of USD600 Mln
金寶馬馬來西亞 - 投訴涉及巴哈馬度假世界比米尼度假村的運營,拉夫巴哈馬尋求超過6.00億美元的賠償。
Genting Malaysia - Complaint Involves Ops of Resorts World Bimini in Bahamas, for Which Rav Bahamas Seeking for Damages in Excess of USD600 Mln
金寶馬馬來西亞 - 投訴涉及巴哈馬度假世界比米尼度假村的運營,拉夫巴哈馬尋求超過6.00億美元的賠償。