Vitol Expects Global Oil Demand to Peak at Almost 110Mn Barrels per Day at End of Decade, Then Retreat to Current Levels of About 105Mn B/D in 2040- FT
維透爾預計全球貨幣石油需求在2020年底將接近每日產110百萬桶的峰值,隨後在2040年回落至當前的約105百萬桶/日水平 - FT
Vitol Expects Global Oil Demand to Peak at Almost 110Mn Barrels per Day at End of Decade, Then Retreat to Current Levels of About 105Mn B/D in 2040- FT
維透爾預計全球貨幣石油需求在2020年底將接近每日產110百萬桶的峰值,隨後在2040年回落至當前的約105百萬桶/日水平 - FT