
MultiSensor AI | 10-K: FY2023 Annual Report

MultiSensor AI | 10-K: FY2023 Annual Report

MultiSensor AI | 10-K:2023財年年報
美股SEC公告 ·  03/29 15:48
Moomoo AI 已提取核心訊息
Infrared Cameras, a company specializing in infrared camera and sensor device technology, has reported on its diverse revenue streams in its latest financial announcement. The company's revenue is primarily derived from product sales, Software as a Service (SaaS) subscriptions, and ancillary services. Product sales include infrared cameras and sensor devices, which are recognized as revenue when control is transferred to customers, typically within 30-90 days after delivery. SaaS subscriptions offer access to a cloud platform, technical support, and software upgrades, with revenue recognized over the subscription period, which ranges from 12 to 36 months. Ancillary services, such as camera calibration, maintenance, and training, are recognized as revenue at the point in time the service is provided. The company accounts for shipping and...Show More
Infrared Cameras, a company specializing in infrared camera and sensor device technology, has reported on its diverse revenue streams in its latest financial announcement. The company's revenue is primarily derived from product sales, Software as a Service (SaaS) subscriptions, and ancillary services. Product sales include infrared cameras and sensor devices, which are recognized as revenue when control is transferred to customers, typically within 30-90 days after delivery. SaaS subscriptions offer access to a cloud platform, technical support, and software upgrades, with revenue recognized over the subscription period, which ranges from 12 to 36 months. Ancillary services, such as camera calibration, maintenance, and training, are recognized as revenue at the point in time the service is provided. The company accounts for shipping and handling costs as part of the cost of goods sold. Revenue allocation to performance obligations is based on the relative stand-alone selling price, and contract liabilities are reported for in-transit shipments and customer prepayments for products and services not yet recognized as revenue. Infrared Cameras' financial report details the company's revenue recognition practices and the structure of its contract liabilities, providing investors with insight into the company's financial health and operational strategies.
專門從事紅外相機和傳感器設備技術的公司——紅外相機在最新財務公告中報告了其多元化的營業收入來源。該公司的營業收入主要來自產品銷售、軟件即服務 (SaaS) 訂閱和輔助服務。產品銷售包括紅外相機和傳感器設備,在控制權轉移給客戶時確認爲營業收入,通常是在交付後的30-90天內。SaaS 訂閱提供對雲平台、技術支持和軟件升級的訪問權限,營業收入在訂閱期內確認,訂閱期爲12至36個月不等。諸如相機校準、維護和培訓等輔助服務在提供服務時確認爲營業收入。公司將運輸和處理成本視爲營業成本的一部分。營業收入分配給履行義務的基礎是獨立銷售價格的相對比例,爲在途裝運和客戶預付的產品和服務而尚未確認爲營業收入的合同負債進行報告。紅外相機的財務報告詳細介紹了公司的營業收入確認做法和合同負債的結構,爲投資者提供了對公司財務健康和運營戰略的深入了解。
專門從事紅外相機和傳感器設備技術的公司——紅外相機在最新財務公告中報告了其多元化的營業收入來源。該公司的營業收入主要來自產品銷售、軟件即服務 (SaaS) 訂閱和輔助服務。產品銷售包括紅外相機和傳感器設備,在控制權轉移給客戶時確認爲營業收入,通常是在交付後的30-90天內。SaaS 訂閱提供對雲平台、技術支持和軟件升級的訪問權限,營業收入在訂閱期內確認,訂閱期爲12至36個月不等。諸如相機校準、維護和培訓等輔助服務在提供服務時確認爲營業收入。公司將運輸和處理成本視爲營業成本的一部分。營業收入分配給履行義務的基礎是獨立銷售價格的相對比例,爲在途裝運和客戶預付的產品和服務而尚未確認爲營業收入的合同負債進行報告。紅外相機的財務報告詳細介紹了公司的營業收入確認做法和合同負債的結構,爲投資者提供了對公司財務健康和運營戰略的深入了解。
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