
MEDIROM Healthcare Technologies | 6-K: Report of foreign private issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16]

MEDIROM Healthcare Technologies | 6-K: Report of foreign private issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16]

MEDIROM Healthcare Technologies | 6-K:外國發行人報告
美股SEC公告 ·  2024/10/11 11:33

Moomoo AI 已提取核心訊息

MEDIROM Healthcare Technologies has entered into a Second Unsecured Convertible-Type Corporate Bonds agreement with Triple One Investment Partnership for JPY 300 million, due October 29, 2027. The bonds will carry a 2% annual interest rate, payable semiannually starting June 30, 2025. The conversion price is set at JPY 957 per common share, based on the weighted average price of the company's ADSs over six months prior to September 30, 2024.The proceeds will primarily fund investments in the Digital Preventative Healthcare Segment, focusing on enhancing MOTHER Bracelet® functionality through algorithm development, expanding health data capabilities, improving REMONY® software, and increasing product inventory. The bonds will be issued outside the United States under Regulation S of the Securities Act.The bonds will be issued in JPY 100 million denominations, with the closing date scheduled for October 25, 2024. The Bond Holder may convert the bonds into common shares at any time until maturity, while transfers require board approval. Early repayment is restricted except with mutual agreement between the company and Bond Holder.
MEDIROM Healthcare Technologies has entered into a Second Unsecured Convertible-Type Corporate Bonds agreement with Triple One Investment Partnership for JPY 300 million, due October 29, 2027. The bonds will carry a 2% annual interest rate, payable semiannually starting June 30, 2025. The conversion price is set at JPY 957 per common share, based on the weighted average price of the company's ADSs over six months prior to September 30, 2024.The proceeds will primarily fund investments in the Digital Preventative Healthcare Segment, focusing on enhancing MOTHER Bracelet® functionality through algorithm development, expanding health data capabilities, improving REMONY® software, and increasing product inventory. The bonds will be issued outside the United States under Regulation S of the Securities Act.The bonds will be issued in JPY 100 million denominations, with the closing date scheduled for October 25, 2024. The Bond Holder may convert the bonds into common shares at any time until maturity, while transfers require board approval. Early repayment is restricted except with mutual agreement between the company and Bond Holder.
MEDIROm醫療科技公司已與Triple One投資合夥企業簽署了第二次無擔保可轉換型企業債券協議,金額爲30000萬日元,到期日爲2027年10月29日。該債券的年利率爲2%,從2025年6月30日起按半年支付。轉換價格設定爲每股普通股957日元,基於截至2024年9月30日的六個月內公司ADS的加權平均價格。所得款項將主要用於數字預防醫療領域的投資,重點提升MOTHER Bracelet®的功能,進行算法開發,擴展健康數據能力,改善REMONY®軟體,並增加產品庫存。該債券將在美國以外按照證券法S條例發行。該債券的面額爲10000萬日元,預計於2024年10月25日關閉。債券持有人可隨時在到期前將債券轉換爲普通股,轉讓需經董事會批准。提前償還受限,除非公司與債券持有人之間達成共同協議。
MEDIROm醫療科技公司已與Triple One投資合夥企業簽署了第二次無擔保可轉換型企業債券協議,金額爲30000萬日元,到期日爲2027年10月29日。該債券的年利率爲2%,從2025年6月30日起按半年支付。轉換價格設定爲每股普通股957日元,基於截至2024年9月30日的六個月內公司ADS的加權平均價格。所得款項將主要用於數字預防醫療領域的投資,重點提升MOTHER Bracelet®的功能,進行算法開發,擴展健康數據能力,改善REMONY®軟體,並增加產品庫存。該債券將在美國以外按照證券法S條例發行。該債券的面額爲10000萬日元,預計於2024年10月25日關閉。債券持有人可隨時在到期前將債券轉換爲普通股,轉讓需經董事會批准。提前償還受限,除非公司與債券持有人之間達成共同協議。
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