
General Atlantic Intends To Invest $2B In India, Southeast Asia: Reuters

General Atlantic Intends To Invest $2B In India, Southeast Asia: Reuters

路透社:大西洋總統打算在印度和東南亞投資 2 億美元
Benzinga Real-time News ·  2022/05/23 07:54

A senior executive at global private equity company General Atlantic told Reuters that the firm plans to invest $2 billion in India and Southeast Asia over the next two years as lowering valuations make the region's startups more attractive.

全球私募股權公司 General Atlantic 的一名高級管理人員告訴路透社,該公司計劃在未來兩年內在印度和東南亞投資 20 億美元,因為降低估值使該地區的初創公司更具吸引力。

What happened: According to Sandeep Naik, General Atlantic's head of business in India and Southeast Asia, the company is in early-stage investment talks with about 15 companies in sectors like technology, financial services, retail, and consumer.

發生了什麼事:根據大西洋將軍在印度和東南亞的業務主管 Sandeep Naik 表示,該公司正在與科技,金融服務,零售和消費者等行業約 15 家公司進行早期投資談判。

General Atlantic is ready to ease its purse strings after investing just $190 million in Indian startups in 2021, its lowest annual figure ever, Naik said in an interview at the World Economic Forum in the Swiss ski town of Davos.

Naik 在瑞士滑雪小鎮達沃斯舉行的世界經濟論壇上接受採訪時說,大西洋將軍已準備好在 2021 年在印度初創公司投資 1.9 億美元,這是有史以來最低的年度數字之後,將準備放鬆錢包。

Why it's Important: "The realism is setting in. We were waiting for the value creation to happen. We are now ready," Naik said of General Atlantic's plans for India and Southeast Asia, where it has investments of more than $4.5 billion, mainly in India.

為什麼它很重要:「現實主義正在設置。我們正在等待價值創造的發生。我們現在已經準備好了,」奈克(Naik)在大西洋大西洋對印度和東南亞的計劃中說,該計劃的投資額超過 45 億美元,主要在印度。

"We are very bullish on India, Indonesia, and Vietnam," Naik added, omitting to name any companies under consideration.

Naik 補充說:「我們非常看好印度,印度尼西亞和越南,省略了任何正在考慮的公司。

Given the challenging market conditions and decreasing values, General Atlantic advises its portfolio companies to consider consolidation opportunities.


"Now is the best time to consolidate... Strong gets stronger," Naik explained.


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