
Breeze Holdings Acquisition's Merging Partner D-Orbit Secures Additional Launch Ports With SpaceX For 2023 Rideshare Missions

Breeze Holdings Acquisition's Merging Partner D-Orbit Secures Additional Launch Ports With SpaceX For 2023 Rideshare Missions

微風控股收購合併合作夥伴 D-Orbit 通過 SpaceX 公司為 2023 年共乘任務確保了額外的發射港
Benzinga Real-time News ·  2022/05/31 08:14

D-Orbit, the space logistics and orbital transportation company that is going public through a transaction with Breeze Holdings Acquisition Corp. (NASDAQ:BREZ), announced today that it has secured 11 ports for D-Orbit's ION Satellite Carrier ("ION") for launch on SpaceX Rideshare missions in 2023.

D-Orbit 是與微風控股收購公司(NASDAQ:BREZ)進行交易的太空物流和軌道運輸公司(NASDAQ:BREZ)今天宣布,該公司將通過交易公開 已經為 D 軌道的離子衛星載波(「ION」)提供了 11 個端口,以便於 2023 年在 SpaceX 共享任務上發射

Securing these slots is in line with D-Orbit's plans to launch 13 IONs in 2023, as the Company works to meet the increasing demand for last-mile space transportation solutions and in-orbit demonstration of third-party payloads. The launches have been purchased through the Italian launch broker

保護這些插槽的安全符合 D-Orbit 在 2023 年推出 13 個離子的計劃,因為該公司致力於滿足對最後一英里太空運輸解決方案日益增長的需求以及對第三方有效載荷的軌道示範。這些發射已通過意大利發射經紀人衝動購買. 空間.

"With our ION Satellite Carrier technology, a record of successful missions and expanding capabilities, D-Orbit has established itself as a reliable partner for the complex mission requirements of the space industry," said Renato Panesi, D-Orbit's chief commercial officer. "D-Orbit is on track to meet our mission targets for the next two years and we are securing these additional slots with SpaceX to ensure we can meet the growing demand for our launch and deployment services. We look forward to continuing our collaboration with the team at SpaceX as we build the sustainable infrastructure to fuel the new space economy."

憑藉我們的 ION Satellite Carrier 技術,記錄了成功的任務和不斷擴展的能力,D-Orbit 已成為太空工業複雜任務要求的可靠合作夥伴,」他說 雷納托·帕內西,D-軌道的首席商務官。「D-Orbit 將在未來兩年內實現我們的任務目標,我們正在通過 SpaceX 確保這些額外的插槽安全,以確保我們能夠滿足對我們發射和部署服務不斷增長的需求。我們期待繼續與 SpaceX 的團隊合作,我們建立可持續的基礎設施以推動新的太空經濟發展。」

ION is an orbital transfer vehicle able to ferry a batch of smaller satellites across orbits and deploy them individually into custom orbital slots. The vehicle is also able to host multiple proprietary and third-party payloads that can be operated for months after the end of the deployment phase of the mission.

ION 是一種軌道轉移車,能夠將一批較小的衛星渡過軌道,並將其單獨部署到自定義軌道槽中。該車輛還能夠託管多個專有和第三方裝載,這些裝載可在任務部署階段結束後運行數月。

D-Orbit has already successfully launched six ION Satellite Carriers since September 2020 and three additional launches are scheduled for the remainder of 2022. With 13 flights scheduled for 2023, the fleet will soon reach 22 spacecraft in orbit, which will allow the Company to offer new and valuable services to their customers, including in-orbit data storage and computing capabilities that will leverage proprietary payloads hosted inside the future generations of ION spacecraft.

自 2020 年 9 月以來,D-Orbit 已經成功發射了六艘 ION 衛星運營商,並計劃在 2022 年剩餘時間進行三次額外發射。該機隊定於 2023 年舉行 13 次航班,很快將達到 22 艘航天器軌道上,這將使公司能夠為其客戶提供新的有價值的服務,包括軌道上數據存儲和計算功能,這些功能將利用未來世代 ION 太空船內託管的專有有效載荷。

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