
Mongoose Mining Provides Update on Exploration at IOCG Project in Nova Scotia and Gold Project New Brunswick

Mongoose Mining Provides Update on Exploration at IOCG Project in Nova Scotia and Gold Project New Brunswick

newsfile ·  2022/06/09 08:10

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - June 9, 2022) - Mongoose Mining Ltd (CSE: MNG) (the "Company") is pleased to announce an update on exploration at their projects in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, Canada.

安大略省多倫多-(Newsfile Corp.-2022年6月9日)-貓鼬礦業有限公司(CSE:MNG)(“本公司”)高興地宣佈,他們在加拿大新斯科舍省和新不倫瑞克的項目的最新勘探情況。

In Nova Scotia, the Company remains focused on the exploration of its IOCG properties along the Cobequid Chedabucto Fault Zone. Iron-Oxide Copper Gold (IOCG) deposits are known for their significant concentrations of copper and gold ores hosted in iron-oxide assemblages. Other commodities associated with the IOCG model include REEs, F, P, Mo, Ag, Ba, Co and Ni. They are characterized by deposit features such as hydrothermal ore styles, strong structural controls, and abundant iron-oxides with an iron/titanium relationship. Recent work by the Company has demonstrated several of these characterizations indicating the potential for a discovery of a mineral deposit.

在新斯科舍省,該公司仍專注於沿Cobequid Chedabucto斷裂帶勘探其IOCG資產。鐵氧化物銅金(IOCG)礦牀以其以鐵氧化物組合賦存的大量銅和金礦而聞名。與IOCG模型相關的其他大宗商品包括稀土、F、P、Mo、Ag、BA、Co和Ni。它們具有熱液礦石類型、強烈的構造控制和富含鐵/鈦關係的鐵氧化物等礦牀特徵。該公司最近的工作證明瞭其中的幾個特徵,表明有可能發現礦藏。

Recent Work:


Mt. Thom IOCG Project - Located along the IOCG trend of Nova Scotia, the Mt. Thom copper prospect was discovered by Imperial Oil in the early 1970s and the IOCG modeling and cobalt mineralization were later recognized. With significant values of Copper, Cobalt, and Gold reported in historical reports, Mt. Thom remains a priority for modern-day evaluation.

Mt.Mt.THOM IOCG項目-位於新斯科舍省IOCG趨勢沿線的Mt.帝國石油在20世紀70年代初發現了Thom銅礦遠景,後來又認識到IOCG模擬和鈷成礦作用。隨着歷史報告中報告的銅、鈷和金的重要價值,Mt.THOM仍然是現代評估的優先事項。

Mineralized outcrop and sporadic core sampling have recently produced assays of up to 0.863% Cobalt within historic 1.5% grading copper zones. A 2004 government study of 29 core samples, encountered values ranging from 157 ppm (.0157%) to 8630 ppm (.863%) Cobalt. (See Press Release International Cobalt Corp. May 22, 2018).

礦化露頭和零星的巖心採樣最近產生了高達0.863%鈷在歷史上1.5%的分級銅礦帶內。2004年的一項政府研究29個巖心樣品,遇到的值範圍為百萬分之157(0.0157%) 至8630 ppm(.863%)鈷。 (見國際鈷公司2018年5月22日的新聞稿)。

The Mongoose field team recently spent 8 days at the Government Core Library confirming historical drill core data and sampling select intervals for assay to better understand the geology at Mt. Thom.


Bass River & East Folly Mountain IOCG Project - Mongoose recently commissioned the services of EarthEx Geophysical Solutions Inc. from Manitoba to conduct a high-definition UAV mag survey in the Bass River and East Folly Mountain Blocks of their properties. At Bass River, the newly acquired mag data will coincide with the Company's 2021 drilling and field sampling where significant cobalt mineralization was identified. At East Folly Mountain, results are expected to further define Nano Spectra anomalies identified during work conducted in 2020. 3D modeling will be acquired from EarthEx to be used for future drill targeting (Summer/Fall 2022).

Bass River&East Folly Mountain IOCG項目-Mongoose最近委託來自馬尼託巴省的EarthEx地球物理解決方案公司的服務,在其物業的Bass River和East Folly Mountain區塊進行高清晰度無人機磁懸浮測量。在Bass River,新獲得的MAG數據將與公司2021年發現重大鈷礦化的鑽探和現場採樣相吻合。在East Folly Mountain,預計結果將進一步確定在2020年進行的工作中發現的納米光譜異常。3D建模將從EarthEx獲得,用於未來的鑽探目標(2022年夏/秋)。

Upcoming Work:


Bass River, Londonderry and East Folly Mountain IOCG Project - A 2000-meter drill program has been scheduled for mid-June 2022. The field team has been working on logistics, permitting, land access and road cutting in anticipation of starting up immediately following their return from the 2022 PDAC conference in Toronto in mid-June.


Planned drill holes include:


  1. Fire Road - To test a 15m outcropping magnetite body with significant cobalt mineralization. - Crown Land Permit in place.
  2. Adjacent to Fire Road - To test a historic gravity anomaly (NS-23 West). - Crown Land Permit in place.
  3. Londonderry, NS - To test a large historic magnetic and coincident gravity anomaly (NS-24) overlain by anomalous copper and zinc rock geochem. - Private landowner agreement in place.
  4. Londonderry, NS - To test Minotaur gravity anomaly (NS-27D). This was a high-priority target from the previous claim holder but was never drilled. - Private landowner agreement in place.
  5. Bass River, NS - To test a historic gravity anomaly (NS-23 Gravity) overlain by a large historic geochem soil copper anomaly. - Crown Land Permit in place.
  6. East Folly Mountain, NS - To test anticipated mag anomalies from EarthEx's high-definition UAV magnetic survey over the East Folly Mountain block. - Landowner cooperation has been confirmed, permits to be acquired after new data has been received.
  1. 消防路-測試具有顯著鈷礦化的15米露頭磁鐵礦體。-官地許可證已備妥。
  2. 毗鄰消防路-測試歷史重力異常(NS-23 West)。-官地許可證已備妥。
  3. 北卡羅來納州倫敦德里-測試由銅、鋅異常巖石地質化學覆蓋的大型歷史磁性和重合重力異常(NS-24)。-制定了私人土地所有者協議。
  4. 北卡羅來納州倫敦德里-測試米諾陶重力異常(NS-27D)。這是前索賠持有人的高優先級目標,但從未進行過鑽探。-制定了私人土地所有者協議。
  5. 北卡羅來納州巴斯河-測試被大型地化土壤銅異常覆蓋的歷史重力異常(NS-23重力)。-官地許可證已備妥。
  6. 東弗利山,西南部-測試EarthEx在東弗利山區塊上空進行的高清晰度無人機磁力測量的預期MAG異常。-土地所有者的合作已得到確認,在收到新數據後將獲得許可證。

In New Brunswick, the Company has scheduled the services of Prospectair of Gatineau, QC to conduct an airborne MAG-TDEM survey at the Sheba Gold Property. The project has several significant historic gold assays, and the survey is expected provide insight to the structural controls to better direct future exploration. Prospectair is expected to be available by mid-July., 2022 for the program.

在新不倫瑞克,該公司已安排QC的Prospectair of Gatineau在Sheba金礦進行航空MAG-TDEM調查。該項目有幾個重要的歷史黃金分析,預計調查將提供對構造控制的洞察,以更好地指導未來的勘探。Prospectair預計將於2022年7月中旬推出。



We continue to work on a larger scale drill program to encompass Minotaur gravity/mag, Mercator prospectivity and nano spectra targets previously identified across the Bass River and Londonderry claim blocks. We have also been researching the use of RAB drilling as a cost-effective method of exploring a large area with minimal impact to the environment.


Terry Coughlan, CEO commented, "It is important to note the Company has many high priority targets along our 39 km length of claims having high potential for IOCG discoveries. This program is just the start of some very exciting exploration work in Atlantic Canada. With the recent cobalt drilling intercepts in the latest drilling press release from the Company (see the Company's press release dated April 20, 2022), we could potentially be defining an interesting suite of Canada's strategic metals right here in Nova Scotia."

首席執行官Terry Coughlan評論説:“值得注意的是,公司在我們39公里長的主張中有許多高度優先的目標,具有很高的IOCG發現潛力。該計劃只是加拿大大西洋地區一些非常令人興奮的勘探工作的開始。隨着公司最近在鑽探新聞稿中截獲鈷鑽探(參見公司日期為2022年4月20日的新聞稿),我們可能正在定義一套有趣的加拿大戰略金屬,就在新斯科舍省。”

Qualified Person


The scientific and technical information contained in this news release has been, reviewed and approved by Terry Coughlan, P.Geo., the Company's Chief Executive Officer, a Qualified Person within the context of Canadian Securities Administrators' National Instrument 43-101; Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101"). The Company's exploration work was performed by Mark Graves P. Geo an arm's length geological consultant to the company who also approved the technical content of this release.

本新聞稿中包含的科學和技術信息已由公司首席執行官Terry Coughlan,P.Geo審核和批准,Terry Coughlan是加拿大證券管理人國家文書43-101;礦產項目披露標準(“NI 43-101公司的勘探工作是由Mark Graves P.Geo執行的,他是公司的一名正常的地質顧問,也批准了本新聞稿的技術內容。

About Mongoose Mining Ltd.


Mongoose Mining Ltd. is a Canadian exploration company engaged in the acquisition, exploration, and evaluation of mineral properties in Canada. The Company is the holder of exploration licences to explore claims located near Londonderry and Bass River, Nova Scotia, (the "Cobequid Highlands Property"). The Cobequid Highlands Property is recognized to indicate potential for IOCG mineralization.


Terry Coughlan CEO is the contact for the release.
Electronic mail:


Forward-Looking Statements and Cautionary Language


All statements in this press release, other than statements of historical fact, are "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities laws including, without limitation statements related to future planned exploration work and the timing and results thereof. Mongoose provides forward-looking statements for the purpose of conveying information about current expectations and plans relating to the future and readers are cautioned that such statements may not be appropriate for other purposes. By its nature, this information is subject to inherent risks and uncertainties that may be general or specific and which give rise to the possibility that expectations, forecasts, predictions, projections, or conclusions will not prove to be accurate, that assumptions may not be correct, and that objectives, strategic goals and priorities will not be achieved. These risks and uncertainties include but are not limited to exploration findings, results, plans and recommendations, ability to raise adequate financing, and market and economic risks associated with market and economic circumstances, as well as those risks and uncertainties identified and reported in Mongoose's public filings under its SEDAR profile at . Although Mongoose has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual actions, events, or results to differ materially from those described in forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause actions, events or results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such information will prove to be accurate as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Mongoose disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise unless required by law.


Neither the CSE nor its Regulation Services Providers (as that term is defined in the policies of the CSE) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


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