
Angold Reports Disseminated Silver Sulphides, Provides Drilling Update at Iron Butte, Nevada

Angold Reports Disseminated Silver Sulphides, Provides Drilling Update at Iron Butte, Nevada

newsfile ·  2022/06/13 08:50

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - June 13, 2022) - Angold Resources Ltd. (TSXV: AAU) (FSE: 13L) (OTCQB: AAUGF) ("Angold" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has identified disseminated silver sulphide mineralization in the first hole of its Phase One core drilling program at Iron Butte, Nevada. The Company is drilling hole AAU22-001 in the planned Phase One program of up to a 2,926 meter, 5-hole program. For more information on planned drilling, with maps, please refer to our News Release dated April 19, 2022 on the Company's website or SEDAR.

温哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省-(Newsfile Corp.-2022年6月13日)-安金資源有限公司 (多倫多證券交易所:AAU)(證券交易所:13L)(OTCQB:AAUGF) ("安金“或”公司“)很高興地宣佈,該公司已在其位於內華達州鐵巴特的第一階段巖心鑽探計劃的第一個鑽孔中發現了浸染狀硫化銀礦化。該公司正在鑽AAU22-001井,計劃第一階段方案長達2926米,5孔方案。有關計劃中的鑽探和地圖的更多信息,請參閲公司網站上2022年4月19日的新聞稿或SEDAR。

Figure 1: Quartz vein with fine grains of silver sulphides at 940' (287 m).


Adrian Rothwell, President & Chief Executive Officer, said, "These results are impressive, indicating the potential presence of significant mineralization in targeted geophysical and fault structures at depth, in a geological setting never before tested, and prior to hitting the projection of surface-mineralized faults at depth. We are excited for news to come."


The frequency and width of veining has increased at depth, below the depth of historic drilling, in Hole AAU22-001 with disseminated silver sulphides in veinlets from about 940' (287m) from surface. Hole AAU22-001 was designed primarily to test a strong, coincident resistivity-chargeability high at depth, coincident with the projected triple intersection zone between several mineralized fault zones. This hole also represents a step out of approximately 76 metres south (at surface) of the nearest mineralized historic drillhole and has a target depth of 671 metres.


Figure 2. Map showing the locations of Phase 1 proposed drilling.


Figure 3. Cross-Sections of some selected drill holes - Phase 1 proposed drilling.


Drilling to date within and at depth below the Red Ridge zone has encountered many epithermal quartz vein-veinlet zones displaying polyphase banding, some quartz after calcite pseudomorphs, and in some cases, silver sulfide mineral (acanthite) grains in specific bands. These textures and minerals together demonstrate the fertility of the system at this level and provide encouragement for significant precious metals potential at depth, where a boiling horizon in an idealized low-sulfidation epithermal system could occur.


Rock chip samples at surface in the Red Ridge zone, comprised of breccias and banded veinlets, have demonstrated silver grades to 600 g/t and gold grades to 4 g/t. It is encouraging to see silver sulfides at depth in veins within the same zone.


Table 1: Gold and silver values in selected rock chips from Red Ridge, the target area we are currently drill testing at depth.

表1:我們目前正在進行深度鑽探測試的目標區域Red Ridge的精選巖屑中的金銀價值。

Sample Sample Type Wgt Kg Au_ppm Ag_ppm
20MJ-10-14-05 Rock 0.3 4.13 608
127814 Rock 2.56 0.227 492
127810 Rock 0.98 1.74 439
127756 Rock 1.61 0.334 206
KCIB10-5-16C Rock 1.06 0.625 181
127716 Rock 4.26 1.23 160
127755 Rock 1.48 0.323 151
127976 Rock 2.71 1.025 128
127813 Rock 2.18 1.435 127
127717 Rock 4.11 1.75 126
127965 Rock 1.97 0.175 124
樣本 樣本類型 WGT公斤 Au_ppm AG_ppm
20MJ-10-14-05 巖石 0.3 4.13 608
127814 巖石 2.56 0.227 492
127810 巖石 0.98 1.74 439
127756 巖石 1.61 0.334 206
KCIB10-5-16C 巖石 1.06 0.625 181
127716 巖石 4.26 1.23 160
127755 巖石 1.48 0.323 151
127976 巖石 2.71 1.025 128
127813 巖石 2.18 1.435 127
127717 巖石 4.11 1.75 126
127965 巖石 1.97 0.175 124



Gold mineralization has been encountered in drilling over an area of 1.3 x 2.9 km, and surface mineralization and alteration indicate additional untested targets within the Company's claims.


Highlighted Intercepts from Historic Drilling (1980 to 2009):


Hole Interval (m) Grade (g/t Au) From (m) To (m)
H31-821 98 0.70 0 98
    includes 21 1.54 29 50
H32-82 70 0.68 0 70
H35-82 29 0.82 8 37
NC22 72 0.68 56 128
NC45 72 0.49 104 175
NC521 55 1.13 17 72
NC561 72 0.41 0 72
    and 49 0.83 104 152
    includes 12 1.70 139 151
CC09-02 34 1.72 61 95
C3 Road cut #3 32 1.42 8 40
孔洞 間隔(M) 品位(克/噸金) 發件人(M) 至(M)
H31-821 98 0.70 0 98
包括 21 1.54 29 50
H32-82 70 0.68 0 70
H35-82 29 0.82 8 37
NC22 72 0.68 56 128
NC45 72 0.49 104 175
NC521 55 1.13 17 72
NC561 72 0.41 0 72
49 0.83 104 152
包括 12 1.70 139 151
CC09-02 34 1.72 61 95
C3路基#3 32 1.42 8 40
  1. Ends in mineralization.
  1. 以礦化告終。



Gold-silver mineralization is believed to be controlled by a series of north-south, north-northeast and east-west structures that host silicification and epithermal quartz-pyrite-gold-silver mineralization within Pennsylvanian to Permian siltstones and argillites of the Cedars Sequence (Havallah) and Oligocene felsic volcanic rocks. Mineralization is completely oxidized from surface up to 175 metres depth and continues as sulphides to depths beyond 250 metres. Mineralization is also disseminated between veins, silicified structures and brecciated zones, and can occur as silicified breccia zones at the contact between volcanic and underlying sedimentary rocks. Opaline silica, bladed quartz-chalcedony after calcite, polyphase banded quartz veins and natroalunite veins are exposed at surface, supporting the deduction the epithermal system at Iron Butte is largely intact. Surface rock chip and soil sampling assay results also support this deduction, with highly elevated mercury, selenium and arsenic present. Quartz textures, alteration and mineralogy described support a low-sulfidation epithermal model, which will be used to guide-inform future exploration efforts at Iron Butte.

金銀礦化受一系列北-南、北-東北和東西向構造控制,這些構造賦存於賓夕法尼亞-二疊紀粉砂巖和雪松序列(哈瓦拉)和漸新世長英質火山巖中的硅化和低温熱液石英-黃鐵礦-金銀礦化。礦化從地表到175米深度被完全氧化,並以硫化物的形式持續到250米以上的深度。礦化還分佈在礦脈、硅化構造和角礫巖帶之間,並可作為硅化角礫巖帶出現在火山巖和下伏沉積巖的接觸處。地表露出乳白色二氧化硅、方解石後的片狀石英玉髓、多相條帶狀石英脈和鈉長石脈,支持鐵角巖低温熱液系統基本完好的推斷。地表巖屑和土壤採樣分析結果也支持這一推論,汞、硒和砷的含量都很高。所描述的石英結構、蝕變和礦物學支持低硫化淺成熱液模型,該模型將用於指導未來在Iron Butt的勘探工作。

Qualified Person


Clyde Smith, PhD, P.Eng., a Qualified Person in accordance with National Instrument 43-101, is responsible for supervising the exploration programs at the Company's projects and has reviewed and approved the technical information contained in this news release.

Clyde Smith,Phd,P.Eng是符合National Instrument 43-101標準的合格人員,負責監督公司項目的勘探計劃,並已審查和批准本新聞稿中包含的技術信息。

QAQC Statement


All Angold Resources' soil geochemical sample assay results are monitored by our Exploration Manager through a quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) protocol, which includes inserting blind certified reference materials (CRMs or Standards) and blanks at regular intervals, typically every 80 samples. Due to their very selective nature, rock chip samples are typically submitted alone without insertion of CRMs or blanks. Drill hole samples and pulps re-assayed have a QA/QC protocol which includes insertion of CRMs, blanks and duplicates at regular intervals, typically every 20 samples. When a failure of a CRM occurs the entire oven batch (84 samples), which includes samples before and after the CRM, is reanalyzed until returned results are within expected limits.

我們的勘探經理通過質量保證/質量控制(QA/QC)協議,定期插入盲目認證標準物質(標準物質或標準物質)和空白,通常為每80個樣本,對AnGold Resources的所有土壤地球化學樣本分析結果進行監控。由於其非常有選擇性的性質,巖石芯片樣品通常是單獨提交的,沒有插入標準物質或空白。重新分析的鑽孔樣品和紙漿具有質量保證/質量控制方案,其中包括以規則的間隔插入標準物質、空白和複製品,通常是每20個樣品。當CRM發生故障時,重新分析整個烤箱批次(84個樣品),包括CRM之前和之後的樣品,直到返回的結果在預期範圍內。

Drill core and/or reverse circulation (RC) chip samples are kept at the drill sites as drilling progresses. Core and chip trays are picked up by an Angold project geologist and transported to Elko, Nevada for logging. Sample intervals are chosen by the geologist based upon geologic observations but are generally spaced 5 feet (1.52 meters) apart, with no sample intervals less than 1 foot (0.3 meters) in length. Intervals of no recovery or sample loss are not sampled across or are excluded as much as practical. Once core is logged it is diamond sawed by an independent contractor in a secured facility, with half of the cut core being stored in a secure location and the other half being delivered to or picked up by either ALS Global or Paragon Geochemical. RC samples are split and bagged at the drill site by a driller's helper, with the samples being stored in bins at the drill site. Samples-bins are then delivered to or picked up by either ALS Global or Paragon Geochemical.

隨着鑽井的進行,鑽芯和/或反循環(RC)芯片樣品保存在鑽井現場。巖芯和芯片託盤由AnGold項目的地質學家拿起,運往內華達州埃爾科進行記錄。採樣間隔由地質學家根據地質觀察選擇,但通常間隔5英尺(1.52米),採樣間隔長度不得小於1英尺(0.3米)。沒有恢復或樣本丟失的間隔不進行抽樣,或者儘可能多地排除。一旦巖芯被記錄下來,就會由一家獨立承包商在一個安全的設施中進行鑽石鋸切,切割後的巖芯中有一半被儲存在一個安全的地方,另一半被交付給ALS Global或Paragon地球化公司或由其取走。在鑽探現場,鑽工的助手將鋼筋混凝土樣品分開並裝袋,樣品儲存在鑽探現場的垃圾箱中。樣品箱隨後被送到ALS Global或Paragon地球化公司或由其取走。

Rock, pulp, core or RC samples picked up by or delivered to ALS Global are taken to their Elko prep facility. Samples are prepped in Elko using the PREP-31 package. Samples are then shipped to Sparks for gold fire assay and Vancouver, BC for multi-element analysis. Analytical methods include gold fire assay method AuAA23 and 4-acid digestion multi-element method ME-MS61m, for 49 elements. Pulp re-assays also utilized the AgICP41 method for silver. Drill hole, rock or soil samples picked up by Paragon Geochemical in Elko are taken to their prep and assay facility in Sparks, Nevada and are prepped using the PREP-PP or PKG-SOIL packages. Analytical methods include gold fire assay method Au-AA30, which is an aqua regia digest with an AAS scan to determine gold contents. In addition, most samples are assayed for multi-element geochemical data utilizing the FSAU-25 method, which is a 51-element aqua regia digest with MS scan to determine trace element contents.

由ALS Global採集或交付給ALS Global的巖石、紙漿、巖心或RC樣品被帶到他們的ELKO準備設施。樣品是使用PREP-31包在ELKO中準備的。然後,樣品被運往斯帕克斯進行金火分析,並被運往不列顛哥倫比亞省温哥華進行多元素分析。分析方法包括金火試金法AuAA23和4酸消解多元素法ME-MS61M,共測定49種元素。紙漿重新分析也使用了AgICP41方法測定銀。由Elko的Paragon地球化學所採集的鑽孔、巖石或土壤樣本被帶到其位於內華達州斯帕克斯的準備和分析設施,並使用Prep-PP或PKG-Soil包進行準備。分析方法包括金火試金法Au-AA30,這是一種王水消化法,通過AAS掃描來確定金的含量。此外,大多數樣品都是利用FSAU-25方法進行多元素地球化學數據分析的,FSAU-25方法是一種51種元素的王水消解方法,用MS掃描來確定微量元素含量。

About Angold


Angold is an exploration and development company targeting large-scale mineral systems in the proven districts of the Maricunga, Nevada and Ontario. Angold owns a 100% interest in the Dorado, Cordillera and South Bay-Uchi projects, and certain claims that append the optioned Iron Butte project.

AnGold是一家勘探和開發公司,目標是馬裏昆加、內華達州和安大略省探明地區的大型礦產系統。AnGold擁有Dorado、Cordillera和South Bay-Uchi項目的100%權益,並擁有某些附加於可選的Iron Butte項目的權利。



"Adrian Rothwell"
Chief Executive Officer


Further information on Angold can be found on the Company's website at and at , or by contacting the Company by email at or by telephone at (855) 917 4091.

欲瞭解有關安金公司的更多信息,請訪問公司網站,網址為:,或通過電子郵件(Investors@angoldresource或電話(855)917 4091與公司聯繫。

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Forward Looking Statements: This news release contains forward-looking statements and forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable securities laws. These statements relate to future events or future performance and includes expectations of the resumption of trading of the Company's common shares on the Exchange. All statements other than statements of historical fact may be forward-looking statements or information. Forward-looking statements and information are often, but not always, identified by the use of words such as "appear", "seek", "anticipate", "plan", "continue", "estimate", "approximate", "expect", "may", "will", "project", "predict", "potential", "targeting", "intend", "could", "might", "should", "believe", "would" and similar expressions. Forward-looking statements and information are provided for the purpose of providing information about the current expectations and plans of management of the Company relating to the future. Readers are cautioned that reliance on such statements and information may not be appropriate for other purposes, such as making investment decisions. Since forward-looking statements and information address future events and conditions, by their very nature they involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results could differ materially from those currently anticipated due to a number of factors and risks. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements, timelines and information contained in this news release.


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