
UPDATE 1-CATL has supplied EV batteries to S.Korea's Kia - CATL spokesperson

UPDATE 1-CATL has supplied EV batteries to S.Korea's Kia - CATL spokesperson

最新消息 1-CATL 已向韓國起亞-CATL 發言人提供電動汽車電池
reuters ·  2022/06/22 23:00

(Adds background details)


SHANGHAI/SEOUL, June 23 (Reuters) - Chinese battery giant Contemporary Amperex Technology Co Ltd (CATL) has supplied electric vehicle (EV) batteries to South Korea's Kia Corp

上海/首爾,6 月 23 日(路透社)-中國電池巨頭當代安培力科技有限公司(CATL)已向韓國起亞公司提供電動汽車(EV)電池

000270.KS , CATL said on Thursday, marking Kia's first use of non-Korean EV batteries for sales at home.

CATL 周四表示,000270.KS,標誌著起亞首次使用非韓國電動汽車電池在家裡銷售。

The South Korean automaker, an affiliate of Hyundai Motor Co


005380.KS , has chosen batteries from CATL for its electric Niro crossover SUV, aiming at expanding its range of battery suppliers, a South Korean newspaper reported on Wednesday.

韓國報紙週三報導,005380.KS 從 CATL 中選擇了電池作為其電動尼羅跨界 SUV,旨在擴大其電池供應商的範圍。

A CATL spokesperson confirmed the report without elaborating. Kia did not have an immediate comment when contacted by Reuters.

CATL 一位發言人在沒有詳細闡述的情況下確認了該報告。當路透社聯繫時,起亞沒有立即發表評論。

CATL, whose clients include Tesla Inc TSLA.O and Volkswagen AG VOWG_p.DE , is the world's largest battery maker.

CATL,其客戶包括特斯拉公司 TSLA.O 和大眾汽車公司 VOWG_P.DE,是世界上最大的電池製造商。

Industry tracker SNE Research says the company has a share of more than 35% of the booming global EV battery market. Analysts say the market is worth tens of billions of dollars a year.

行業跟踪器 SNE 研究表示,該公司在蓬勃發展的全球 EV 電池市場中佔有 35% 以上的份額。分析師表示,市場價值一年數百億美元。

For domestic EV sales, Hyundai Motor and Kia have previously used only batteries from two South Korean firms - LG Energy Solution Ltd 373220.KS and SK Innovation Co Ltd's 096770.KS SK On.

對於國內電動汽車銷售,現代汽車和起亞以前僅使用兩家韓國公司的電池-LG 能源解決方案有限公司 373220.KS 和 SK 創新有限公司的 096770.KS SK 安。

Those battery makers and domestic peer Samsung SDI Co Ltd

那些電池廠商和國內同行三星 SDI 有限公司

096770.KS together command more than a quarter of the global EV battery market, according to SNE Research.

根據 SNE 研究報告,096770.KS 共同佔據了全球四分之一以上的電動汽車電池市場。

(Reporting by Zhang Yan in Shanghai and Heekyong Yang in Seoul; Editing by Muralikumar Anantharaman and Bradley Perrett)


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