
Nickel North Announces Significant Mineral Resource Update at Hawk Ridge Nickel-Copper-Cobalt-PGE Project, Resources Increase 76.6% to 34.66 Mt Nickel 0.22% Copper 0.56% and more

Nickel North Announces Significant Mineral Resource Update at Hawk Ridge Nickel-Copper-Cobalt-PGE Project, Resources Increase 76.6% to 34.66 Mt Nickel 0.22% Copper 0.56% and more

newsfile ·  2022/07/05 09:05

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - July 5, 2022) - Nickel North Exploration Corp. (TSXV: NNX) (" Nickel North" or the "Company") today announced an updated Mineral Resource Estimate ("MRE") for its 100% owned Hawk Ridge Nickel-Nickel-Cobalt-PGE Sulphide Project ("Hawk Ridge") in Northern Québec. The NI-43-101 Inferred MRE increased by 76.6% to 34.66 Mt from 19.63 Mt and includes an update on its previously reported Hope Advance Main ("HAM") Zone and Hope Advance North ("HAN"), Gamma and Falco 7 Deposits.

加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省温哥華-(Newsfile Corp.-2022年7月5日)-北方鎳業勘探公司(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:NNX)(以下稱“北方鎳業”或“公司”)今天宣佈,該公司對其位於魁北克北部的鷹嶺鎳-鎳-鈷-PGE硫化物項目(“鷹嶺”)進行了最新的礦產資源評估。NI-43-101推定MRE由19.63公噸增加至34.66公噸,增幅達76.6%,幷包括先前報告的Hope Advance Main(“Ham”)區及Hope Advance North(“HAN”)、Gamma及Falco 7礦藏的最新資料。



  • Total Inferred Mineral Resources for four mineralized deposits (Hope Advance Main (HAM), Hope Advance North (HAN), Gamma and Falco 7) increase by 76.6% to 34.66 Mt at 0.22%, 0.56% Cu, 0.013% Co, 0.19  g/t Pd, 0.05 g/t Pt and 0.025 g/t Au (Table 1), which includes:

    • Total Pit-Constrained Inferred Mineral Resources at a CDN$35/t NSR cut-off increase by 50% to 29.44 Mt at 0.20% Ni, 0.52% Cu, 0.012% Co, 0.19 g/t Pd, 0.04 g/t Pt and 0.021 g/t Au, which equates to 0.56% NiEq.

    • Total Out-Of-Pit (Underground) Inferred Mineral Resources at a CDN$100/t NSR cut-off are estimated at 5.22 Mt at average grades of 0.35% Ni, 0.79% Cu, 0.014% Co, 0.23 g/t Pd, 0.06 g/t Pt, and 0.04 g/t Au, which equates to 0.88% NiEq.

  • The higher-grade "Raglan Type" sulphide mineralization exists in all four reported nickel-copper sulphide deposits and all of them remain open along strike and down-dip (Figure 2-4); Hawk Ridge has a similar rock age/type and is part of the same Circum-Superior nickel belt, and lastly same occurrences of Ni-Cu & PGE metals found (Figure 1).

  • 四個礦化礦牀(Ham)、HAN(HAN)、Gamma和Falco 7的總推斷礦產資源量分別為0.22%、0.56%Cu、0.013%Co、0.19 g/t Pd、0.05 g/t Pt和0.025 g/t Au,增加了76.6%,達到34.66Mt(表1),其中包括:

    • 當鎳含量為0.20%、銅含量為0.52%、鈷含量為0.012%、鈀含量為0.19g/t、鉑含量為0.04g/t、金含量為0.021 g/t時,礦坑受限推斷礦產資源總量增加50%至29.44Mt,相當於0.56%鎳當量。

    • 總的礦場外(地下)推斷礦產資源量以100加元/噸自然資源界線計算,估計為5.22百萬噸,平均品位為0.35%鎳、0.79%銅、0.014%鈷、0.23克/噸鈀、0.06克/噸鉑和0.04克/噸金,相當於0.88%鎳當量。

  • 所有四個已報告的鎳銅硫化物礦牀中均存在品位較高的“拉格蘭類型”硫化物礦化,且均沿走向和向下傾斜(圖2-4);鷹嶺具有類似的巖石年齡/類型,是相同的環狀-上等鎳帶的一部分,最後發現了相同的鎳-銅和鉑族金屬產狀(圖1)。

Figure 1


  • Figure 1, Comparison Diagram of Glencore's Raglan project and NNX's Hawk Ridge Project

  • Significant exploration potential remains with approximately 50% of the Hawk Ridge mineralized structure and mineral occurrences being undrilled or untested and will soon be actively explored (Figure 5).

  • 圖1嘉能可Raglan項目與NNX鷹嶺項目對比圖

  • 霍克嶺的礦化結構和礦點中約50%仍有巨大的勘探潛力,尚未鑽探或未測試,不久將積極勘探(圖5)。

Tony Guo, President and CEO of Nickel North commented, "This Mineral Resource update delivers on both of its key objectives - better definition and increased the Pit-Constrained Mineral Resource and establishing an initial Mineral Resource for potential underground mining. With a 76.6% increase in total Inferred Mineral Resources, and an initial Out-of-Pit Mineral Resource, this update puts NNX in excellent position for the planning the next large drilling program to further define both high grade Out-of-Pit targets and expanding the Pit-Constrained Mineral Resources in the late 2022 to summer 2023 working seasons.

Nickel North首席執行官兼首席執行官郭朝偉表示:“此次礦產資源更新實現了兩個主要目標--更好地定義和增加礦坑受限礦產資源,以及為潛在的地下開採建立初始礦產資源。隨着推斷礦產資源總量的76.6%增長,以及最初的礦場外礦產資源,本次更新使NNX處於規劃下一個大型鑽探計劃的絕佳位置,以進一步確定高品位礦場外目標,並在2022年末至2023年夏季的工作季節擴大礦坑受限礦產資源。

"Note that the Mineral Resource Estimate is based on drilling up to 2014 and there has been no drilling since then, with over 50 kilometers of north-south strike length. The entire Hawk Ridge land package is open for exploration and only a fraction of it included in this Mineral Resource Estimate. (Figure 5)


"I look forward to the 2022 summer surface exploration program and 2023 drilling program to explore our several highly prospective nickel-copper-cobalt-PGM targets at Hawk Ridge, and to completing further mineral and metallurgical testing for the Hawk Ridge."


Nickel North Mineral Resource Estimate Update


For this update to the 2013 initial Mineral Resource Estimate, two drill holes (HR2014-49 and HR2014-50) completed in late-2014 were added to the original 2013 database, for a total of 37,262 m drilled. A sampling and mineral characteristic study was completed in 2014 by XPS Consulting and Testwork Service (), a Glencore company. The results of the study were utilized to calculate the Mineral Resources in the four deposits as provided in Table 1 below. The Pit-Constrained Inferred Mineral Resources of 29.44 Mt grading 0.20% Ni, 0.52% Cu, 0.012% Co, 0.19 g/t Pd, 0.04 g/t Pt and 0.021 g/t Au, which equates to a 0.56% NiEq and Out-Pit Inferred Mineral Resources of 5.22 Mt at average grades of 0.35% Ni, 0.79% Cu, 0.014% Co, 0.06 g/t Pt, 0.23 g/t Pd and 0.04 g/t Au, which equates to a 0.88% NiEq. An NSR cut-off of CDN$35/t was used for Pit-Constrained Mineral Resource reporting and an NSR cut-off of CDN$100/t for the higher-grade Out-of-Pit Mineral Resource reporting. Example block model views of the Mineral Resource Estimate are provided in Figures 2 to 4 below. The drilling programs were conducted from the 1960s to 2014. This Mineral Resource Estimate was prepared by P&E Mining Consultants Inc. in accordance with 2014 CIM Definition Standards on Mineral Resources and Reserves and 2019 CIM Best Practices Guidelines. A Technical Report in support of the Mineral Resource Estimate will be filed on SEDAR () within 45 days of this news release.

為更新二零一三年礦產資源初步估計,於二零一四年底完成的兩個鑽孔(HR2014-49和HR2014-50)已加入二零一三年的原始數據庫,共鑽出37,262米。XPS Consulting和嘉能可旗下的Testwork Service()於2014年完成了一項採樣和礦物特徵研究。研究結果被用來計算下文表1提供的四個礦藏的礦產資源量。礦坑內推斷礦產資源量為29.44Mt,品位為0.20%Ni、0.52%Cu、0.012%Co、0.19 g/t Pd、0.04 g/t Pt和0.021 g/t Au,相當於0.56%NiEq和5.22 Mt礦體外推斷礦產資源量,平均品位為0.35%Ni、0.79%Cu、0.014%Co、0.06 g/t Pt、0.23 g/t Pd和0.04 g/t Au,相當於0.88%NiEq。NSR下限為35加元/噸,用於礦坑受限礦產資源報告,NSR下限為100加元/噸,用於較高等級的礦外礦產資源報告。下面的圖2至圖4提供了礦產資源量估算的示例塊模型視圖。鑽探項目是在20世紀60年代至2014年進行的。本礦產資源評估由P&E礦業諮詢公司根據2014年CIM礦產資源和儲量定義標準和2019年CIM最佳實踐指南編制。支持礦產資源評估的技術報告將在本新聞稿發佈後45天內提交給SEDAR()。

The Mineral Resource Estimate is effective as of May 31, 2022.


Table 1 - Updated Total Inferred Mineral Resource Estimate for the Hawk Ridge Nickel-Copper-Cobalt-PGE Sulphide Project, North Québec


NSR Cut-off Tonnes Cu Cu Ni Ni Pt Pt Pd Pd Co Co Au Au Fe

CDN$/t k % t % t g/t oz g/t oz % t g/t oz %
35 14,099 0.54 75,556 0.19 26,484 0.04 18,794 0.18 82,362 0.010 1,459 0.013 5,979 8.44
HAN 35 1,305 0.91 11,893 0.36 4,751 0.07 2,861 0.25 10,384 0.013 172 0.023 983 11.21
Subtotal 35 15,404 0.57 87,449 0.20 31,236 0.04 21,655 0.19 92,746 0.011 1,631 0.014 6,962 8.67
HAM Out-of-pit 100 693 0.76 5,257 0.26 1,813 0.06 1,235 0.22 4,812 0.012 81 0.019 421 9.34
HAN 100 118 1.30 1,540 0.16 194 0.03 127 0.15 588 0.009 10 0.023 86 8.35
Subtotal 100 811 0.84 6,797 0.25 2,006 0.05 1,362 0.21 5,400 0.011 92 0.019 507 9.20
HAM & HAN Subtotal 35+100 16,215 0.58 94,246 0.21 33,242 0.04 23,017 0.19 98,146 0.011 1,723 0.014 7,469 8.70
Falco 7 Pit
35 8,410 0.40 33,852 0.17 14,291 0.04 10,984 0.16 41,961 0.017 1,401 0.023 6,259 15.71
Out-of-pit 100 404 0.77 3,116 0.21 859 0.06 765 0.22 2,841 0.014 56 0.067 872 10.53
Subtotal 35+100 8,814 0.42 36,969 0.17 15,150 0.04 11,749 0.16 44,801 0.017 1,457 0.025 7,131 15.47
Gamma Pit
35 5,624 0.59 33,125 0.23 13,031 0.05 9,318 0.23 41,508 0.011 641 0.039 6,967 8.92
Out-of-pit 100 4,005 0.78 31,413 0.38 15,189 0.06 7,846 0.23 30,232 0.015 596 0.045 5,794 9.70
Subtotal 35+100 9,629 0.67 64,538 0.29 28,219 0.06 17,164 0.23 71,740 0.013 1,237 0.041 12,761 9.24
HAM, HAN, Falco 7 & Gamma Pit
35 29,438 0.52 154,426 0.20 58,557 0.04 41,957 0.19 176,214 0.012 3,673 0.021 20,188 10.73
Out-of-pit 100 5,220 0.79 41,326 0.35 18,054 0.06 9,973 0.23 38,473 0.014 744 0.043 7,173 9.68
Grand Total 35+100 34,658 0.56 195,752 0.22 76,611 0.05 51,930 0.19 214,687 0.013 4,417 0.025 27,361 10.57
NSR截止 公噸 CU CU 倪妮 倪妮 PT PT 局部放電 局部放電 公司 公司 Au Au

CDN美元/噸 k % t % t 克/噸 奧茲 克/噸 奧茲 % t 克/噸 奧茲 %
火腿 坑洞
35 14,099 0.54 75,556 0.19 26,484 0.04 18,794 0.18 82,362 0.010 1,459 0.013 5,979 8.44
韓寒 35 1,305 0.91 11,893 0.36 4,751 0.07 2,861 0.25 10,384 0.013 172 0.023 983 11.21
小計 35 15,404 0.57 87,449 0.20 31,236 0.04 21,655 0.19 92,746 0.011 1,631 0.014 6,962 8.67
火腿 出坑 100 693 0.76 5,257 0.26 1,813 0.06 1,235 0.22 4,812 0.012 81 0.019 421 9.34
韓寒 100 118 1.30 1,540 0.16 194 0.03 127 0.15 588 0.009 10 0.023 86 8.35
小計 100 811 0.84 6,797 0.25 2,006 0.05 1,362 0.21 5,400 0.011 92 0.019 507 9.20
火腿和韓文 小計 35+100 16,215 0.58 94,246 0.21 33,242 0.04 23,017 0.19 98,146 0.011 1,723 0.014 7,469 8.70
獵鷹7號 坑洞
35 8,410 0.40 33,852 0.17 14,291 0.04 10,984 0.16 41,961 0.017 1,401 0.023 6,259 15.71
出坑 100 404 0.77 3,116 0.21 859 0.06 765 0.22 2,841 0.014 56 0.067 872 10.53
小計 35+100 8,814 0.42 36,969 0.17 15,150 0.04 11,749 0.16 44,801 0.017 1,457 0.025 7,131 15.47
伽馬 坑洞
35 5,624 0.59 33,125 0.23 13,031 0.05 9,318 0.23 41,508 0.011 641 0.039 6,967 8.92
出坑 100 4,005 0.78 31,413 0.38 15,189 0.06 7,846 0.23 30,232 0.015 596 0.045 5,794 9.70
小計 35+100 9,629 0.67 64,538 0.29 28,219 0.06 17,164 0.23 71,740 0.013 1,237 0.041 12,761 9.24
火腿,韓,獵鷹7和伽瑪 坑洞
35 29,438 0.52 154,426 0.20 58,557 0.04 41,957 0.19 176,214 0.012 3,673 0.021 20,188 10.73
出坑 100 5,220 0.79 41,326 0.35 18,054 0.06 9,973 0.23 38,473 0.014 744 0.043 7,173 9.68
總計 35+100 34,658 0.56 195,752 0.22 76,611 0.05 51,930 0.19 214,687 0.013 4,417 0.025 27,361 10.57



  • CIM definitions (2014) and Best Practices Guidelines (2019) were followed for Mineral Resource estimation
  • Mineral Resources were estimated by conventional 3-D block modelling based on wireframing at a CDN$35/tonne NSR cut-off for Pit-Constrained Mineral Resources and a CDN$100/tonne NSR cut-off for Out-of-Pit Mineral Resources using inverse distance squared grade interpolation.
  • Metal prices for the estimate are: US$4.00/lb Cu, US$9.25/lb Ni, US$1,350/oz Pt, US$1800/oz Pd, US$1,750/oz Au and US$26.00/lb Co based on a two-year trailing average as of May 31, 2022, along with Consensus Economics metal price forecasting.
  • A variable bulk density of 3.01 tonnes/m3 or greater has been applied for volume to tonnes conversion.
  • - Pit-Constrained Mineral Resources are estimated from surface to pit floor depths of 100 m to 230 m.
  • Out-of-Pit Mineral Resources are estimated from 100 m to 275 m below pit floors
  • Mineral Resources are classified as Inferred based on drill hole spacing, geologic continuity and quality of data.
  • Mineral Resources which are not Mineral Reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. The estimate of Mineral Resources may be materially affected by environmental, permitting, legal, title, taxation, socio-political, marketing, or other relevant issues.
  • The Inferred Mineral Resource in this estimate has a lower level of confidence that applied to an Indicated Mineral Resource and must not be converted to a Mineral Reserve. It is reasonably expected that the majority of the Inferred Mineral Resource could be upgraded to an Indicated Mineral Resource with continued exploration.
  • 礦產資源評估遵循CIM定義(2014)和最佳實踐指南(2019)
  • 礦產資源量是通過傳統的3-D區塊模型進行評估的,線框模型基於線框圖,礦坑受限礦產資源的NSR下限為35加元/噸,礦場外礦產資源的NSR下限為100加元/噸,使用反距離平方品位插值法。
  • 根據截至2022年5月31日的兩年往績平均值以及Consensus Economics金屬價格預測,估計的金屬價格為:銅4.00美元/磅,鎳9.25美元/磅,鉑1350美元/盎司,鉑1800美元/盎司,金1,750美元/盎司,鈷26.00美元/磅。
  • 可變容重為3.01公噸/米3或更多已申請數量到噸的轉換。
  • -礦坑受限礦產資源估計從地表到礦坑底部深度為100米至230米。
  • 井外礦產資源量估計在井底以下100米至275米之間。
  • 根據鑽孔間距、地質連續性和數據質量將礦產資源分類為推斷。
  • 不屬於礦產儲備的礦產資源不具有經濟可行性。礦產資源的估計可能會受到環境、許可、法律、所有權、税收、社會政治、營銷或其他相關問題的重大影響。
  • 這一估計中推斷的礦產資源的置信度較低,適用於已指明的礦產資源,不得轉換為礦產儲量。合理地預期,隨着勘探的繼續,大部分推斷礦產資源可升級為指示礦產資源。

Figure 2, Block Model for Hope Advance Main (HAM) and North (HAN) Zone with variable CDN$/t NSR cut-offs, Top part (Blue colour), Pit-Constrained Mineral Resource block models; Lower part, High-grade mineralization "potato" with & NSR > CDN$100/t within large, low-grade mineralized zone (NSR > CDN$35/t)

圖2,希望前進主帶(HAM)和北帶(HAN)的塊體模型,NSR下限可變CDN$/t,頂部(藍色),坑限制礦產資源塊體模型;下部,大型、低品位礦化帶內的高品位礦化“馬鈴薯”,&NSR>100 CDN$/t(NSR>CDN$35/t)

Figure 3, Block Model for Gamma Zone with variable CDN$/t NSR cut-offs, Top part (Blue colour), Pit-Constrained Mineral Resource block models; Lower part, High-grade mineralization "potato" with an NSR >CDN$100/t within large low-grade mineralized zone(NSR >CDN$35/t)

圖3,伽馬區塊體模型,NSR下限可變CDN$/t,頂部(藍色),凹坑受限礦產資源塊體模型;下部,大型低品位礦化帶內NSR>100 CDN$/t的高品位礦化“馬鈴薯”(NSR>CDN$35/t)

Figure 4, Block Model for Falco 7 Zone with variable CDN$/t NSR cut-offs, Top part (Blue colour), Pit-Constrained Mineral Resource block models; Lower part, High-grade mineralization "potato" with an NSR >CDN$100/t within large low-grade mineralized zone (NSR >CDN$35/t)

圖4,Falco 7區塊體模型,NSR下限可變CDN$/t,頂部(藍色),凹坑受限礦產資源塊體模型;下部,大型低品位礦化帶內NSR>100 CDN$/t的高品位礦化“馬鈴薯”(NSR>CDN$35/t)

Figure 5, Outline Map of Hawk Ridge Property Claims and Mineral Occurrences/Deposits


The Cu, Ni, Co, Pt, Pd, and Au mineralization lies at or near surface and is potentially amenable to low strip ratio, open-pit mining. The mineralized wireframes for the four deposits were constructed based on host rock lithology and mineralization at an open pit operating cut-off Net Smelter Return ("NSR") of CDN$35/t as calculated by P&E. The NSR calculation was based on a two-year trailing average metal prices and Consensus Economics metal price forecasts as of May 31, 2022, metal recoveries and smelter payable metal and treatment costs generalized from other P&E projects and a US exchange rate at 0.78. One-metre composites were generated from the assays captured within each deposit wireframe. The Mineral Resources were all classified as Inferred based on the wide drill hole spacing, level of assaying and geologic confidence in grade continuity.

銅、鎳、鈷、鉑、鈀、金礦化賦存於地表或近地表,可能適合低剝離比露天開採。四個礦牀的礦化線框是根據P&E計算的露天礦運營截止冶煉廠淨收益(NSR)35加元/噸的主巖巖性和礦化構建的。NSR的計算基於兩年往績平均金屬價格和Consensus Economics截至2022年5月31日的金屬價格預測、金屬回收率和冶煉廠應付金屬和處理成本,以及從其他P&E項目概括的金屬和處理成本,美元匯率為0.78。從每個沉積物線框中捕獲的化驗結果生成了一米長的複合材料。所有礦產資源都被歸類為基於寬鑽孔間距、分析水平和品位連續性的地質置信度的推斷。

The Hopes Advance North and Main Deposits have been considered, and reported, as one domain (Hopes Advance). The geologically similar Gamma Deposit occurs 15.5 km to the southeast in a similar stratigraphic setting as the above. The Falco 7 Deposit is 11.4 km north-northeast of this trend. All deposits have strikingly similar geology and styles of mineralization. Mineral Resources for each deposit were estimated individually using Inverse Distance Squared (1/D2) weighting of composited assay values. The drill-hole database for the Property contains 407 diamond drill holes totalling 37,262 m, of which 88 drill holes for 15,268 m have been utilized to delineate the Mineral Resources. The spacing of the drill-hole sections in the individual deposit areas ranges from 50 m to 200 m.

Hope Advance North和主要礦藏被認為是一個域(Hope Advance),並被報告為一個域。地質上相似的伽馬礦牀產於東南15.5公里處,其地層環境與上述相似。法爾科7號礦牀位於這一趨勢東北偏北11.4公里處。所有礦牀具有驚人的相似地質和礦化類型。用反距離平方(1/D)法分別估算了每個礦牀的礦產資源量2)綜合測定值的權重。該財產的鑽孔數據庫包含407個鑽石鑽孔,總計37262米,其中88個鑽孔長達15268米,用於圈定礦產資源。個別礦牀區域的鑽孔段間距從50米到200米不等。

The mineral deposits contain an additional Exploration Target with a potential range of 35 million tonnes to 60 million tonnes at grade ranges of 0.35% to 0.40% Cu, 0.10% to 0.20% Ni, 0.01% to 0.02% Co, 0.03 g/t to 0.05 g/t Pt, 0.15 g/t to 0.20 g/t Pd, and 0.03 g/t to 0.05 g/t Au, which equates to a 0.35% to 0.55% NiEq.

這個 礦牀包含額外的勘探目標,潛在範圍為3,500萬噸至6,000萬噸,品位範圍為0.35%至0.40%銅、0.10%至0.20%鎳、0.01%至0.02%鈷、0.03克/噸至0.05克/噸鉑、0.15克/噸至0.20克/噸鈀及0.03克/噸至0.05克/噸金,相當於0.35%至0.55%鎳元素。

The Exploration Target is based on the estimated strike length, depth and width of the known mineralization, which is supported by intermittent drill-holes, geophysics and observations of mineralized surface exposures. The potential quantities and grades of this Exploration Target are conceptual in nature. There has been insufficient work done by a Qualified Person to define these estimates as Mineral Resources. The Company is not treating these estimates as Mineral Resources, and readers should not place undue reliance on these estimates. Even with additional work, there is no certainty that these estimates will be classified as Mineral Resources. In addition, there is no certainty that these estimates will prove to be economically recoverable.
All of the deposits within the 50 km long Hawk Ridge Project occur within the northern portion of the New Québec Orogen (Labrador Trough), near the southwest coast of Ungava Bay, Northern Québec. The Hawk Ridge Property is underlain by Proterozoic rocks that unconformably overlie Archean cratonic rocks of the Superior Province that are exposed to the west. The Proterozoic rocks are composed of a thick sequence of marine metasedimentary and mafic metavolcanic rocks that were intruded by mafic and ultramafic sills and dykes. Regionally, these rocks have been thrust to the West onto the Superior Craton and now dip steeply to the east. Disseminated copper-nickel-PGE and gold-bearing sulphides, with narrow high-grade massive sulphide bands, are predominantly hosted in the mafic and to a minor extent by metasedimentary rocks.
Mineral Resources by Deposit are presented in the tables below.


Table 2 Pit-Constrained Inferred Mineral Resources by Deposit at Various NSR Cut-Offs


 NSR Cut-off  Tonnes Cu
 Ni Pt
 Pt Pd
 Pd Co
 Co  Au Au
CDN$/t k % t % t g/t oz g/t oz % t g/t oz %
55 12,741 0.56 71,629 0.19 24,833 0.04 17,591 0.19 75,911 0.010 1,332 0.014 5,533 8.55
45 13,810 0.54 74,858 0.19 26,190 0.04 18,565 0.18 81,155 0.010 1,434 0.013 5,883 8.47
35 14,099 0.54 75,556 0.19 26,484 0.04 18,794 0.18 82,362 0.010 1,459 0.013 5,979 8.44
25 14,143 0.53 75,648 0.19 26,514 0.04 18,827 0.18 82,505 0.010 1,462 0.013 6,011 8.43
15 14,170 0.53 75,684 0.19 26,523 0.04 18,843 0.18 82,587 0.010 1,463 0.013 6,039 8.43
55 1,186 0.97 11,540 0.39 4,610 0.07 2,759 0.26 9,823 0.014 161 0.025 954 11.59
45 1,287 0.92 11,851 0.37 4,733 0.07 2,848 0.25 10,304 0.013 171 0.024 979 11.27
35 1,305 0.91 11,893 0.36 4,751 0.07 2,861 0.25 10,384 0.013 172 0.023 983 11.21
25 1,306 0.91 11,894 0.36 4,752 0.07 2,862 0.25 10,386 0.013 173 0.023 983 11.21
15 1,307 0.91 11,897 0.36 4,752 0.07 2,862 0.25 10,390 0.013 173 0.023 984 11.21
55 5,284 0.61 32,199 0.24 12,636 0.05 8,871 0.23 39,489 0.012 611 0.039 6,666 8.95
45 5,552 0.59 33,002 0.23 12,939 0.05 9,237 0.23 41,109 0.011 633 0.039 6,927 8.91
35 5,624 0.59 33,125 0.23 13,031 0.05 9,318 0.23 41,508 0.011 641 0.039 6,967 8.92
25 5,626 0.59 33,130 0.23 13,033 0.05 9,320 0.23 41,516 0.011 641 0.039 6,969 8.92
15 5,626 0.59 33,130

9,320 0.23 41,516 0.011 641 0.039 6,969 8.92
Falco 7
55 6,515 0.44 28,618 0.18 11,923 0.04 9,111 0.17 34,629 0.018 1,168 0.024 5,052 16.96
45 8,013 0.41 32,860 0.17 13,881 0.04 10,639 0.16 40,728 0.017 1,358 0.023 6,028 15.98
35 8,410 0.40 33,852 0.17 14,291 0.04 10,984 0.16 41,961 0.017 1,401 0.023 6,259 15.71
25 8,659 0.40 34,307 0.17 14,484 0.04 11,151 0.15 42,567 0.016 1,419 0.023 6,379 15.44
15 8,772
 0.016  1,426 0.023
NSR截止 公噸 CU
倪妮 PT
PT 局部放電
局部放電 公司
公司 Au Au
CDN美元/噸 k % t % t 克/噸 奧茲 克/噸 奧茲 % t 克/噸 奧茲 %
55 12,741 0.56 71,629 0.19 24,833 0.04 17,591 0.19 75,911 0.010 1,332 0.014 5,533 8.55
45 13,810 0.54 74,858 0.19 26,190 0.04 18,565 0.18 81,155 0.010 1,434 0.013 5,883 8.47
35 14,099 0.54 75,556 0.19 26,484 0.04 18,794 0.18 82,362 0.010 1,459 0.013 5,979 8.44
25 14,143 0.53 75,648 0.19 26,514 0.04 18,827 0.18 82,505 0.010 1,462 0.013 6,011 8.43
15 14,170 0.53 75,684 0.19 26,523 0.04 18,843 0.18 82,587 0.010 1,463 0.013 6,039 8.43
55 1,186 0.97 11,540 0.39 4,610 0.07 2,759 0.26 9,823 0.014 161 0.025 954 11.59
45 1,287 0.92 11,851 0.37 4,733 0.07 2,848 0.25 10,304 0.013 171 0.024 979 11.27
35 1,305 0.91 11,893 0.36 4,751 0.07 2,861 0.25 10,384 0.013 172 0.023 983 11.21
25 1,306 0.91 11,894 0.36 4,752 0.07 2,862 0.25 10,386 0.013 173 0.023 983 11.21
15 1,307 0.91 11,897 0.36 4,752 0.07 2,862 0.25 10,390 0.013 173 0.023 984 11.21
55 5,284 0.61 32,199 0.24 12,636 0.05 8,871 0.23 39,489 0.012 611 0.039 6,666 8.95
45 5,552 0.59 33,002 0.23 12,939 0.05 9,237 0.23 41,109 0.011 633 0.039 6,927 8.91
35 5,624 0.59 33,125 0.23 13,031 0.05 9,318 0.23 41,508 0.011 641 0.039 6,967 8.92
25 5,626 0.59 33,130 0.23 13,033 0.05 9,320 0.23 41,516 0.011 641 0.039 6,969 8.92
15 5,626 0.59 33,130

9,320 0.23 41,516 0.011 641 0.039 6,969 8.92
55 6,515 0.44 28,618 0.18 11,923 0.04 9,111 0.17 34,629 0.018 1,168 0.024 5,052 16.96
45 8,013 0.41 32,860 0.17 13,881 0.04 10,639 0.16 40,728 0.017 1,358 0.023 6,028 15.98
35 8,410 0.40 33,852 0.17 14,291 0.04 10,984 0.16 41,961 0.017 1,401 0.023 6,259 15.71
25 8,659 0.40 34,307 0.17 14,484 0.04 11,151 0.15 42,567 0.016 1,419 0.023 6,379 15.44
15 8,772
0.016 1,426 0.023

Table 3 Out-of-Pit Inferred Mineral Resources by Deposit at Various NSR Cut-Offs


NSR Cut-off Tonnes Cu Cu Ni Ni Pt Pt Pd Pd Co Co Au Au Fe
CDN$/t k % t % t g/t oz g/t oz % t g/t oz %
120 205 0.78 1,593 0.36 734 0.07 460 0.25 1,675 0.014 28 0.032 212 10.23
110 342 0.76 2,591 0.32 1,096 0.07 715 0.24 2,665 0.013 44 0.025 278 10.13
100 693 0.76 5,257 0.26 1,813 0.06 1,235 0.22 4,812 0.012 81 0.019 421 9.34
90 1,333 0.70 9,329 0.24 3,174 0.05 2,153 0.20 8,756 0.011 150 0.016 687 9.16
80 2,114 0.65 13,785 0.22 4,654 0.05 3,161 0.20 13,336 0.011 233 0.014 981 9.00
120 89 1.46 1,297 0.15 131 0.03 86 0.15 419 0.008 7 0.025 71 8.10
110 104 1.38 1,433 0.16 161 0.03 105 0.15 501 0.008 9 0.024 80 8.22
100 118 1.30 1,540 0.16 194 0.03 127 0.15 588 0.009 10 0.023 86 8.35
90 143 1.18 1,691 0.17 248 0.04 163 0.16 737 0.009 13 0.020 93 8.48
80 248 0.93 2,315 0.17 426 0.04 285 0.16 1,315 0.010 24 0.014 112 8.40
120 2,632 0.85 22,331 0.43 11,441 0.06 5,444 0.24 20,437 0.016 431 0.049 4,133 10.31
110 3,277 0.82 26,729 0.41 13,337 0.06 6,593 0.24 25,085 0.016 512 0.047 4,944 10.01
100 4,005 0.78 31,413 0.38 15,189 0.06 7,846 0.23 30,232 0.015 596 0.045 5,794 9.70
90 5,108 0.74 37,910 0.35 17,653 0.06 9,626 0.23 37,765 0.014 713 0.043 7,028 9.34
80 6,760 0.69 46,696 0.31 20,876 0.06 12,218 0.22 48,691 0.013 877 0.041 8,854 8.99
Falco 7
120 82 0.95 781 0.23 189 0.05 122 0.22 573 0.015 12 0.096 253 10.74
110 160 0.86 1,369 0.23 370 0.05 242 0.22 1,114 0.015 24 0.087 447 10.70
100 404 0.77 3,116 0.21 859 0.06 765 0.22 2,841 0.014 56 0.067 872 10.53
90 750 0.71 5,359 0.20 1,522 0.06 1,430 0.21 5,057 0.013 101 0.058 1,390 10.50
80 1,504 0.63 9,438 0.19 2,856 0.05 2,494 0.17 8,330 0.019 281 0.044 2,148 17.22
NSR截止 公噸 CU CU 倪妮 倪妮 PT PT 局部放電 局部放電 公司 公司 Au Au
CDN美元/噸 k % t % t 克/噸 奧茲 克/噸 奧茲 % t 克/噸 奧茲 %
120 205 0.78 1,593 0.36 734 0.07 460 0.25 1,675 0.014 28 0.032 212 10.23
110 342 0.76 2,591 0.32 1,096 0.07 715 0.24 2,665 0.013 44 0.025 278 10.13
100 693 0.76 5,257 0.26 1,813 0.06 1,235 0.22 4,812 0.012 81 0.019 421 9.34
90 1,333 0.70 9,329 0.24 3,174 0.05 2,153 0.20 8,756 0.011 150 0.016 687 9.16
80 2,114 0.65 13,785 0.22 4,654 0.05 3,161 0.20 13,336 0.011 233 0.014 981 9.00
120 89 1.46 1,297 0.15 131 0.03 86 0.15 419 0.008 7 0.025 71 8.10
110 104 1.38 1,433 0.16 161 0.03 105 0.15 501 0.008 9 0.024 80 8.22
100 118 1.30 1,540 0.16 194 0.03 127 0.15 588 0.009 10 0.023 86 8.35
90 143 1.18 1,691 0.17 248 0.04 163 0.16 737 0.009 13 0.020 93 8.48
80 248 0.93 2,315 0.17 426 0.04 285 0.16 1,315 0.010 24 0.014 112 8.40
120 2,632 0.85 22,331 0.43 11,441 0.06 5,444 0.24 20,437 0.016 431 0.049 4,133 10.31
110 3,277 0.82 26,729 0.41 13,337 0.06 6,593 0.24 25,085 0.016 512 0.047 4,944 10.01
100 4,005 0.78 31,413 0.38 15,189 0.06 7,846 0.23 30,232 0.015 596 0.045 5,794 9.70
90 5,108 0.74 37,910 0.35 17,653 0.06 9,626 0.23 37,765 0.014 713 0.043 7,028 9.34
80 6,760 0.69 46,696 0.31 20,876 0.06 12,218 0.22 48,691 0.013 877 0.041 8,854 8.99
120 82 0.95 781 0.23 189 0.05 122 0.22 573 0.015 12 0.096 253 10.74
110 160 0.86 1,369 0.23 370 0.05 242 0.22 1,114 0.015 24 0.087 447 10.70
100 404 0.77 3,116 0.21 859 0.06 765 0.22 2,841 0.014 56 0.067 872 10.53
90 750 0.71 5,359 0.20 1,522 0.06 1,430 0.21 5,057 0.013 101 0.058 1,390 10.50
80 1,504 0.63 9,438 0.19 2,856 0.05 2,494 0.17 8,330 0.019 281 0.044 2,148 17.22

Quality Assurance and Quality Control
The QA-QC procedures employed by Nickel North were industry standard and included collection of drill core field duplicate samples, insertion of certified reference materials (standards) and blanks, and systematic laboratory inserted certified reference materials, pulp duplicates and client specified sample pulp repeats.
The QA-QC program for Hawk Ridge 2012 to 2014 exploration was set up in advance to ensure the drill program was compliant to industry standards, and to provide the accuracy and precision of the sampling and analytical processes to an acceptable level.
Samples were received at TSL Laboratories Inc., ("TSL"), and sorted and dried prior to preparation. Drill core and rock samples were crushed using a primary jaw crusher to a minimum 70% passing -10 mesh. A 250 g subsample was pulverized to a minimum 95% passing -150 mesh. The precious metals, Au, Pd and Pt were analyzed using lead-collection fire assay with ICP finish at TSL.
Sample pulps were then shipped by commercial air freight directly to ACME Labs in Vancouver, BC for analysis of a 41-element suite, and Ni and Cu were determined by a 4-acid digest at ACME.
TSL Laboratories Inc. ("TSL") is based in Saskatoon, SK and has been in continuous operation since 1981. The TSL quality system conforms to requirements of ISO/IEC Standard 17025 guidelines, and participates in the Proficiency Testing program sponsored by the Canadian Certified Reference Materials Project. The lab has qualified for the Certificates of Laboratory Proficiency since the program's inception in 1997. TSL was recently acquired by Saskatchewan Research Council.
ACME operates 19 offices in 11 countries. At each lab, a quality system compliant with the International Standards Organization (ISO) 9001 Model for Quality Assurance and ISO/IEC 17025 General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories is implemented. The Vancouver laboratory received formal approval of its ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accreditation from the Standards Council of Canada for the tests listed in the approved scope of accreditation.
Qualified Persons
The technical information in this news release has been prepared in accordance with Canadian regulatory requirements as set out in National Instrument 43-101 and reviewed and approved by Tony Guo, P.Geo., who is a Nickel North's Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 ("NI 43-101"). The Mineral Resource Estimate and technical content in this news release have been supervised, reviewed and approved by, Antoine Yassa, P.Geo, OGQ of P&E Mining Consultants Inc. who is independent of Nickel North.

Nickel North採用的QA-QC程序是行業標準,包括收集鑽芯現場重複樣品、插入認證標準物質(標準)和空白、系統實驗室插入認證標準物質、紙漿複製品和客户指定的紙漿重複樣品。
本新聞稿中的技術信息是根據國家儀器43-101中所列的加拿大法規要求編制的,並經國家儀器43-101(“NI 43-101”)所界定的Nickel North的合格人員Tony Guo,P.Geo審核和批准。本新聞稿中的礦產資源評估和技術內容已由獨立於Nickel North的P&E礦業諮詢公司的Antoine Yassa,P.Geo,OGQ監督、審查和批准。

About Nickel North Exploration


Nickel North Exploration is a Canada-based exploration company focused on defining a Ni-Cu-Co-PGE Mineral Resource at its Hawk Ridge Project in Northern Québec. The board of directors, advisor committee and management team are experienced, successful mine finders. The Project consists of a 50 km long belt of strong magmatic Cu-Ni-Co-PGE occurrences covering 173 km2. The Project is located near tidewater. Québec is a mining-friendly jurisdiction. Nickel North Exploration is a conscientious corporate citizen maintains good relations with local Inuit communities and is committed to sustainable development. For more information on the Company, please visit .


Nickel North Exploration Corp. has been identified as a key player in the Critical and Strategic Minerals value chain by Québec's Ministry of Economics and Innovation (MEI) in 2021 (Québec Plan for the Development of Critical and Strategic Minerals 2020-2025 (, which is part of Québec's Plan for the Development of Critical and Strategic Metals (QPDCSM) and aims to stimulate the exploration and mining of SCMs, their transformation and recycling.


Nickel North Exploration Inc.
Tony Guo. P. Geo, Chief Executive Officer (Tel: +1-778-877-5480)


North America IR / PR Jemini Capital
Jorge Galindo
Tel: +1 (647) 725-3888 x703


For further information please visit


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The securities being offered have not been, nor will they be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or state securities laws and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. persons absent U.S. federal and state registration or an applicable exemption from the U.S. registration requirements. This release does not constitute an offer for sale of securities in the United States.


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