
NSAV Retains Leading Investment Banking Firm, MD Global Partners

NSAV Retains Leading Investment Banking Firm, MD Global Partners

NSAV 保留了領先的投資銀行公司,MD 全球合作夥伴
GlobeNewswire ·  2022/08/22 09:05

London, England, Aug. 22, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Net Savings Link, Inc. (OTC Pink: NSAV), a cryptocurrency, blockchain and digital asset technology company, today announced that the Company has engaged leading Manhattan-based investment banking firm, MD Global Partners (MD Global), to act as its exclusive general financial advisor for strategic corporate planning and investment banking services. Since inception, MD Global has an aggregate deal value of over $4 billion and has completed 200+ deals across 20 countries. MD Global is registered with the SEC as a broker dealer and is a member of FINRA ( and SIPC. With MD Global's reputation as a trusted advisor over multiple industries all over the world, NSAV will be leveraging their capabilities to maximize shareholder interests.

英國倫敦,2022 年 8 月 22 日(GLOBE NEWISWIRE)-加密貨幣,區塊鏈和數字資產科技公司淨儲蓄鏈接公司(OTC 粉紅色:NSAV)今天宣布,該公司已聘用領先的曼哈頓投資銀行公司 MD Global Partners(MD Global),擔任其策略性企業規劃和投資銀行服務的獨家總財務顧問。自成立以來,MD Global 擁有超過 40 億美元的總交易價值,並已在 20 個國家完成了 200 多筆交易。MD Global 在美國證券交易委員會註冊為經紀經銷商,並且是 FINRA(和 SIPC)的成員。憑藉 MD Global 作為全球多個行業值得信賴的顧問的聲譽,NSAV 將利用其能力來最大化股東利益。

MD Global's veteran dealmakers have 100+ years of experience in technology investment banking, capital markets and entrepreneurship and a deep understanding of the market forces, competitive dynamics and valuation parameters of several high-growth, technology market segments. The firm advises clients across all major industry sectors.

MD Global 的資深交易者在科技投資銀行、資本市場和企業家精神領域擁有 100 多年的經驗,並且對多個高成長技術市場細分市場的市場力量、競爭動態和估值參數有深刻的了解。該公司為所有主要行業領域的客戶提供建議。

MD Global has 4 geographic locations to serve its clients around the globe and its professionals speak 10 languages, which is vital, as 50% of the firm's deals are cross border. NSAV management believes MD Global is the perfect firm to take the Company to the next level.

MD Global 擁有 4 個地理位置,可為全球客戶提供服務,其專業人士講 10 種語言,這至關重要,因為該公司 50% 的交易是跨境的。NSAV 管理層認為 MD Global 是將公司提升到一個新的水平的完美公司。

MD Global Partners website can be accessed at;

MD 全球合作夥伴網站可以在以下位置訪問:

Dato' Sri Desmond Lim, Interim CEO and Senior Vice President of Cryptocurrency Operations for NSAV and Silverbear Capital partner stated, "NSAV is thrilled to engage MD Global to assist us with critical strategic decisions. Their leadership has the right credentials to assist entrepreneurial driven public companies in raising growth capital and advising on potential strategic acquisitions."

NSAV 和銀熊資本合作夥伴臨時首席執行官兼加密貨幣業務高級副總裁拿督斯里德斯蒙德林表示,「NSAV 很高興能夠與 MD Global 協助我們進行關鍵戰略決策。他們的領導層擁有正確的資質,可以幫助創業驅動的上市公司籌集增長資金並就潛在的戰略收購提供建議。」

NSAV's vision is the establishment of a fully integrated technology company, which provides turnkey technological solutions to the cryptocurrency, blockchain and digital asset industries. Over time, the Company plans to provide a wide range of services such as software solutions, e-commerce, financial services, advisory services and information technology.

NSAV 的願景是成立一家完全集成的技術公司,該公司為加密貨幣,區塊鏈和數字資產行業提供交鑰匙技術解決方案。隨著時間的推移,公司計劃提供廣泛的服務,例如軟件解決方案,電子商務,金融服務,諮詢服務和信息技術。

For further information please contact NSAV at:


The NSAV Twitter account can be accessed at:   

該 NSAV 推特帳戶可以在以下位置訪問:

The NSAV corporate website can be accessed at:    

NSAV 公司網站可以在以下位置訪問:

The NSAV Centralized Cryptocurrency Exchange (CEX) website can be accessed at;  

NSAV 中央加密貨幣交易所(CEX)網站可以在以下位置訪問:

The NSAVDEX 1 Exchange website can be accessed at:    

NSAVDEX 1 交易所網站可在以下網址訪問:

The NSAVDEX 2 Exchange website can be accessed at:  

NSAVDEX 2 交易所網站可在以下網址訪問:

The NSAV NFT Marketplace website can be accessed at:  

NSAV NFT 市場網站可以在以下位置訪問:

The NSAV Premium OTC Crypto Trading Desk website can be accessed at:   

NSAV 高級場外加密交易台網站可以在以下網址訪問:

The NSAV Hong Kong OTC Crypto Trading Desk website can be accessed at:

NSAV 香港場外加密交易櫃檯網站可以在以下網址訪問:

The NSAVDEX Exchange Telegram account can be accessed at:  

可以在以下位置訪問 NSAVDEX 交換電報帳戶:

This press release contains certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, which are intended to be covered by the safe harbors created thereby. Investors are cautioned that, all forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, including without limitation, the ability of Net Savings Link, Inc. to accomplish its stated plan of business. Net Savings Link, Inc. believes that the assumptions underlying the forward-looking statements contained herein are reasonable, any of the assumptions could be inaccurate, and therefore, there can be no assurance that the forward-looking statements included in this press release will prove to be accurate. In light of the significant uncertainties inherent in the forward-looking statements included herein, the inclusion of such information should not be regarded as a representation by Net Savings Link, Inc. or any other person.

本新聞稿包含經修訂的《1933 年證券法》第 27A 條所指的若干前瞻性陳述,以及經修訂的 1934 年證券交易法第 21E 條,這些陳述旨在由此創建的安全港口覆蓋。投資者請注意,所有前瞻性陳述都涉及風險和不確定性,包括但不限於 Net Savings Link, Inc. 完成其既定業務計劃的能力。Net Savings Link, Inc. 認為,此處包含的前瞻性陳述的假設是合理的,任何假設都可能不准確,因此,不能保證本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性陳述將被證明是準確的。鑑於本文所包括的前瞻性陳述所固有的重大不確定因素,該等信息的包含不應被視為 Net Savings Link, Inc. 或任何其他人士的代表。

Net Savings Link, Inc.  


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