
Denny's (NASDAQ:DENN) & First Watch Restaurant Group (NASDAQ:FWRG) Head-To-Head Survey

Denny's (NASDAQ:DENN) & First Watch Restaurant Group (NASDAQ:FWRG) Head-To-Head Survey

Defense World ·  2022/09/06 02:31

Denny's (NASDAQ:DENN – Get Rating) and First Watch Restaurant Group (NASDAQ:FWRG – Get Rating) are both small-cap retail/wholesale companies, but which is the superior business? We will compare the two companies based on the strength of their profitability, earnings, valuation, risk, dividends, analyst recommendations and institutional ownership.

納斯達克(Denny‘s:Denn-Get Rating)和第一手錶餐飲集團(First Watch Restaurant Group)(納斯達克:FWRG-GET Rating)都是小盤零售/批發公司,但哪一家是優勢業務?我們將根據兩家公司的盈利能力、收益、估值、風險、股息、分析師推薦和機構持股等方面的實力進行比較。



This table compares Denny's and First Watch Restaurant Group's net margins, return on equity and return on assets.


Net Margins Return on Equity Return on Assets
Denny's 23.41% -53.52% 8.53%
First Watch Restaurant Group 0.51% 0.75% 0.33%
淨利潤率 股本回報率 資產回報率
丹尼的 23.41% -53.52% 8.53%
第一手錶餐飲集團 0.51% 0.75% 0.33%

Valuation & Earnings


This table compares Denny's and First Watch Restaurant Group's top-line revenue, earnings per share (EPS) and valuation.

該表格比較了丹尼和First Watch餐飲集團的營收、每股收益(EPS)和估值。

Gross Revenue Price/Sales Ratio Net Income Earnings Per Share Price/Earnings Ratio
Denny's $398.17 million 1.40 $78.07 million $1.57 6.12
First Watch Restaurant Group $601.19 million 1.70 -$2.11 million $0.07 247.32
總收入 價格/銷售額比 淨收入 每股收益 市盈率
丹尼的 3.9817億美元 1.40 7,807萬美元 $1.57 6.12
第一手錶餐飲集團 6.011億美元 1.70 -211萬元 $0.07 247.32
Denny's has higher earnings, but lower revenue than First Watch Restaurant Group. Denny's is trading at a lower price-to-earnings ratio than First Watch Restaurant Group, indicating that it is currently the more affordable of the two stocks.
丹尼的收入比First Watch餐飲集團高,但收入比First Watch餐飲集團低。Denny‘s的市盈率低於First Watch Restaurant Group,這表明它目前是兩隻股票中更負擔得起的一隻。

Analyst Recommendations


This is a summary of recent recommendations for Denny's and First Watch Restaurant Group, as provided by

這是MarketBeat.com為Denny‘s和First Watch Restaurant Group提供的最近建議的摘要。

Sell Ratings Hold Ratings Buy Ratings Strong Buy Ratings Rating Score
Denny's 0 3 5 0 2.63
First Watch Restaurant Group 0 2 9 0 2.82
銷售評級 保持評級 購買評級 強勁的買入評級 評級分數
丹尼的 0 3 5 0 2.63
第一手錶餐飲集團 0 2 9 0 2.82

Denny's presently has a consensus target price of $14.44, suggesting a potential upside of 50.23%. First Watch Restaurant Group has a consensus target price of $22.68, suggesting a potential upside of 31.03%. Given Denny's' higher probable upside, equities analysts plainly believe Denny's is more favorable than First Watch Restaurant Group.

丹尼目前的共識目標價為14.44美元,這意味着潛在的上漲幅度為50.23%。First Watch Restaurant Group的共識目標價為22.68美元,暗示潛在上漲31.03%。鑑於丹尼的上行可能性更高,股票分析師顯然認為丹尼比First Watch Restaurant Group更有利。

Insider and Institutional Ownership


84.6% of Denny's shares are held by institutional investors. Comparatively, 95.5% of First Watch Restaurant Group shares are held by institutional investors. 5.5% of Denny's shares are held by company insiders. Comparatively, 4.1% of First Watch Restaurant Group shares are held by company insiders. Strong institutional ownership is an indication that endowments, large money managers and hedge funds believe a stock is poised for long-term growth.

丹尼84.6%的股份由機構投資者持有。相比之下,First Watch Restaurant Group 95.5%的股份由機構投資者持有。丹尼5.5%的股份由公司內部人士持有。相比之下,First Watch Restaurant Group 4.1%的股份由公司內部人士持有。強大的機構持股表明,捐贈基金、大型基金管理公司和對衝基金相信,一隻股票有望實現長期增長。



First Watch Restaurant Group beats Denny's on 7 of the 13 factors compared between the two stocks.

First Watch Restaurant Group在比較兩隻股票的13個因素中有7個超過了Denny‘s。

About Denny's


(Get Rating)


Denny's Corporation, through its subsidiary, Denny's, Inc., owns and operates full-service restaurant chains under the Denny's brand. As of December 29, 2021, it had 1,640 franchised, licensed, and company restaurants worldwide. The company was formerly known as Advantica Restaurant Group, Inc. and changed its name to Denny's Corporation in 2002. Denny's Corporation was founded in 1953 and is based in Spartanburg, South Carolina.

丹尼公司通過其子公司丹尼公司,擁有並經營丹尼品牌下的全方位服務連鎖餐廳。截至2021年12月29日,它在全球擁有1640家特許經營、特許經營和公司餐廳。該公司前身為Advantica餐飲集團,2002年更名為Denny‘s Corporation。丹尼公司成立於1953年,總部設在南卡羅來納州的斯帕坦堡。

About First Watch Restaurant Group

關於First Watch餐飲集團

(Get Rating)


First Watch Restaurant Group, Inc. operates and franchises restaurants under the First Watch trade name. As of March 23, 2022, it operated 341 company-owned restaurants and 94 franchised restaurants in 28 states in the United States. The company was formerly known as AI Fresh Super Holdco, Inc. and changed its name to First Watch Restaurant Group, Inc. in December 2019. First Watch Restaurant Group, Inc. was founded in 1983 and is headquartered in Bradenton, Florida.

First Watch餐飲集團以First Watch商標經營和特許經營餐廳。截至2022年3月23日,它在美國28個州經營着341家公司所有的餐廳和94家特許經營餐廳。該公司前身為AI Fresh Super Holdco,Inc.,2019年12月更名為First Watch Restaurant Group,Inc.。First Watch餐飲集團成立於1983年,總部設在佛羅裏達州的布拉登頓。

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