
Altamira Gold Announces New Gold Discovery at the Maria Bonita Target, Cajueiro Project, Brazil

Altamira Gold Announces New Gold Discovery at the Maria Bonita Target, Cajueiro Project, Brazil

newsfile ·  2022/09/07 08:35

First two diamond drill holes return 50 m @ 1 g/t gold and 55 m @ 1 g/t gold respectively


Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - September 7, 2022) - Altamira Gold Corp. (TSXV: ALTA) (FSE: T6UP) (OTC Pink: EQTRF) ("Altamira" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has received assay results from the first two diamond drill holes completed at the previously untested Maria Bonita target which forms part of the Cajueiro project in Para state, Brazil.

温哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省-(Newsfile Corp.-2022年9月7日)-阿爾塔米拉黃金公司(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:ALTA)(證券交易所代碼:T6UP)(場外粉色股票代碼:EQTRF) ("阿爾塔米拉“或”公司“)很高興地宣佈,它已經收到了在以前未經測試的Maria Bonita目標完成的前兩個鑽石鑽孔的化驗結果,該目標是巴西帕拉州Cajueiro項目的一部分。



  • Hole MBA001 returned 50m @ 1 g/t gold from surface in a strongly altered felsic porphyritic intrusive host rock, crosscut by several phases of quartz veining indicative of an underlying porphyry intrusive system. Gold values range from 0.14 to 2.4 g/t gold
  • 孔MBA001已返回50米@1克/噸黃金從地表看,在強烈蝕變的長英斑巖侵入巖中,被幾個階段的石英脈橫切,表明下面有斑巖侵入系統。黃金價格從0.14克/噸黃金到2.4克/噸黃金
  • The remainder of the hole MBA001 contained consistent gold mineralization returning 71.4m @ 0.3 g/t gold from 50-121.4m. All samples contained gold above the detection limit indicating a very pervasive mineralizing event
  • MBA001孔的其餘部分含有一致的金礦化返回71.4米@0.3克/噸黃金從5000萬到121.4m。所有樣品的金含量都超過了檢測限值,表明成礦事件非常普遍
  • MBA002 was drilled 80m to the SSW of MBA001 and intersected 69.5m @ 0.9 g/t gold from surface, including 55m @ 1 g/t gold. Gold values are very consistent ranging from 0.2 - 2.2 g/t. The hole cut a second interval of 25m @ 0.7 g/t gold from 110m depth and ended in mineralization at 135m depth
  • MBA002在MBA001的SSW處鑽80m並相交69.5米@0.9克/噸黃金從表面,包括55米@1克/噸黃金。金價在0.2-2.2克/噸範圍內非常一致。該孔切割了第二個間隔25米@0.7克/噸黃金從110米深到135米深的礦化
  • The gold-in-soil anomaly at Maria Bonita is 800 x 800m in size and open in several directions and is coincident with an aeromagnetic feature which extends up to 1.2km east-west, bounded on three sides by linear features, interpreted as faults
  • 瑪利亞博尼塔的土壤金異常大小為800x800米,向多個方向開放,與東西長達1.2公里的航磁特徵重合,該特徵以線性特徵為界,被解釋為斷層。

CEO Mike Bennett commented; "These initial results on the first two diamond drill holes at the previously untested Maria Bonita suggest that we have made a significant new gold discovery at our Cajueiro project located within the Alta Floresta Belt. The intense quartz stockwork veining observed in the first two holes is unlike any other style of mineralization thus far encountered in the Cajueiro area. This style of gold mineralization, together with the size of the gold-in-soil anomaly (800 x 800m), suggest that Maria Bonita may have significant bulk-tonnage potential. We look forward to receiving the results on the other seven reconnaissance drill holes at this exciting new gold discovery, as we work to determine the size of the mineralized system."




The Cajueiro project is located approximately 75km NW of the town of Alta Floresta in the state of Mato Grosso (Figure 1) in central western Brazil and is easily accessible by road and has grid power. Cajueiro forms one of three key projects that Altamira controls in the region, the other two being Apiacas and Santa Helena (Figure 1).

Cajueiro項目位於巴西中西部馬託格羅索州Alta Floresta鎮西北約75公里處(圖1),道路交通便利,有電網供電。卡胡埃羅是阿爾塔米拉公司在該地區控制的三個主要項目之一,另外兩個是阿皮亞卡斯和聖赫勒拿(圖1)。

Figure 1: Location of the Cajueiro, Apiacas and Santa Helena projects.

圖1:Cajueiro、Apiacas和Santa Helena項目的位置。

The Cajueiro project has current NI 43-101 resources of 5.66Mt @ 1.02 g/t gold for a total of 185,000 oz in the Indicated Resource category and 12.66Mt @ 1.26 g/t gold for a total of 515,000 oz in the Inferred Resource category.

Cajueiro項目目前的NI 43-101資源為5.66公噸@1.02克/噸黃金,在指示資源類別中總計為185,000盎司,在推斷資源類別中為12.66公噸@1.26克/噸黃金,總計為515,000盎司。

Several strong, but as yet, untested gold-in-soil anomalies occur within a short radius of the Cajueiro resource area and include Maria Bonita, Sossego and Novo Sonho (Figure 2). Maria Bonita is the strongest of these peripheral gold-in-soil anomalies and is open to the west, with the current footprint of the geochemical anomaly covering an area comparable in size to the entire Cajueiro mineral resource area.

在Cajueiro資源區的短半徑內發生了幾個強烈的、但尚未經過測試的土壤中黃金異常,包括Maria Bonita、Sossego和Novo Sonho(圖2)。Maria Bonita是這些外圍土壤中金異常中最強烈的,向西開放,目前的地球化學異常足跡覆蓋的面積與整個Cajueiro礦產資源區的面積相當。

Figure 2: Location of the Cajueiro (Baldo) mineral resource and the Maria Bonita target showing relative size and intensity of the soil responses The Maria Bonita soil anomaly remains open to the west and north.

圖2:Cajueiro(Baldo)礦產資源和Maria Bonita目標的位置顯示了土壤響應的相對大小和強度瑪麗亞Bonita土壤異常向西和向北保持開放。

Maria Bonita Target


The Maria Bonita target is located approximately 7km northwest of the Cajueiro resource area (Figure 2) and is defined by a gold-in-soil anomaly which is at least 800 x 800m in size and open to the west. The central part of the anomaly returned gold values in excess of 1g/t gold in soils (Figure 3).

Maria Bonita目標位於Cajueiro資源區西北約7公里處(圖2),由一個至少800x800米大小的向西開放的土壤中黃金異常確定。異常的中心部分返回土壤中超過1g/t金的金值(圖3)。

Figure 3: Gold-in-soil values at the Maria Bonita target over background aero-magnetic data (derivative of total magnetic intensity - TMI) with structural interpretation

圖3:背景航磁數據(總磁強度的導數-TMI)上Maria Bonita目標的土壤中金的值與結構解釋

There is no history of any hard-rock gold mining activity at Maria Bonita and no rock exposure on surface, and the target has never been previously tested by drilling. Historic placer workings in the stream immediately south of the target suggest that there is a physical dispersion train of gold eroding from the area. Regional airborne geophysics indicates the presence of intersecting WNW and NE structures with a regional late-stage magnetic dyke trending ENE through the area to the south of the target.

Maria Bonita沒有任何硬巖金礦開採活動的歷史,地表也沒有巖石裸露,該目標以前從未經過鑽探測試。就在目標南邊的溪流中,歷史悠久的砂礦開採表明,該地區有一列物理分散的黃金被侵蝕。區域航空地球物理研究表明,靶區南側存在WNW向和NE向交叉構造,區域晚期磁牆呈ENE走向。

Nine reconnaissance diamond-drill holes have been completed at the Maria Bonita target and results have been returned on the initial two holes.


The initial hole MBA001 was drilled in a NNE direction at 55° within the central part of the gold-in-soil anomaly and intersected a porphyritic intrusive rock with variable amounts of quartz veining. The most intense quartz veining was observed from surface to 50m depth down hole and this section returned 50m @ 1g/t gold (Figure 4). The interval was consistently mineralized with gold values ranging from 0.14 to 2.4 g/t gold. Increased vein density (Figure 5) generally correlates with higher gold grades. This upper zone of gold mineralization is underlain by a less intensely mineralized porphyry intrusive which returned 0.3 g/t gold over the remaining 71.4m to the end of the hole.


Figure 4: Drill section looking west showing analyses from drillholes MBA001 and MBA002


Figure 5: Typical dark grey quartz stockwork veining from 21.41m in diamond drill hole MBA001 with multiple micro veining in altered host rock quartz-felspar porphyry.


The second diamond-drill hole MBA002, was drilled 80m to the SSW of MBA001 in the same NNE direction and dip (55°) (Figure 4) and intersected similar porphyritic intrusive rocks with variable amounts of quartz veining (Figure 6). The hole intersected 69.5m @ 0.9 g/t gold from surface, including 55m @ 1.0 g/t gold. Gold values are again very consistent ranging from 0.2 - 2.2 g/t. The hole cut a second interval of 25m @ 0.7 g/t gold from 110m depth and ended in mineralization (0.4 g/t gold) at 135m depth.


Figure 6: Typical dark grey quartz stockwork veining from 115 m in diamond drill hole MBA002 with multiple micro veining in altered host rock quartz-felspar porphyry.


The porphyritic nature of the host intrusive rock and the intensity of the quartz vein stockworking suggests that Maria Bonita represents a previously unrecognised gold porphyry system. Unlike the mineralized structures at the nearby Cajueiro deposit, gold mineralization is not restricted to narrow structures and is pervasive over broad intervals from surface suggesting that Maria Bonita represents a significant new discovery with bulk tonnage potential.

寄主侵入巖的斑巖性質和石英脈網脈的強度表明,瑪麗亞·博尼塔代表了一個以前未被識別的金斑巖系統。與附近Cajueiro礦牀的礦化構造不同,金礦化不僅限於狹窄的構造,而且從地表開始廣泛分佈,表明Maria Bonita是一項具有巨大噸位潛力的重大新發現。

A total of nine initial reconnaissance diamond drill holes have now been completed at Maria Bonita. Results are pending on seven of these holes. On the basis of the initial two diamond drill holes further drilling will be required in order to determine the size of this new mineralized system. A plan for follow-up drilling will be submitted for Board approval once all of the results on the initial nine reconnaissance diamond-drill holes have been received.


Santa Helena Project


A total of 23 diamond drillholes totalling 3631.9m have been completed at Santa Helena. Drilling has largely focused on vein-style Au (Cu) occurrences associated with historic garimpo workings. This follows the recent identification of porphyry-style alteration in the three initial diamond drill holes STH-001to STH-003 (see press release 1st December 2021).


Results from all 23 initial diamond drill holes at Santa Helena are expected by early Q4 2022.


Qualified Person


Guillermo Hughes, FAIG and M AusIMM., a consultant to the Company as well as a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, supervised the preparation of the technical information in this news release.

Guillermo Hughes、Faig和M AusIMM是該公司的顧問,也是National Instrument 43-101定義的合格人員,他們監督了本新聞稿中技術信息的準備工作。

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


About Altamira Gold Corp.


The Company is focused on the exploration and development of gold projects within western central Brazil. The Company holds 8 projects comprising approximately 190,000 hectares, within the prolific Juruena gold belt which historically produced an estimated 7 to 10Moz of placer gold. The Company's advanced Cajueiro project has NI 43-101 resources of 5.66Mt @ 1.02 g/t gold for a total of 185,000 oz in the Indicated Resource category and 12.66Mt @ 1.26 g/t gold for a total of 515,000oz in the Inferred Resource category.

該公司專注於巴西中西部金礦項目的勘探和開發。該公司在多產的Juruena金礦帶內擁有8個項目,總面積約190,000公頃,歷史上該金礦帶的砂金產量估計為7至10 Moz。該公司的高級Cajueiro項目擁有NI 43-101資源,5.66公噸@1.02克/噸黃金,在指示資源類別中總計185,000盎司,在推斷資源類別中,12.66公噸@1.26克/噸黃金,總計515,000盎司。

On Behalf of the Board of Directors,




"Michael Bennett"


Michael Bennett
President & CEO


Tel: 604.676.5660


Forward-Looking Statements


Statements in this document which are not purely historical are forward-looking statements, including any statements regarding beliefs, plans, expectations or intentions regarding the future. It is important to note that actual outcomes and the Company's actual results could differ materially from those in such forward-looking statements. Except as required by law, we do not undertake to update these forward-looking statements.


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