Ketamine Therapy Growing In US And Canada With This Novel Montreal Clinic
Ketamine Therapy Growing In US And Canada With This Novel Montreal Clinic
Legal ketamine-assisted therapy for people with diagnosed mental health conditions continues to expand throughout the U.S. and Canada.
Numinus Wellness Inc. (OTCQX:NUMIF) announced the opening of a second Canada-based clinic in a week offering several therapy modalities for the treatment of disorders such as depression, addiction, trauma and anxiety to accommodate to different client needs and financial means.
The new Montreal-based facility will replace an existing clinic and provide expanded ketamine-assisted treatments, including several therapy options such as Spravato, intramuscular administration, lozenge and nasal spray combined with different treatment lengths and session types.
In addition to Numinus' current six-week ketamine-assisted therapy program, the new services will include the option to access ketamine as a standalone treatment for clients to complement prior ketamine-assisted therapy, use as an emergency antidepressant, or use in conjunction with external therapy.
Separately, the company will continue supporting access to psilocybin and MDMA-assisted therapies for clients in need through Health Canada's Special Access Program (SAP) in the new facility as well as its other 13 centers across Canada and the US.
A Key Partnership For Veteran Access To SPRAVATO
The subsidiary of Delic Holdings Corp (OTCQB:DELCF) Ketamine Wellness Centers (KWC) has further advanced its collaboration with the Veterans Administration Community Care Network (VA-CCN) to cover SPRAVATO treatments at certain clinics.
的附屬公司Delic Holdings Corp(OTCQB:DELCF) 氯胺酮健康中心(KWC)進一步推進了與退伍軍人管理社區關愛網絡(VA-CCN)覆蓋SPRAVATO在某些診所接受治療。
The previously established partnership offered ketamine-assisted therapy to veterans with PTSD, major depression and chronic pain at no out-of-pocket cost in KWC Naperville, Illinois, and Burnsville, Minnesota locations.
The new partnership will allow VA-CCN authorized patients with treatment-resistant depression (TRD) to access the therapy, consisting of the esketamine nasal spray in combination with an oral depressant, at KWC clinics located in Mesa, Tucson, Phoenix, Denver, Seattle, Reno, Las Vegas, Houston and Dallas.
Patients pursuing this treatment option will first meet KWC's intake and screening teams to ensure that SPRAVATO is the most effective option for them.
In addition to the partnership with the Network, the company offers a Hero Discount at clinics nationwide to cover partial treatment costs for military veterans and first responders.
CEO Kevin Nicholson said the current collaboration has allowed them "to better serve these men and women and offer treatments such as Spravato with positive, long-term benefits that get to the root cause. They have sacrificed so much for this country and we are committed to helping those who may need the support to recover and get control over their lives again."
KWC provides IV ketamine-assisted therapy throughout its 13 clinics in the U.S. Since it began providing services in 2011, the company is now approaching 100,000 treatments to clinically eligible patients, from young adults to seniors, while also developing specialized programs for veterans and first responders as with the present partnership.
Photo courtesy of RODNAE Productions on Pexels and Doc James on Wikimedia Commons.
圖片由Pexels上的RODNAE Productions和Wikimedia Commons上的Doc James提供。